Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Show HN: An automated code review tool using GPT3 https://ift.tt/VwyAPpi
Show HN: An automated code review tool using GPT3 https://ift.tt/MdPUQo2 February 28, 2023 at 05:14AM
Show HN: WisprNote – MacOS App to Offline Transcribe your Voice Memos https://ift.tt/946eIEu
Show HN: WisprNote – MacOS App to Offline Transcribe your Voice Memos https://ift.tt/7l9tiDA February 28, 2023 at 02:53AM
Show HN: Touca – a better alternative to snapshot testing https://ift.tt/QjIc0pr
Show HN: Touca – a better alternative to snapshot testing Hi everyone, Almost 2 years ago, I left my full-time job at Canon to build tooling and infrastructure to help developers write high-level tests for complex software workflows that are not easy to unit test. I wanted to take ideas from visual regression testing, snapshot testing, and property-based testing and build a general-purpose regression testing system that developers can use to find the unintended side-effects of their day-to-day code changes during the development stage. After two years of working ~70 hours per week and going through multiple iterations, we finally have a fully open-source (Apache-2.0) product that finally makes me and other members of our community happy: https://ift.tt/M6va9Gw This week we released v2.0, a milestone version that is useful to small and large teams alike. This version comes with: - An easy to self-host server that stores test results for new versions of your software workflows, automatically compares them against a previous baseline version, and reports any differences in behavior or performance. - A CLI that enables snapshot testing without using snapshot files. It lets you capture the actual output of your software and remotely compare it against a previous version without having to write code or to locally store the previous output. - 4 SDKs in Python, C++, Java, JavaScript that let you write high-level tests to capture values of variables and runtime of functions for different test cases and submit them to the Touca server. - Test runner and GitHub action plugins that help you continuously run your tests as part of the CI and find breaking changes before merging PRs. I would really appreciate your honest feedback, positive or negative, about Touca. Would love to learn if you find this useful and look forward to hearing your thoughts and answering any questions. https://ift.tt/M6va9Gw February 27, 2023 at 07:29PM
Show HN: Former game devs building a platform showcasing game projects https://ift.tt/WLw71Su
Show HN: Former game devs building a platform showcasing game projects https://ift.tt/2VpTvt3 February 28, 2023 at 12:22AM
Monday, February 27, 2023
Show HN: Visualization of Catmull-ROM Spline Generation https://ift.tt/EJq05OU
Show HN: Visualization of Catmull-ROM Spline Generation https://ift.tt/dqv38jX February 26, 2023 at 11:26PM
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Show HN: Step through Stack Overflow's system architecture circa 2016 https://ift.tt/RYyqPlN
Show HN: Step through Stack Overflow's system architecture circa 2016 https://ift.tt/ejlF7wS February 26, 2023 at 01:59PM
Show HN: Rent Engineers – Freelance professional engineers directory https://ift.tt/NgDKThu
Show HN: Rent Engineers – Freelance professional engineers directory RentEngineers is a freelance professional engineers directory. It helps engineers to monetize their free time and businesses to find the best engineers in the world to solve their problems. Its a simple app, no bells & whistles. If the app finds enough traction then i will rent a designer to improve the UI. Pros: Desktop view is good, not SPA & lite Con: mobile view is not good at the momment Suggestions/feedback/advices/feature requests are welcome Thanks for your time. https://ift.tt/ZdiE2G5 February 26, 2023 at 02:42AM
Show HN: AI Files – manage and organize your files with AI https://ift.tt/JYNgq0r
Show HN: AI Files – manage and organize your files with AI https://ift.tt/59ynhZc February 26, 2023 at 03:49AM
Show HN: Interviewing Ronald Reagan in 2023 Using AI (ChatGPT and ElevenLabs) https://ift.tt/1vXI5hL
