Opt-outs by Starry and others, questions of speed, and making business cases have created uncertainty for enterprise network planners looking to reach offices and homes by operators fueled by the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund.
Monday, October 31, 2022
Show HN: MetalliCSS: A JavaScript library that gives CSS a metallic lustre https://ift.tt/rS7gNp2
Show HN: MetalliCSS: A JavaScript library that gives CSS a metallic lustre https://ift.tt/ai3vsEw October 31, 2022 at 09:25AM
Show HN: Yet Another Open Map https://ift.tt/rVd0Rkh
Show HN: Yet Another Open Map A curated collection of authoritative and non-authoritative datasets in a OpenStreetMap-compatible format and data model. For now there is just a draft specification and PoC for Madrid. https://yaom.org October 31, 2022 at 02:09AM
Show HN: Alternative Tab Manager for Firefox https://ift.tt/YwZGEXe
Show HN: Alternative Tab Manager for Firefox This is an addon. I'm using it exclusively for tab management. I removed the bar bar with css to rely only on this. It has a bunch of convenient features that you might like. So far I find it very pleasant to use. https://ift.tt/NcWT10u October 31, 2022 at 01:15AM
Show HN: Waddle – Like Wordle, but Harder https://ift.tt/7CWbIOq
Show HN: Waddle – Like Wordle, but Harder https://ift.tt/WovkA9f October 30, 2022 at 06:42PM
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Show HN: AI magics meet Infinite draw board https://ift.tt/szrpB75
Show HN: AI magics meet Infinite draw board https://ift.tt/d9lcfJp October 30, 2022 at 02:32PM
Show HN: Conzept encyclopedia https://ift.tt/taBUnC7
Show HN: Conzept encyclopedia Conzept is an attempt to create an encyclopedia for the 21st century. A free topic-exploration tool based on Wikipedia, Wikidata, the Open Library and more. The project is free software (GNU GPL v3). A big new release was made today: - https://ift.tt/olgeLNu - https://twitter.com/conzept__/status/1586689998702665730 https://ift.tt/EGm3ade October 30, 2022 at 02:22PM
Show HN: Shell Of A New Machine: Quickly configure new environments https://ift.tt/aMc9yHj
Show HN: Shell Of A New Machine: Quickly configure new environments https://ift.tt/y8E6BsN October 30, 2022 at 04:41AM
Show HN: Create Posts with Gradient Text https://ift.tt/yf8VtEm
Show HN: Create Posts with Gradient Text Who doesn't like gradients? With Purple Photo, we can create posts with zero designing skills. We have recently added support for the gradient text. Let us know what you think about it. https://ift.tt/M7jH2rs October 30, 2022 at 08:20AM
Show HN: I designed a ring binder to organize 1,700 resistors https://ift.tt/MfiNATg
Show HN: I designed a ring binder to organize 1,700 resistors https://ift.tt/dW30xOr October 30, 2022 at 09:20AM
Show HN: A minimal job board and blog for signal processing engineers https://ift.tt/SONPwUy
Show HN: A minimal job board and blog for signal processing engineers https://ift.tt/ukH65Qq October 30, 2022 at 03:24AM
Show HN: Core Count, a tool to visualize your software’s physical footprint https://ift.tt/bLnahu8
Show HN: Core Count, a tool to visualize your software’s physical footprint I wanted to make it easier for my coworkers and I to visualize the physical footprint of the software we operate! https://ift.tt/dR7J8CI October 29, 2022 at 11:47PM
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Show HN: Allurt – Privacy Keeper for Screen Sharing https://ift.tt/ZSEkQje
Show HN: Allurt – Privacy Keeper for Screen Sharing https://ift.tt/4WG89HQ October 29, 2022 at 11:12AM
Show HN: Missing.css: The Missing CSS Stylesheet https://ift.tt/d4H6FOq
Show HN: Missing.css: The Missing CSS Stylesheet https://missing.style/ October 29, 2022 at 03:34AM
Show HN: I made a builder that lets you create a sales page for Gumroad products https://ift.tt/5nA2T8s
Show HN: I made a builder that lets you create a sales page for Gumroad products Hey everyone, Would love to hear your feedback I just released the beta for a no-code builder specifically for people selling on Gumroad. Seeing lots of artsy and non-technical folks selling through Gumroad, their only real option when advertising is to create a sales page throuh something like Square or Wix. Like all non-niche things, this becomes hard when you actually want to link up your payment and email subscribers directly to your page. (Not to even mention affiliate sellers). Wrapping gum is my response to this So if you're a seller on Gumroad, would love to hear some feedback from you on whether or not you would find this usefull or not Brutal feedback is always encouraged :) Thank you https://ift.tt/f0VH2ir October 29, 2022 at 12:04AM
Friday, October 28, 2022
Show HN: Dvi-decode for LuaTeX. Render LaTeX documents directly in the browser https://ift.tt/ogdVml5
Show HN: Dvi-decode for LuaTeX. Render LaTeX documents directly in the browser https://ift.tt/hs1XVj8 October 28, 2022 at 10:23AM
Show HN: Free weekly email of 20 vetted software engineers that you can hire https://ift.tt/pwjhtnZ
Show HN: Free weekly email of 20 vetted software engineers that you can hire https://ift.tt/ELKnMob October 28, 2022 at 01:27AM
Show HN: Computer Vision made easy with a new open-source Framework https://ift.tt/QEJHuI6
Show HN: Computer Vision made easy with a new open-source Framework https://ift.tt/5ACbxrY October 28, 2022 at 12:44AM
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Zscaler Report Finds That the Shift to Cloud is Increasing the Risk of Data Loss
The problem with traditional DLP is it requires continual policy tweaking, ongoing management by large teams, and substantial overhead.
