Sunday, April 30, 2023
Show HN: Frogmouth – A Markdown browser for your terminal https://ift.tt/UyjzR19
Show HN: Frogmouth – A Markdown browser for your terminal Hi HN, Frogmouth is a TUI to display Markdown files. It does a passable job of displaying Markdown, with code blocks and tables. No image support as yet. It's very browser like, with navigation stack, history, and bookmarks. Works with both the mouse and keyboard. There are shortcuts for viewing README.md files and other Markdown on GitHub and GitLab. License is MIT. Let me know what you think... https://ift.tt/n8KJX7I April 30, 2023 at 04:05PM
Show HN: What The Element? Learn the name of chemical elements https://ift.tt/P1OynY2
Show HN: What The Element? Learn the name of chemical elements Hello HN! I am sharing with you my first newbie project. You basically click on a chemical symbol and try to guess the name. You can play in English or French. I made it in a week during a bootcamp I am attending. It's not perfect but I tried my best. I am looking forward to some feedback or code review to improve upon it :) Enjoy https://ift.tt/ENyUCXK April 30, 2023 at 02:28PM
Show HN: Browser-based robot simulator with Three.js and rapier.js https://ift.tt/vo31ePG
Show HN: Browser-based robot simulator with Three.js and rapier.js https://grgv.xyz/blog/simulator/ April 30, 2023 at 10:35AM
Show HN: ArchitectGPT – AI Powered Home Design Too https://ift.tt/1xMnu3b
Show HN: ArchitectGPT – AI Powered Home Design Too Hello everyone, I'm excited to share with you my new app, ArchitectGPT! With ArchitectGPT, you can upload or take pictures of any residence/home and transform it using AI via text or pre-selected themes. Whether you want to experiment with different color schemes, furniture arrangements, or even add new rooms to your home, ArchitectGPT can help you visualize the possibilities in seconds. The app uses state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to generate realistic and personalized design recommendations based on your preferences and needs. ArchitectGPT is perfect for anyone who wants to explore home design ideas without the hassle and cost of hiring a professional designer. It's also great for architects, interior designers, and real estate agents who want to quickly create virtual staging for their clients. The app is easy to use and doesn't require any design skills. Simply upload a photo of your home, select a theme or provide a description of what you want to achieve, and let ArchitectGPT do the rest. You can save your favorite designs and share them with your friends and family. https://ift.tt/4PEYAO3 April 30, 2023 at 12:54AM
Show HN: Open-Source Implementation of John Conway's Mathy Game of Hackenbush https://ift.tt/lhpHgw8
Show HN: Open-Source Implementation of John Conway's Mathy Game of Hackenbush Hackenbush is a fascinating game that led to leaping developments in combinatorial game theory. It caused the discovery of the surreal numbers - an absolutely, incredibly, tremendously large field of numbers. To help it find more popularity, I made an open-source version, mainly for mobile platforms. https://ift.tt/24g6dnw April 30, 2023 at 09:11AM
Show HN: ChatGPT on Your Watch https://ift.tt/E7aqVF2
Show HN: ChatGPT on Your Watch https://ift.tt/8vQ2nTP April 29, 2023 at 08:51PM
Show HN: PineTool – An iOS Companion for the Pinecil https://ift.tt/CaAFBGe
Show HN: PineTool – An iOS Companion for the Pinecil https://ift.tt/XuT5w98 April 30, 2023 at 03:17AM
Show HN: All GitHub repos shared on HN https://ift.tt/Xc0IfC3
Show HN: All GitHub repos shared on HN https://ift.tt/P3DFrvm April 30, 2023 at 01:49AM
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Show HN: Make 3D printable CAD Models with GPT https://ift.tt/vS4sTGE
Show HN: Make 3D printable CAD Models with GPT Create 3D models just using your words. This project turns text-to-3d with OpenSCAD as an intermediary. https://ift.tt/5rKkbfC April 29, 2023 at 03:08AM
Show HN: rqlite 7.15, the distributed DB built on SQLite, now with backups to S3 https://ift.tt/bgZtkoN
Show HN: rqlite 7.15, the distributed DB built on SQLite, now with backups to S3 https://ift.tt/c1ZgGsd April 29, 2023 at 01:53AM
Show HN: I made a tool to easily credit co-contributors in Git commits https://ift.tt/4PYsraJ