Show HN: Interviewing Ronald Reagan in 2023 Using AI (ChatGPT and ElevenLabs) https://twitter.com/ammaar/status/1627729711081345024 February 26, 2023 at 03:02AM
Show HN: Bearclaw – tiny static site generator with RSS https://ift.tt/osSyU74
Show HN: Bearclaw – tiny static site generator with RSS hey yall, I made bearclaw because I just wanted an unopinionated static site generator with no toolchain and fancy stuff going on; it'd be my pleasure to show it to you today and answer any questions you might have. If you do end up trying out bearclaw, you can use nginx or your favorite webserver. Earlier this week I made eclaire - a static site webserver with compression, caching, and automatic HTTPS through letsencrypt. https://ift.tt/Ds102Cw https://ift.tt/P1CHvn4 February 25, 2023 at 05:10PM
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Show HN: Lotus Reader: A Hacker News Client https://ift.tt/LfxcpGk
Show HN: Lotus Reader: A Hacker News Client https://ift.tt/Zfvs6CL February 25, 2023 at 08:10AM
Show HN: I built a map of countries where Google Analytics is declared illegal https://ift.tt/ZjIhcaJ
Show HN: I built a map of countries where Google Analytics is declared illegal https://ift.tt/02nVi4A February 25, 2023 at 11:59AM
Friday, February 24, 2023
Show HN: lonely souls shared locations (>1000), now they can call each other https://ift.tt/tzUMx3H
Show HN: lonely souls shared locations (>1000), now they can call each other https://ift.tt/6xSzyvE February 24, 2023 at 06:10AM
Show HN: Search the Hilton Leaks https://ift.tt/OCGBTnv
Show HN: Search the Hilton Leaks A simple site (made w/ SvelteKit) that lets you see if you've been affected by the recent Hilton Honors data breach and return compromised data if you have. Example: https://ift.tt/NKUwIdo https://hilton.f5.ax February 23, 2023 at 11:14PM
Show HN: TrueBase – information you can trust https://ift.tt/NyYL3Ep
Show HN: TrueBase – information you can trust https://truebase.pub/ February 24, 2023 at 12:27AM
Show HN: Google's New ML Algorithm for Unlabeled Data https://ift.tt/g4CpUWL
Show HN: Google's New ML Algorithm for Unlabeled Data https://ift.tt/yW1pEDq February 23, 2023 at 09:34PM
Thursday, February 23, 2023
NIST-Hosted Workshop on Collaborative Efforts to Enable Adoption of Rapid Microbial Testing Methods for Advanced Therapy Products
Workshop Goal Identify opportunities for leveraging and coordinating ongoing and future efforts on rapid microbial testing methods (RMTMs) to accelerate the validation and adoption of RMTMs in advanced therapy products. Workshop Overview Traditional Via NIST Events https://ift.tt/6ADamsp
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Show HN: Lost Pixel Platform – visual regression testing for your front end https://ift.tt/UpkeX7w
Show HN: Lost Pixel Platform – visual regression testing for your front end https://lost-pixel.com February 22, 2023 at 01:32PM
Show HN: Strada – Embed accounting automation with one API https://ift.tt/FekiHI9
Show HN: Strada – Embed accounting automation with one API Hi HN, we’ve been working on an API that makes it easy to add a full set of accounting tools to your product. If you’re building fintech or payments software for businesses, your customers often ask for integrations to their accounting system (Quickbooks, NetSuite, etc). There’s plenty of options for solving the integration problem, but they leave lots of manual work. Customers still need to review each transaction to assign a category, vendor, department, and tax code. With the Strada API, you can offer accounting integrations, cleanse your transaction data, and automatically map transaction details based on each customer’s accounting setup. We’d love any feedback you have. If you want to chat in more detail please reach out through our website. Thanks! https://ift.tt/KmeR9wH February 22, 2023 at 12:28AM
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Show HN: Small TypeScript library to work with quadkeys in a fast way https://ift.tt/7d46MTW
