Sunday, June 26, 2022

Show HN: Tone v0.0.4 – now hackable command line audio tagger, any feedback?

Show HN: Tone v0.0.4 – now hackable command line audio tagger, any feedback? Hey HN, I just wanted to show the progress on my little (maybe useless) side project called tone[1] to get some qualified feedback. tone is a cross plattform command line audio tagger deployed as a single static binary without dependencies, so a wget should be enough to install on any platform (seems not to work on M1 Macs atm... if someone can help here I would really appreciate it). Features: - Supports most common formats (mp3, m4a, flac, ape, etc.) - Most common AND custom metadata fields - Chapter support - Embeddable pictures - Hackable (write your own taggers with scripting language) Thanks and have fun. [1]: June 26, 2022 at 01:07AM

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