Show HN: I made a tool to easily credit co-contributors in Git commits Hi Everyone! The motivation behind creating this tool is to provide an easy way to give credit to contributors in various situations: - In open-source projects, when a pull request (PR) is closed without merging but the idea or code is later implemented. - During pair programming sessions, where two or more developers work together on a single commit. Existing solutions were either too complicated or didn't work as expected, so Git Add Co-Author was developed as a simple, easy-to-use alternative. https://ift.tt/b0zLKO6 April 29, 2023 at 12:47AM
Show HN: ChatGPT Plugin that semantically searches Google Maps https://ift.tt/XPDIigc
Show HN: ChatGPT Plugin that semantically searches Google Maps https://ift.tt/aNMDzrQ April 28, 2023 at 10:35PM
Friday, April 28, 2023
Show HN: ScrapScript – A tiny functional language for sharable software https://ift.tt/uWVC4Rg
Show HN: ScrapScript – A tiny functional language for sharable software Hi friends, I started casually working on scrapscript in 2015. I built a few compilers over the years to test out various ideas/implementations, and I think I'm finally happy with the overall design. The code is not public yet. Email me at hello@taylor.town if you're interested in joining the core team later this year. Let me know if you have any questions or feedback :) https://scrapscript.org April 26, 2023 at 02:45PM
Show HN: Idaweather-Create historical weather studies with 27 different features https://ift.tt/z1KxjH3
Show HN: Idaweather-Create historical weather studies with 27 different features http://idaweather.com April 28, 2023 at 01:35AM
Show HN: Codeium-Chrome: Free open-source AI autocomplete Chrome extension https://ift.tt/JLZspzI
Show HN: Codeium-Chrome: Free open-source AI autocomplete Chrome extension https://ift.tt/zprCKvQ April 27, 2023 at 11:44PM
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Show HN: CheekyKeys – A Face-Controlled Keyboard https://ift.tt/nvFN1Yr
Show HN: CheekyKeys – A Face-Controlled Keyboard https://ift.tt/ejdSO5b April 25, 2023 at 02:57PM
Show HN: Crawling Twitter for AI service ideas https://ift.tt/sVNFSJP
Show HN: Crawling Twitter for AI service ideas I've recently updated this site to include Tweets by people who are looking for AI to help them do things. It's a fun read. https://ift.tt/EKXcQNG April 26, 2023 at 11:03PM
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Show HN: ChatGPT Code Assistant https://ift.tt/wSAFBUI
Show HN: ChatGPT Code Assistant ChatGPT is excellent but you need to do a lot of copy and pasting for using it as a coding assistant. I created a simple plugin to give ChatGPT access to the web for documentation and also to the local file system. https://ift.tt/d2VLOAD April 26, 2023 at 03:28AM
Show HN: Google Meet, Zoom, Teams alternative Source code https://ift.tt/Z9d1CTh
Show HN: Google Meet, Zoom, Teams alternative Source code https://ift.tt/VXW6oUv April 26, 2023 at 01:13AM
Show HN: Ordently – Consciously plan your day and your life https://ift.tt/HmJyXvM
Show HN: Ordently – Consciously plan your day and your life I've been using a task management tool for the past 1 year that I built. A few months ago, I spent some time to make it more generic because my partner wanted to use it as well and she's been loving it ever since. Love her, but she's a bit biased. Firstly, this is a todo app for your life. Existing tools are built around how we work as employees in a company. With a company, all the habits, goals, vision and rituals are given to you in an employee handbook. The company is our coach, and in most cases, we listen and do as the coach says. Its easier to get things done in this environment. In our personal lives, we gotta figure out our goals, work on our habits and setup rituals. We're also more flexible, more forgiving on when we want to do certain things and more rigid on the others. The Daily Planner is central to that ideology, working with one off and repeatable tasks . You onboard with your day first, could be as simple as calling your mum or going on a walk or do yoga. As you get more comfortable, you start to consciously build a life that you want to live by creating rituals and setting goals as you get more confident. Personally, I haven't been able to get that through Todoist or Notion. https://ift.tt/oQ82C3E April 26, 2023 at 12:21AM
Show HN: I built a multiplayer voxel browser game engine https://ift.tt/nWdNqmL
Show HN: I built a multiplayer voxel browser game engine https://ift.tt/efkmgTS April 25, 2023 at 10:00PM