Show HN: Interactive symbols from your decompiler to your debugger https://ift.tt/tDYcNRO
Show HN: Interactive symbols from your decompiler to your debugger It works on Ghidra, Binja, IDA, and angr-dec. Currently, gdb is the only debugger supported -- best with GEF. https://ift.tt/W69ELeb October 27, 2022 at 02:40AM
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Show HN: Encrypt and hide files inside images https://ift.tt/8HhDNFx
Show HN: Encrypt and hide files inside images https://ift.tt/FodqLyY October 26, 2022 at 01:21AM
Equifax's Lessons Are Still Relevant, 5 Years Later
Cybersecurity pros discuss a trio of lessons from the Equifax hack and how to prevent similar attacks in the enterprise.
Equifax's Lessons Are Still Relevant, 5 Years Later
Cybersecurity pros discuss a trio of lessons from the Equifax hack and how to prevent similar attacks in the enterprise.
source https://www.darkreading.com/edge-articles/5-years-after-the-equifax-breach-industry-experts-share-new-insights
source https://www.darkreading.com/edge-articles/5-years-after-the-equifax-breach-industry-experts-share-new-insights
4 Ways SSDs Are Failing Your Applications…and What You Can Do About It
Accelerated SSDs can help overcome the challenges commodity SSDs have in keeping up with the demands of the modern data center.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Show HN: Shorter Shower – Save water and time https://ift.tt/9VkdbJq
Show HN: Shorter Shower – Save water and time TL;DR; This free mobile application helps you take a shorter shower by keeping you focused. This is done with routines comprised of activities (shampoo hair, wash body, etc). When the routine is started, the app will tell you which activity you should be doing. Download the application and let me know what you think. Always looking for feedback. Thanks!! Please up vote on Product Hunt: https://ift.tt/yVd2EB0 Longer version: My brothers and I took after my father in a lot of ways. One of the biggest was taking very long showers. When I moved to California, it was frowned upon to take a long shower due to it wasting water. I tried to take shorter showers but I kept zoning out. All of a sudden, 5-10 mins went by and I hadn't done anything yet. To solve this I tried setting timers, counting to myself, and a number of other ways. I realized the only way that I could consistently take a shorter shower is if something told me what I was supposed to be doing. That is when I created shorter shower. The app allows you to create activities (shampoo hair, wash body, etc) with an expected duration. You can combine the activities into multiple timers/routines. When you start the timer, it will change the volume of your phone to a predefined value so you can hear it over the shower noise. It will then audibly tell you what you should be doing when. It will stop the timer automatically when you are on the last activity and you turn off the shower. When the timer is done, the phone volume will be reset to its previous value. This app helped me go from 12 min showers to 5 min showers very quickly. A few notes about data. Activity and timer data is stored on the phone. I send water usage metrics to a server but do not include user information. This is mainly to answer the question, how much water are people saving / using each day. I also use GA to track user interactions. https://ift.tt/7iTp1nr October 25, 2022 at 12:27AM
IoT Fingerprinting Helps Authenticate and Secure All Those Devices
For organizations struggling to protect a rapidly expanding volume of IoT devices, IoT fingerprinting could help with security and management.
source https://www.darkreading.com/dr-tech/iot-fingerprinting-helps-authenticate-and-secure-all-those-devices
source https://www.darkreading.com/dr-tech/iot-fingerprinting-helps-authenticate-and-secure-all-those-devices
IoT Fingerprinting Helps Authenticate and Secure All Those Devices
For organizations struggling to protect a rapidly expanding volume of IoT devices, IoT fingerprinting could help with security and management.
Show HN: Podcastsaver.com – a search engine testbench dressed as a podcast site https://ift.tt/gN7b614
Show HN: Podcastsaver.com – a search engine testbench dressed as a podcast site Hey HN, I submitted PodcastSaver (https://ift.tt/NL8SA7D) before but the reason it's interesting now is that I've started converting it into a live search engine test-bench. I've discussed it a bit here[0], and this idea has been kicking around in my head for a while so I got a chance to do some related writing about it with Supabase[1]. The basic idea is to use a modest piece of the podcast index[2] as a place to test out different new age search engines against each other. So far there are two engines running: - Postgres FTS + pg_trgm (tuned -- indices are there, I did some EXPLAINing earlier today to tighten things up, but still all built-in tech) - Meilisearch (untuned -- just stand it up, give it resources and put in documents) To that effect, I've added a "nerds" page you should peruse: https://ift.tt/wPr4iMb On that page you can: - choose your search engine - choose whether to force disable the cache (obviously... you'd want that, for the results to mean anything, but for regular people surfing the cache is on!) As far as actually getting the podcast search really good, there is a ton of curation left to do so it's a subpar consumer product still, but it's interesting from at least this angle! Going to add more search engines later but who knows when (this project was supposed to be short!). I can't add every engine on the huge list of new-age search engines[3], but I can say that I will get to highlighting all of them in Awesome F/OSS[4]... Eventually. [0]: https://ift.tt/uqJ9RXw [1]: https://ift.tt/WKxjTPt [2]: https://ift.tt/fdGbi5D [3]: https://ift.tt/FNa8uxG [4]: https://awsmfoss.com October 24, 2022 at 10:26PM
Show HN: My bash script with a Now Playing widget for controlling Apple Music https://ift.tt/T2BEAac
Show HN: My bash script with a Now Playing widget for controlling Apple Music There are three functions to (1) play music (2) list out music (3) open a Now Playing widget w/ additional controls. Should be nice for anyone who'd like a basic alternative way to control their music without the GUI. https://ift.tt/skfKWit October 24, 2022 at 08:15PM
Monday, October 24, 2022
Embracing the Next Generation of Business Developers
Security teams that embrace low-code/no-code can change the security mindset of business users.