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Show HN: Create EU E-Label QR-codes for wines and spirits https://ift.tt/UHZaRW4
Show HN: Create EU E-Label QR-codes for wines and spirits As a result of new EU regulations, nutritional information and ingredient listing must be provided for wines and flavored wine products from December 2023, either printed on the physical label or in digital form, e.g., as a QR-code. e-label.io is the fastest and easiest way to the EU E-Label for wines and spirits. If you know a winiery or distilleries which sells to the eu it would be awesome if you could share the page with them. Feedback is highly appreciated https://e-label.io April 25, 2023 at 09:17AM
Show HN: A website to generate Magic: The Gathering cards https://ift.tt/sGDf2AY
Show HN: A website to generate Magic: The Gathering cards I created a website that utilizes OpenAI's LLM to generate realistic Magic cards based on a prompt. Using LLMs to generate Magic cards (or generate anything these days) is not new, but I've tried to put this together into a nice package and I am planning on making future improvements. You can generate some pretty flavorful cards depending on what prompt you provide. There are some issues since this is an early version. You will see cards that are just flat out incorrect or that do not make sense. I also will not guarantee the website will always work, so please be nice :) You will also notice the website domain name is a random one generated by Azure (if people like this, I may get a real one). Anyways, give it a shot and let me hear your feedback or features you would like to see. Thank you and hope you have fun generating! https://ift.tt/6om0BKr April 24, 2023 at 08:19PM
Show HN: XV - Expression Evaluator for C https://ift.tt/oWUuTYy
Show HN: XV - Expression Evaluator for C https://ift.tt/srMXSuA April 25, 2023 at 12:30AM
Homemade rocketship treehouse, from hardware to custom OS [2011-2023] https://ift.tt/UyzH2Ma
Homemade rocketship treehouse, from hardware to custom OS [2011-2023] http://rocket.jonh.net April 24, 2023 at 08:41PM
Monday, April 24, 2023
Shifting to 5G? Make Networking-as-a-Service Your Partner
Discover how Networking-as-a-Service (NaaS) can help CSPs achieve operational improvements, visibility into their networks, and a positive user experience.
Show HN: ChatGPT-Powered AI Girlfriend App – Experience the Future of Romance https://ift.tt/PfIBvrh
Show HN: ChatGPT-Powered AI Girlfriend App – Experience the Future of Romance https://ift.tt/dv04VKa April 23, 2023 at 09:24PM
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Show HN: I was frustrated with pricing of PagerDuty et al., so made it myself https://ift.tt/OBomYK4
Show HN: I was frustrated with pricing of PagerDuty et al., so made it myself https://allquiet.app April 23, 2023 at 01:29PM
Show HN: I designed and coded my portfolio as a freelance designer https://ift.tt/HaEnL3t
Show HN: I designed and coded my portfolio as a freelance designer Feel free to share any feedback. Thank you. https://ift.tt/40VW8mi April 22, 2023 at 11:29PM
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Show HN: I made an automated phishing email analysis tool called ThePhish https://ift.tt/h5kwjyZ
Show HN: I made an automated phishing email analysis tool called ThePhish It's based on TheHive, Cortex and MISP. I'll update it once the new TheHive API 5 will be released as stable. https://ift.tt/E8stxrP April 22, 2023 at 06:14PM
Show HN: Personal diary powered by AI – AIDiary https://ift.tt/yRsGFbx
Show HN: Personal diary powered by AI – AIDiary https://aidiary.io April 22, 2023 at 03:53PM
Show HN: I made a website with musical exercises for beginner musicians https://ift.tt/siEV6eo
Show HN: I made a website with musical exercises for beginner musicians https://ift.tt/ceKnhsj April 22, 2023 at 02:40PM
Show HN: I made a SQL game to help people learn / challenge their skills https://ift.tt/T8SC1AL
Show HN: I made a SQL game to help people learn / challenge their skills https://ift.tt/sOGatzD April 22, 2023 at 01:40PM
Show HN: Self-extracting prompts for GPT-4 https://ift.tt/MCH9X4w
Show HN: Self-extracting prompts for GPT-4 https://ift.tt/FhVdOTx April 22, 2023 at 02:07AM
Show HN: Automatic Prompt Optimizer for LLMs https://ift.tt/W60nytV
Show HN: Automatic Prompt Optimizer for LLMs https://ift.tt/0ICfsb8 April 22, 2023 at 12:55AM
Friday, April 21, 2023
🕮 Hyper-V : Create Virtual Machine (Windows)