source https://www.darkreading.com/edge-articles/embracing-the-next-generation-of-business-developers
source https://www.darkreading.com/edge-articles/embracing-the-next-generation-of-business-developers
Show HN: Share and Discover Side Projects https://ift.tt/grBKvdL
Show HN: Share and Discover Side Projects https://ift.tt/61ks5Hi October 24, 2022 at 11:34AM
Show HN: A shell in every text input on your system https://ift.tt/dW79ge2
Show HN: A shell in every text input on your system https://ift.tt/EXtTRUF October 24, 2022 at 09:39AM
Show HN: Unix shell script tactics – a style guide https://ift.tt/wRYpVvx
Show HN: Unix shell script tactics – a style guide https://ift.tt/CT3qK1y October 24, 2022 at 04:48AM
Show HN: TPMouse - A Virtual Trackball for Windows, controlled from the homerow https://ift.tt/4187FgE
Show HN: TPMouse - A Virtual Trackball for Windows, controlled from the homerow Hello all, I apologize for the repost as the previous submission was made from an unfortunate timezone. I've been refining my app to the point that it's pretty much become an indispensable daily driver in my own workflow. Hoping to hear some critiques/feedbacks on its usability! https://ift.tt/k82WjRH October 24, 2022 at 12:24AM
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Show HN: I made a CMS that uses Git to store your data https://ift.tt/cZdnrF8
Show HN: I made a CMS that uses Git to store your data I'm excited to finally launch Outstatic, an open source static website CMS that doesn't require a complicated setup or signing up to a third-party service! You can access the documentation here: Outstatic Documentation. I invite you to start by deploying our example blog to Vercel and giving it a try. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy and fun it is to use Outstatic. Please, let me know what you think. This is the first public version of the project and all feedback is welcome. If you dig the project feel free to leave a star on Github. I appreciate your support! https://Outstatic.com October 23, 2022 at 01:58PM
Show HN: Wedding thank you notes auto-drafted with Dust and GPT3 https://ift.tt/iNqA9Dd
Show HN: Wedding thank you notes auto-drafted with Dust and GPT3 https://ift.tt/LH69Ggq October 22, 2022 at 08:53PM
Show HN: In Browser Image Editor https://ift.tt/3ljA4eQ
Show HN: In Browser Image Editor https://ift.tt/tl5pAoI October 23, 2022 at 04:55AM
Show HN: Decentralized Autonomous Lawn Mower https://ift.tt/LR4e0OM
Show HN: Decentralized Autonomous Lawn Mower https://ift.tt/mes9EBM October 23, 2022 at 03:10AM
Show HN: JP-Hash https://ift.tt/WlJrb0D
Show HN: JP-Hash https://ift.tt/1XV0jCa October 23, 2022 at 03:34AM
Show HN: Open-source Wikipedia Q&A bot using GPT-3 https://ift.tt/q5OGIzH
Show HN: Open-source Wikipedia Q&A bot using GPT-3 https://twitter.com/shubroski/status/1583921006636589057 October 22, 2022 at 11:54PM
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Show HN: First open source data discovery and observability platform https://ift.tt/jTgKmLA
Show HN: First open source data discovery and observability platform https://ift.tt/1pMz4uh October 22, 2022 at 03:14PM
Show HN: Ask our algorithm and real financial expert anything about your money https://ift.tt/9KXkGTC
Show HN: Ask our algorithm and real financial expert anything about your money It’s pretty simple: ask us absolutely anything about your finances (it’s okay to be really specific to your situation!) and our algorithm backed by a Certified Financial Planner will give you a hyper-personalized spot-on answer, for free. Go ahead and stump us! Let’s really kick the tires on this thing :) Up until now, we've been doing comprehensive financial advising for free. Our most popular feature is the ability to just ask us anything so we figured why not make that feature available for everyone? Also for free :) Some more context: Uprise’s mission is to make wealth management/financial optimization as accessible as possible (ie, free) and we think the key is to have an amazing algorithm and database of financial rules/products but backed by a real financial expert to make sure the recommendations are good and to refine the algorithm. If you love it please feel free to share with anyone you know that could use some advice on their finances! We’re happy to help as many people as we can. Some example questions people have had: - What should I change about my finances once my student loans are forgiven? - How do I adjust my finances to deal with inflation or recession? - Which credit card should I open next? - I work at Tesla - can you look at my benefits and make sure I’m taking full advantage? Feel free to send feedback/questions here! chris@uprise.us Thanks for looking at this! https://ift.tt/aBgLhkK October 21, 2022 at 08:56PM
Show HN: Online parser for arbitrary CRDs with sample YAML https://ift.tt/yVgfsI7
Show HN: Online parser for arbitrary CRDs with sample YAML Hello peeps. I’ve wrote a tool to nicely display crds. I know of docs.crds how is this different? You can paste in the crd and it will generate a sample yaml to boot and you don’t need to point it at a repository. Also it has a cli version. Here is the repo https://ift.tt/k2zQyqL . I hope someone finds this useful. Any feedback is always appreciated. :) Thanks. https://ift.tt/fDKkbTC October 22, 2022 at 09:58AM
Show HN: C Injection Compiler – Program your text files in C https://ift.tt/X64YufP
Show HN: C Injection Compiler – Program your text files in C It's very early in development but it has just reached a working state so I'm actually using it now to generate content for my website. The idea is that it should be useful both for generating static files and for generating responses live in a server, which it should be able to do very fast since it all compiles to C code and one memory mapped file. https://ift.tt/fi1meU0 October 21, 2022 at 11:00PM
Friday, October 21, 2022
Show HN: Recent – list most recent files https://ift.tt/bwuzZfL
Show HN: Recent – list most recent files A Unix-style program for printing the most recent file in a directory. I wrote this as a simple tool for use in pipes and shell scripts. https://ift.tt/uJfH0MP October 20, 2022 at 09:39PM
Microsoft Data-Exposure Incident Highlights Risk of Cloud Storage Misconfiguration
Many enterprises continue to leave cloud storage buckets exposed despite widely available documentation on how to properly secure them.