On GUI configuration, set like follows. | |
[2] | Run [Server Manager] and Open [Tools] - [Hyper-V Manager]. |
![]() |
[3] | Select Hostname on the left pane and right-click it to open the menu, and then select [New] - [Virtual Machine]. |
![]() |
[4] | Click [Next] button. |
![]() |
[5] | Input name of Virtual Machine. Any name is OK. |
![]() |
[6] | Specify generation of Virtual Machine. On this example, select [Generation 2]. |
![]() |
[7] | Assign Memory for Virtual Machine. |
![]() |
[8] | Select Virtual Switch to use networking of Virtual Machine. |
![]() |
[9] | Configure Virtual Hard Disk. Set parameters you like. |
![]() |
[10] | Select installation source of GuestOS. |
![]() |
[11] | Click [Finish] button if that's OK. |
![]() |
[12] | Virtual machine has been just created. To start it, right-click it and select [Start]. |
![]() |
[13] | To connect the console of Virtual Machine, right-click it and select [Connect]. |
![]() |
[14] | Install GuestOS with common procedure. |
![]() |
[15] | Installation has finished and Virtual Machine Windows Server is running now. |
![]() |
Install Hyper-V to build Virtualization Environment.
Show HN: We built a ClickHouse-based logging service https://ift.tt/yrNlJzT
Show HN: We built a ClickHouse-based logging service Hey hn! I'm one of the co-founders of highlight.io, an open source monitoring tool. Today we're sharing a ClickHouse-based logging solution we've been working on. We wanted to showcase how we built it and share how you could try it out to give feedback. Since we started working on highlight.io, we've been hyper-focused on "cohesion", or ensuring that when you install your monitoring stack, all of the resources in that stack (user interactions, requests, traces, logs, etc.) are connected in a consumable way. We've written up more about our philosophy on this here [1]. We started building towards this by connecting your client-side app and your server-side exceptions with session replay and exception monitoring; i.e. if an error happened in a server-side app, we would make it easy (with session replay) to trace all the steps that a user took leading up to it. Especially for larger companies using highlight.io, the request to tie in logs came up repeatedly, and we wanted to build this with the same philosophy in mind. Now, you'll see client-side and server-side logs all in one place, brought together in the context of a user session, as well as logs in the context of an error. Like the rest of our stack, this project is written in Go and Typescript, and for log ingestion/querying, we're using ClickHouse [2]. Before deciding on ClickHouse, we were planning to use OpenSearch (an aws fork of elasticsearch [3]) for this part of our product, but as our traffic has increased, we encountered quite a few pains with write throughput for OpenSearch. After evaluating a few options, we eventually landed with ClickHouse (their cloud offering was icing on the cake), which has also proven to be much more cost-effective so far. Building with ClickHouse from scratch has been an exciting journey. Eric (the mastermind behind this project) wrote a blog post [4] on a handful of ClickHouse learnings we've gathered since starting the project. For those wanting to try out the product locally, you can run the following commands [5]: git clone --recurse-submodules https://ift.tt/2QS4gJ0 cd highlight/docker; ./run-hobby.sh; To send logs to highlight, you can use your own OpenTelemetry implementation [6] or use our SDKs [7] which provide lightweight wrappers over OTEL. Like the rest of highlight.io, we plan to make money from this with our hosted cloud offering. For those interested in trying out the cloud-hosted version, you can get setup at app.highlight.io. To open the floor for feedback, we would love to get some thoughts on what we've built so far. Beyond that, what are parts of a logging product you wish you had with your current setup? And are there any notable pain-points of using a hosted monitoring product? (We're toying with the idea of an enterprise deployment). Excited to hear from everyone. [1]: https://ift.tt/sghLCoS [2]: https://clickhouse.com [3]: https://ift.tt/VS63sXJ [4]: https://ift.tt/nAKPGJS... [5]: https://ift.tt/nH736zi... [6]: https://ift.tt/LvE6TQ3... [7]: https://ift.tt/fDOtpHw... https://ift.tt/eKGZkW1 April 20, 2023 at 08:26PM
Show HN: AI prompt-to-storyboard videos w/ GPT, Coqui voices, StabilityAI images https://ift.tt/S6eL802