Microsoft Data-Exposure Incident Highlights Risk of Cloud Storage Misconfiguration
Many enterprises continue to leave cloud storage buckets exposed despite widely available documentation on how to properly secure them.
source https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/microsoft-data-exposure-incident-highlights-risk-of-cloud-storage-misconfigurations
source https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/microsoft-data-exposure-incident-highlights-risk-of-cloud-storage-misconfigurations
Using AIOps and Digital Experience Monitoring to Support Converged Networks
Combining AIOps and DEM solutions with a converged network and security platform allows businesses to grow and adapt to evolving business needs while maintaining optimal performance, protection, and availability.
Show HN: Soundy – Ambient sounds for working, sleeping, relaxing https://ift.tt/V4gj12J
Show HN: Soundy – Ambient sounds for working, sleeping, relaxing https://soundy.cloud/ October 20, 2022 at 07:53PM
Hardware Makers Standardize Server Chip Security With Caliptra
The new open source specification from Open Compute Project is backed by Google, Nvidia, Microsoft, and AMD.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Show HN: SoundSeeker – Organize Your Musical Ideas https://ift.tt/HMWTh4E
Show HN: SoundSeeker – Organize Your Musical Ideas Hi HN, I've been programming for about three years, and this is my first full-stack web app. It's a tool for organizing musical ideas. Building and deploying it has been a great learning experience, and in that spirit I'd be grateful for any thoughts or suggestions if you care to take a look. Thank you! source: https://bit.ly/3giqrBU Why: Composing music is different for everyone, yet some practices are employed by many musicians. One such practice is to record a musical idea on a phone, capturing the idea at its freshest, and for many, clearest. This often leads to a lengthy catalogue of chronologically organized recordings that can be difficult to parse when sitting down to flesh out a piece of music – what matters most is the content of the idea, more so than when it was conceived. The purpose of SoundSeeker is to allow you to organize musical ideas based on their content instead of when they came to be, and to serve as an educational personal project in my growth as a software engineer. What: A graph-based organizational tool for scratch audio recordings Planned features: in-app audio recording, in-app audio trimming, custom labeling outside of the main tiered organizational system. https://ift.tt/J8Rt7eb October 20, 2022 at 03:15AM
Emotional Toll From Cyberattacks Can Linger Among Staff for Years
Research shows 1 in 7 employees involved in a cyberattack exhibits clinical trauma symptoms months after the incident.
Show HN: Lance – Deep Learning with DuckDB and Arrow https://ift.tt/u7w3sbd
Show HN: Lance – Deep Learning with DuckDB and Arrow https://ift.tt/QNzirg8 October 19, 2022 at 11:02PM
Security Awareness Urged to Grow Beyond Compliance
Increasingly vendors are looking for ways to take security awareness beyond checkbox compliance courses to more context-dependent interactions — a "shift left" to the average worker.
Show HN: Stable Diffusion Image-to-Prompt Tool https://ift.tt/cmefbty
Show HN: Stable Diffusion Image-to-Prompt Tool Given an image, we can search the latent space to produce likely keywords that you can add to your prompt to recreate the target image https://ift.tt/chRKO1N October 19, 2022 at 10:44PM
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Show HN: Texterous.com https://ift.tt/eacyUzN
Show HN: Texterous.com Write with the Help of Artificial Intelligence https://ift.tt/oyI5Tkd October 19, 2022 at 12:38AM
Patching-as-a-Service Offers Benefits, Challenges
Organizations without the time or talent to patch may find patching-as-a-service to be a way to improve security.
Patching-as-a-Service Offers Benefits, Challenges
Organizations without the time or talent to patch may find patching-as-a-service to be a way to improve security.
source https://www.darkreading.com/dr-tech/patching-as-a-service-offers-benefits-challenges
source https://www.darkreading.com/dr-tech/patching-as-a-service-offers-benefits-challenges
What Is the Difference Between Identity Verification and Authentication?
Identity verification and identity authentication are neither synonymous nor interchangeable, and implementing both is essential to fighting fraud.
Gen Z, Millennial Workers Are Bigger Cybersecurity Risks Than Older Employees
Younger workers surveyed are less likely to follow established business cybersecurity protocols than their Gen X and baby boomer counterparts, a new survey finds.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Show HN: checkline: check each line you want from stdin to stdout (CLI/TUI/Rust) https://ift.tt/Y0IT9uW
Show HN: checkline: check each line you want from stdin to stdout (CLI/TUI/Rust) https://ift.tt/pWid05Z October 18, 2022 at 01:02AM
Show HN: An app to split CSV into multiple files to avoid Excel's 1M row limit https://ift.tt/b2ciOTN
Show HN: An app to split CSV into multiple files to avoid Excel's 1M row limit https://ift.tt/ZHI12n9 October 18, 2022 at 12:18AM
Cybersecurity's Hiring Spree Requires a Recruiting Rethink
Just 65 cybersecurity professionals are in the workforce for every 100 available jobs, new study shows.
source https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/cybersecurity-s-hiring-spree-is-going-to-require-recruitment-rethink
source https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/cybersecurity-s-hiring-spree-is-going-to-require-recruitment-rethink
Cybersecurity's Hiring Spree Requires a Recruiting Rethink
Just 65 cybersecurity professionals are in the workforce for every 100 available jobs, new study shows.
Monday, October 17, 2022
Show HN: HckrWeb, elegant readable HN sorted chronologically https://ift.tt/M1LiqGn
Show HN: HckrWeb, elegant readable HN sorted chronologically HckrWeb combines HackerWeb's elegant readability with hckerweb's chronological list of HN homepage items. Originally just a mashup of cheeaun's HackerWeb and wvl's hckr news. I've updated it so I can read Hacker News just the way I want to. ## Major changes/innovations: - Default news feed is from hckrnews.com (all items that have made the HN homepage, sorted by date). - Direct "More..." links (no scrolling required) to dates as far back as June 9, 2010 (No hckernews data beyond this date: https://ift.tt/y4mLoCN ) - https://ift.tt/P78VXDA combines HN's show and shownew pages. (Removes "did I already read up to here?" confusion when "Show HN" items are in both lists.) - https://ift.tt/ZL0QGrv shows the first two pages of Ask HN - Displays last time you visited. - Renders individual comment items. This is useful for sharing, or reading a child comment tree. - "Pagedown" icon to scroll past items you've already seen. Tapping an item's icon scrolls it to the very top. More precise and less finger movement! - [dead] items show more info and link directly to news.ycominbinator.com for viewing (if logged in). https://hw.leftium.com/ October 17, 2022 at 11:27AM
Show HN: Lisp Interpreter in Rust – Paperback https://ift.tt/vZToWxb
Show HN: Lisp Interpreter in Rust – Paperback The book Lisp Interpreter in Rust is now available in paperback format. https://ift.tt/qVMyeZ3 October 17, 2022 at 09:05AM
Show HN: Custom sonata playlist for sleep and rest https://ift.tt/DarbLP0
Show HN: Custom sonata playlist for sleep and rest Also available through https://ift.tt/vAxId0g This is a curated from a selection of 600+ sonatas out of 23,000 songs on archive.org. I listened to the songs and selected 10% that would not interfere with sleep to create a relaxing and pleasant auditory experience. https://ift.tt/tpIxMeg October 16, 2022 at 11:57PM
Show HN: Python GUIs for Human https://ift.tt/KAcsGFp
Show HN: Python GUIs for Human https://ift.tt/oAtwnxT October 17, 2022 at 05:26AM
Show HN: A simple Google news reader for the Gopher protocol https://ift.tt/CvwJEhi
Show HN: A simple Google news reader for the Gopher protocol https://ift.tt/jAXTaCK October 16, 2022 at 08:06PM
Show HN: Carefulwords.com, a More Inspiring Thesaurus https://ift.tt/tsOcu4i
Show HN: Carefulwords.com, a More Inspiring Thesaurus https://ift.tt/f3wCLFs October 16, 2022 at 11:14PM
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Show HN: Speki – Flashcards in Terminal https://ift.tt/nYkoHcE
Show HN: Speki – Flashcards in Terminal https://ift.tt/duy1f2p October 16, 2022 at 02:20PM
Show HN: The Unix Pipe Card Game – teach kids basic Unix commands https://ift.tt/3JKr2El
Show HN: The Unix Pipe Card Game – teach kids basic Unix commands https://ift.tt/a0wuXbO October 16, 2022 at 01:57PM
Show HN: First Working Interpreter https://ift.tt/7fGMByN
Show HN: First Working Interpreter Hello everyone! I'm an undergrad in computer science in my last semester. I've tried my hand at a few interpreters the past year. This is my first one that I've actually got set up, with a working lexer and execution tactics. I've implemented the input and output prefixing primitives of the pi calculus. I intended to implement the replication and restriction primitives soon. I find process algebras very interesting. They seem to be an important area of research, to bring the computing ecosystem to a concurrent-first paradigm. This github project isn't much to look at currently; it's my first project of any substance. However, you might find the linked research papers interesting! Feel free to share criticisms, insights, or your favorite process algebra! https://ift.tt/S4U7Jk6 October 16, 2022 at 07:59AM
Show HN: An Express-inspired web framework for Rust https://ift.tt/RwLB3YU
Show HN: An Express-inspired web framework for Rust https://ift.tt/ZOBpG81 October 16, 2022 at 05:43AM
Show HN: ESInfer – Make JavaScript Type-Safe https://ift.tt/jYf5yba
Show HN: ESInfer – Make JavaScript Type-Safe Hello, folks. I'm Jiang, the author of ESInfer. I love writing Javascript because it has a prosperous ecosystem and is quick to get my hands dirty. However, sometimes it's painful when the flow is not fast to follow due to the lack of a type system. To solve this, I wrote ESInfer, a statical inference tool, to automatically type check and generate type annotations for Javascript. It works with pure Javascript without any add-ons to the language or user-space code and supports highly dynamic features, such as the modification of prototypes. It is still in the very early stage, which offers almost all ES5 features and a select set of ES6 features like array/object destructing. I'm working hard to bring all ES6+ features into it incrementally. If you heavily use javascript/typescript and do NOT want to write the type annotation sh*ts anymore, give it a try :) https://esinfer.com/ October 15, 2022 at 03:03PM
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Show HN: A app that generates a Tailwinds CSS site template once a week https://ift.tt/rYjoMng
Show HN: A app that generates a Tailwinds CSS site template once a week https://ift.tt/Pf4mv6J October 15, 2022 at 12:42PM
Show HN: Bloomberg Terminal for Individuals https://ift.tt/xaLyVDC
Show HN: Bloomberg Terminal for Individuals I made a site to do investment research faster and more efficent, with links to 10k 10Q, charts, industry averages, macro economic data, hedgefund reports and much more https://ift.tt/FRV4WOa October 15, 2022 at 10:12AM
Show HN: CLI to turn your TODO comments into tickets https://ift.tt/rnuD2cl
Show HN: CLI to turn your TODO comments into tickets https://ift.tt/UquN2YJ October 15, 2022 at 09:12AM
Show HN: Joy Theme Creator – Explore MUI's New UI Library https://ift.tt/UnhHvQC
Show HN: Joy Theme Creator – Explore MUI's New UI Library https://ift.tt/zbVxhyt October 14, 2022 at 10:24PM
Microsoft Secures Azure Enclaves With Hardware Guards
Microsoft highlighted emerging confidential computing offerings for Azure during its Ignite conference.