Show HN: AI prompt-to-storyboard videos w/ GPT, Coqui voices, StabilityAI images I had 2 weeks off from work and wanted a pet project before heading back. With GPT and Generative AI in the news, I decided to chain multiple Al products together to build something really cool. I set my end goal to be: prompt-to-storyboard (aka fun videos generated purely via generative AI). There exists some prompt-to-video products, but I wanted to tell stories with audio as well. The end product takes an initial prompt and produces a series of images and audio files, which I then combine (with subtitles) into the final video. To showcase videos, there is a basic upvote/downvote leaderboard. Text | OpenAI https://openai.com/ Text is generated in a few high-level steps that I ask GPT to work through. These are all based on the initial user prompt, as such (ideally) indirectly controlled by the user. - Create a concept for a movie scene based on the prompt, including the theme and setting - Define each character in the scene - Define how each character looks - Define how each character sounds - Define 'frames' of the storyboard All of this textual information is defined in a JSON object I describe to GPT. I then take GPT's output and build the storyboard with the tools below. Voices | Coqui https://coqui.ai/ From the GPT output, I needed three major pieces of information to build voices in a way that I found satisfying: - Description of the voice - Description of the performance - Text of the actual dialog spoken Coqui has a product called 'prompt-to-voice', where you can describe how a character will sound and a custom voice is made for that character - this is how GPT defines the characters to use in the storyboard. As such, every voice is unique per storyboard. GPT will decide that a certain character is an "older man with a raspy voice", and I'll ask Coqui for that type of voice. In addition to this, in order to describe the performance, GPT outputs a basic emotion to summarize the line of dialog (happy, sad, angry, etc) - this is also sent to Coqui per audio clip generated. Images | Stability AI https://stability.ai/ While I originally setup the storyboard generator to use DALL-E due to already integrating with OpenAl for GPI, I found the cost prohibitive. As such, the images generated for the storyboards are from Stability Al's Stable Diffusion (stable-diffusion-512-v2-1). I combine the description of the frame that GPT provides, in addition to the theme and setting that GPT output for the whole storyboard, to generate each frame. Since GPT controls the data sent to Stable Diffusion with the description of the frame as well as the theme and setting, if your prompt dictates a theme it should hopefully translate into a theme in your storyboard. Both the storyboard and the 'prompt enhanced' image generation in the 'Create Content' tab pre-feed a GPT request with a summary of Stability Al's prompt guide. It will try and pick keyword weights to improve the image, and much like the setting and theme, keywords should be influenced by the initial prompt provided to the product. Conclusion: Have fun and make my 2 weeks of work seem worth it! Voting on storyboards and creating storyboards both require a simple Google login to get access. https://meyer.id April 21, 2023 at 03:05AM
Thursday, April 20, 2023
How to Take a Wireless-First Approach to Enterprise Network Design
Wired Ethernet has long been the foundation of enterprise networks…but it’s time for a change. Here’s why a wireless-first architecture should be a priority.
Show HN: Create Comics Using Stable Diffusion https://ift.tt/3R8wCxQ
Show HN: Create Comics Using Stable Diffusion https://ift.tt/sLHvAzi April 20, 2023 at 09:41AM
Show HN: Question Extractor: turn text into LLM finetuning data https://ift.tt/odWxrQi
Show HN: Question Extractor: turn text into LLM finetuning data https://ift.tt/1MfIyrK April 20, 2023 at 03:47AM
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Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 nist.gov/nice/ccw What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...
Show HN: Dumbproxy – modern and simple HTTP(S) proxy https://ift.tt/3cVqvkq May 25, 2020 at 03:00AM
Show HN: A simple MSN Weather API wrapper https://ift.tt/3jeS0vi June 26, 2021 at 07:48AM
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 nist.gov/nice/ccw What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...