Friday, October 14, 2022
Newly Introduced HackerOne Assets Goes Beyond Attack Surface Management To Close Security Gaps
HackerOne Assets combines ASM with insights from security experts to protect known and unknown digital assets.
Comprehensive Network Visibility Is Imperative for Zero-Trust Maturity
Distrust and verify, because you can't protect what you can't see.
source https://www.darkreading.com/edge-articles/distrust-and-verify-why-comprehensive-network-visibility-is-required-for-mature-zero-trust-architectures
source https://www.darkreading.com/edge-articles/distrust-and-verify-why-comprehensive-network-visibility-is-required-for-mature-zero-trust-architectures
Feature-Rich 'Alchimist' Cyberattack Framework Targets Windows, Mac, Linux Environments
The comprehensive, multiplatform framework comes loaded with weapons, and it is likely another effort by a China-based threat group to develop an alternative to Cobalt Strike and Sliver.
Show HN: YouTube Screenshot API https://ift.tt/znre7bN
Show HN: YouTube Screenshot API https://ift.tt/WbDhnsz October 13, 2022 at 11:39PM
Thursday, October 13, 2022
SASE: The Final Destination; A SASE Conversation with Craig Connors of VMware
A conversation about what's driving Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), its benefits, and how best to eliminate confusion in the market.
Show HN: We built a tool for fast-forwarding 95% of tests (MIT) https://ift.tt/tYKJh1w
Show HN: We built a tool for fast-forwarding 95% of tests (MIT) Hi, we're Yuval and Roey. We are working on a tool for speeding up test runs, by skipping tests unaffected by code changes. Effectivly, Saving 80-95% of the time, by skipping 80-95% of tests. We started a few months ago, and have managed to get into a few production CI systems here in Israel. All our prospects and users are on holiday right now. So we decided to repackage and open-source for local test running. available here ( https://ift.tt/16RnSkT ) under MIT license. One line change: pytest -v -> nabaz test --cmdline "pytest -v" Stalk us on GitHub, or just Star us. Ask questions, we'll answer in under 30 seconds. we have auto refresh on. Yuval and Roey from Israel. https://ift.tt/16RnSkT October 13, 2022 at 12:23AM
Show HN: Reviewpad, a GitHub action to automate pull request workflows https://ift.tt/sJTcOAG
Show HN: Reviewpad, a GitHub action to automate pull request workflows https://ift.tt/mETtNLd October 12, 2022 at 11:57PM
Thoma Bravo to Acquire ForgeRock in $2.3B Deal
This marks the third identity and access management (IAM) company acquired by Thoma Bravo in just the past few months.
WhatsApp Users Beware: Dangerous Mobile Trojan Being Distributed via Malicious Mod
Among other things, users who download the app could end up having their WhatsApp account details stolen.
KnowBe4 to Be Acquired for $4.6B by Private Equity Firm Vista
Vista Equity Partners plans take the publicly traded security-awareness training vendor private.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
IPU Chip Offloads Networking and Some Security Tasks from CPUs
Infrastructure services such as virtual switching, security, and storage can consume a significant number of CPU cycles. Infrastructure Processing Units (IPUs) accelerate network infrastructure, freeing up CPU cores for improved application performance.
Show HN: Turn any YouTube video into a website/transcript https://ift.tt/VTzKGJy
Show HN: Turn any YouTube video into a website/transcript Hey HN, ExpoReader is a viewer for YouTube videos that shows the transcript of the video, and generates a shareable URL for a completely readable version of a video. I built it because I wanted helpful tutorials without having to watch an entire video. In a later version, I was thinking it could be cool to show other screenshots from the video throughout the transcript, but there’s really no easy way to do that outside of downloading the video and taking clips from there. If anyone has any good suggestions, I’m all ears! https://ift.tt/A7uZlNJ October 11, 2022 at 11:42PM
Microsoft Addresses Zero-Days, but Exchange Server Exploit Chain Remains Unpatched
The computing giant didn't fix ProxyNotLogon in October's Patch Tuesday, but it disclosed a rare 10-out-of-10 bug and patched two other zero-days, including one being exploited.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/microsoft-zero-days-exchange-server-exploit-chain-remains-unpatched
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/microsoft-zero-days-exchange-server-exploit-chain-remains-unpatched
Microsoft Addresses Zero-Days, but Exchange Server Exploit Chain Remains Unpatched
The computing giant didn't fix ProxyNotLogon in October's Patch Tuesday, but it disclosed a rare 10-out-of-10 bug and patched two other zero-days, including one being exploited.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Emotet Rises Again With More Sophistication, Evasion
An analysis of the malware and its infection strategies finds nearly 21,000 minor and 139 major variations on the malware — complexity that helps it dodge analysis.
Emotet Rises Again With More Sophistication, Evasion
An analysis of the malware and its infection strategies finds nearly 21,000 minor and 139 major variations on the malware — complexity that helps it dodge analysis.
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/emotet-rises-again-with-more-sophistication-evasion
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/emotet-rises-again-with-more-sophistication-evasion
US Airports in Cyberattack Crosshairs for Pro-Russian Group Killnet
Killnet calls on other groups to launch similar attacks against US civilian infrastructure, including marine terminals and logistics facilities, weather monitoring centers, and healthcare systems.
Show HN: Subtitles are not the same as sign language https://ift.tt/t5SCHOd
Show HN: Subtitles are not the same as sign language Hello HN, get your videos translated into sign language quickly and easily by uploading them and choosing your favorite language. After 48 hours you will get your final video. That's it. Looking forward to your feedback. Thanks a lot! https://ift.tt/1clDXYN October 10, 2022 at 11:05PM
Monday, October 10, 2022
Show HN: Fractal Garden – An Exhibition of Mathematical Beauty https://ift.tt/NWeFqlE
Show HN: Fractal Garden – An Exhibition of Mathematical Beauty https://ift.tt/u3otzeA October 9, 2022 at 10:48PM
Show HN: Visualize your Hacker News posts https://ift.tt/OXuvYT0
Show HN: Visualize your Hacker News posts https://ift.tt/XYIaG5M October 9, 2022 at 08:46PM
Show HN: Simplepdf.eu – a browser-based PDF annotator / editor https://ift.tt/FHbz0lv
Show HN: Simplepdf.eu – a browser-based PDF annotator / editor Hi HN! I've been working on SimplePDF to solve a problem I encounter weekly: filling out non-editable PDFs [1] --- # About SimplePDF - The documents you load, edit, fill never see the light of my server, everything is processed locally – no remote uploading anything. This includes the PDF generation. - There are no analytics / third party tracking your every move (I do collect usage data, but it's fully anonymous and processed and stored on my server): therefore no annoying cookie banner. You can read more on the Privacy Policy [2] - If someone before you has filled the same document, upon opening it you'll see fields already set, ready to be filled-in, think crowd-sourced fields positioning – saving you time and effort. --- # How does the crowd-sourced positioning of fields work? When a document is loaded in your browser, a fingerprint of the document binary is made, and sent to the server. The document table consists of: document_id, fingerprint and created_at. As soon as you start editing a document, a template is created, containing metadata about the fields (x, y, width, height, type of field, background color...) that is then tied to this document you created. Once you save, this template gets sent to the server. The template table consists of: template_id, document_id, fields (the metadata) as well as created_by_customer_id if you're a customer. As a result, someone else on the other side of the world opening the same document will see the fields you positioned already there – you just saved them the 5min it took you to position them. --- # What's the tech stack of SimplePDF? - NextJS on the frontend - Koa with GraphQL on the backend - Postgres (Managed Database on Digital Ocean) - A 10€ droplet on Digital Ocean --- If you have any questions, comments or feedback (good or bad), I'm all ears! --- [1] The assignments my estonian teacher gives me are usually scanned documents that do not have any editable fields in them. [2] https://ift.tt/bXu7mzZ https://simplePDF.eu October 9, 2022 at 07:47PM
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Show HN: BlockTalk – Banter about what your friends are doing on Web3 https://ift.tt/dU5eumQ
Show HN: BlockTalk – Banter about what your friends are doing on Web3 Hey HN, I’m Kamil and one of the two people working on BlockTalk. BlockTalk is going into public beta today! (We're also on Product Hunt, come check us out!) We previously posted about this project under the name “WalletWatch” in a Show HN about 3 weeks ago, and have since integrated your feedback to make it better [1] [problem] As we were trying to see how our friends were using crypto, we noticed that other products were either too complex or only let us passively view what our friends were doing. [solution] BlockTalk is a social network centered around Ethereum transactions. You can easily see, understand, like, and comment on the Ethereum transactions of anyone on the platform. We don’t ask for your email or password, and instead authenticate by asking users to sign a transaction with their Ethereum wallet; we ask for usernames to give a more familiar and user-friendly experience for people that haven’t purchased ENS or other crypto domain names. At the moment, we’re storing user data in Firestore instead of on-chain because the current decentralized channels are too expensive or slow. This also has the added benefit of making the app completely free to use. [what’s changed] Since our last post, we improved the UI/UX, made transactions more understandable, made the app compatible with all viewports, and now don’t require you to create an account to get a feel for the app. [ask] We’d love any feedback you all have! My e-mail is kamil@fwd.exchange if you want to contact us about anything related to the project :) P.S. here's a very old demo of a prototype from a while back [2] [1] https://ift.tt/lZTUHtJ [2] https://youtu.be/xhajqKq4G9Y https://ift.tt/V7kfhP1 October 9, 2022 at 06:20PM
Show HN: Generative AI – Short and Sweet https://ift.tt/fd9TYlS
Show HN: Generative AI – Short and Sweet https://ift.tt/O87LjgY October 9, 2022 at 03:00PM
Show HN: If Spotify and Tinder Had a Baby https://ift.tt/QPjFAiW
Show HN: If Spotify and Tinder Had a Baby https://ift.tt/9V6NecI October 9, 2022 at 09:08AM
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Show HN: (A Better) Hacker News Bookmarklet https://ift.tt/sNgMm2i
Show HN: (A Better) Hacker News Bookmarklet https://thomas.me/hnb/ October 8, 2022 at 11:39AM
Show HN: Infinite Music from the Boston Public Library https://ift.tt/nNw4T0l
Show HN: Infinite Music from the Boston Public Library This site plays a loop of more than 23,000 songs on LP records from the Boston Public Library. You can create customizable stations. Music streams free via archive.org. https://ift.tt/xX9Mo0V October 8, 2022 at 05:03AM
Show HN: I wrote a short story about von Neumann probes https://ift.tt/pSMm4lH
Show HN: I wrote a short story about von Neumann probes https://ift.tt/vtghcST October 8, 2022 at 06:02AM
Meta Flags Malicious Android, iOS Apps Affecting 1M Facebook Users
Some 400 mobile apps have posed as legitimate software on Google Play and the Apple App Store over the past year, and were designed to steal Facebook user credentials.
Friday, October 7, 2022
Sharing Knowledge at 44CON
The infosec conference named after the UK's calling code returned this year with a focus on building a healthy community.
macOS Archive Utility Bug Lets Malicious Apps Bypass Security Checks
Exploit allows unsigned and unnotarized macOS applications to bypass Gatekeeper and other security, without notifying the user.
Show HN: Lambda-8cc – An x86 C compiler written in untyped lambda calculus https://ift.tt/d7k0fDi
Show HN: Lambda-8cc – An x86 C compiler written in untyped lambda calculus https://ift.tt/VD7m2IF October 7, 2022 at 02:53AM
Show HN: Plane – spawn and connect to a remote process from your web app https://ift.tt/AtxZso1
Show HN: Plane – spawn and connect to a remote process from your web app https://ift.tt/T6wWuxV October 6, 2022 at 05:43PM
macOS Archive Utility Bug Lets Malicious Apps Bypass Security Checks
Exploit allows unsigned and unnotarized macOS applications to bypass Gatekeeper and other security, without notifying the user.
source https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/macos-archive-utility-bug-malicious-apps-bypass-security-checks
source https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/macos-archive-utility-bug-malicious-apps-bypass-security-checks
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Show HN: GreenSwapp – API to track CO2 of food products at scale https://ift.tt/3PWgdC4
Show HN: GreenSwapp – API to track CO2 of food products at scale Hi guys! We’re Ajay & Jainit, and we’re super excited to launch GreenSwapp to the HN community! GreenSwapp is an API that tracks product and recipe-wise carbon footprints at scale, for food products. Tracking carbon footprints of individual food products is hard because you’d have to trace it all the way back to the farm and account for all the energy inputs till the point of sale. Each such analysis takes about 6 months to do, and in many cases, it is hard to even map this journey. For food products that typically have multiple ingredients (i.e. they are recipes), you have to do this for each ingredient. Supermarkets have about 30k unique products per store. If you do the math, you’ll see that this quickly becomes impossible to do manually, in a reasonable amount of time. After my Masters’ in Sustainability & Engineering, I (Ajay) worked as a climate & impact consultant for more than a decade. I first discovered this problem 5 years ago (as I ran my own sustainability consultancy), when I saw some of my large food brand & retail clients struggling to identify their highest impact products & suppliers. More recently, we found that food platforms (such as Uber Eats & Yelp) want to track the climate impact of their recipes and restaurants too. We do the hard work of estimating carbon emissions using a combination of product meta-data / supply chain attributes (such as origin location, farming type, packaging type etc.) and aggregated product carbon footprints from peer-reviewed journals. Our core dataset is a comprehensive list of food types found in supermarkets. We use an ML model (semantic search using sentence transformers) to match queried product names to our standard list of product types and retrieve their median supply chain carbon footprints. This enables us to track impact at scale (thousands of products in minutes), making it easy and cheap for you to track product-level emissions. This would allow you to easily a) report emissions, b) identify high impact products, brands, and suppliers in your inventory, and c) communicate impact with consumers. What if my product is more sustainable? We identify every supply chain attribute that might reduce a product’s impact (such as organic farming, better packaging material, locally grown) and apply a correction factor (also obtained from peer-reviewed life cycle analyses papers). You can read more on our algorithm here - https://ift.tt/u09pO3F You can try our API for free on any milk product (e.g. - Oatly oat drink barista edition) or any type of pizza (e.g. - Pepperoni pizza). Here are the API docs - https://ift.tt/nBO5cEy . You can get your trial API key here - https://ift.tt/u09pO3F . Our full API works with any food product you can find in the supermarket and any recipe. We charge a data license fee of $0.99 per product per year for supermarket products and $0.99 per ingredient per recipe per year for dishes. Here is a cost estimator tool - greenswapp.com/pricing. If you want to look up more than 100 products and 10 recipes, you also pay an annual platform fee (still figuring out the right price point). We’d love to get your feedback on our API. We are also trying to identify the biggest use case for this product. So please let us know what you’re using it for by commenting on this post - is it to use in a new app you’re building, get your company to use it at their cafeteria, reduce your company’s emissions, offset it, etc.? Any other ideas on how we can make this better would be wonderful too. Thanks a ton! https://ift.tt/nBO5cEy October 5, 2022 at 07:30PM
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Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 nist.gov/nice/ccw What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...
Show HN: Dumbproxy – modern and simple HTTP(S) proxy https://ift.tt/3cVqvkq May 25, 2020 at 03:00AM
Show HN: A simple MSN Weather API wrapper https://ift.tt/3jeS0vi June 26, 2021 at 07:48AM
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 nist.gov/nice/ccw What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...