Show HN: Small TypeScript library to work with quadkeys in a fast way I am developing a website called Geocode Map Viewer( https://ift.tt/mykdzja ). I was looking for a suitable TypeScript library to visualize Quadkeys on the map, but unfortunately I couldn't find one. So I decided to develop my own library, using the sample code available on the Microsoft Tile Maps page as a reference. https://ift.tt/b0pUXAs February 21, 2023 at 03:21AM
Monday, February 20, 2023
Show HN: ProtoCURL, a curl for Protobuf https://ift.tt/ItsJGKz
Show HN: ProtoCURL, a curl for Protobuf https://ift.tt/j5PWICx February 20, 2023 at 10:18AM
Show HN: Visualize Wikipedia on an Interactive Map https://ift.tt/SBoLZRO
Show HN: Visualize Wikipedia on an Interactive Map https://ift.tt/4Nwva7T February 20, 2023 at 09:18AM
Show HN: AllyDB – An in-memory database similar to Redis, built using Elixir https://ift.tt/w2dDPbI
Show HN: AllyDB – An in-memory database similar to Redis, built using Elixir Hey, everyone. I am currently working on AllyDB, which is basically my own Redis, which I am writing in Elixir. Currently, the database is nowhere close to being ready, as you can see in the roadmap, but I am doing my best to add stuff as fast as possible. Currently the implementation is very simple, with an in memory table, an append log persistence system, as well as an interval persistence system as a backup. The database could definitely be optimized further, especially when it comes to persistence, which I am planning to do in the future. I'm also planning to use Rust NIFs for specific tasks for the performance gains over Elixir and BEAM. Writes and deletes are currently asynchronous, but I will add blocking versions of them soon. I am trying to make the system as fault tolerant as possible, and currently everything except the TCP connections are fault tolerant. I'm also working on a TypeScript client for the project, so yeah, that kind of sums it up. Feel free to check the project and the roadmap out, and let me know what I could improve or give feature or optimization ideas! Thanks, and have a nice one! https://ift.tt/NPi6Tkq February 20, 2023 at 02:04AM
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Show HN: Duplicate Word Finder https://ift.tt/7TnOPFw
Show HN: Duplicate Word Finder https://ift.tt/hBCJiRs February 19, 2023 at 10:04AM
Show HN: I made a Reddit-like way to browse Twitter's top content https://ift.tt/tFqNJc9
Show HN: I made a Reddit-like way to browse Twitter's top content https://esplora.io/ February 19, 2023 at 02:56AM
Show HN: A tool that turns unstructured transcripts into queryable SQL and JSON https://ift.tt/upPzgL9
Show HN: A tool that turns unstructured transcripts into queryable SQL and JSON We built Summ, a tool that provides intelligent search and question-answering across large sets of transcripts. We turn your unstructured transcripts into queryable SQL and JSON! Try it out and read how we did it. https://ift.tt/kRB4Nb7 February 18, 2023 at 08:54PM
Show HN: I built an app to search the APOD database by color https://ift.tt/tiG5XKa
Show HN: I built an app to search the APOD database by color https://ift.tt/S3dtiGl February 19, 2023 at 01:05AM
Show HN: Sora, Personal Publishing Platform https://ift.tt/qocevtJ
Show HN: Sora, Personal Publishing Platform We wanted to create, to express ourselves without being judged either by strangers or some algorithm. We wanted our own space on the internet, where our photos and words would matter. So we started to build an app that can showcase our content, without having to pick a platform. You can use Sora to publish a few different content types. - Blog - Polaroid - Poster - Microblog You can either display them all on your Sora profile as a summary (like mine https://ift.tt/YDWa1kR ), or put any of them forward for the world to see. We plan to run this app for a long time and looking for feedback, so let us know what you think! (feedback@sora.city, or link on website) --- Our stack today is Node, Typescript, NextJS, atomic CSS, with everything stored on Supabase. https://sora.city/ February 19, 2023 at 12:41AM
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Show HN: BrokeAF allows you to review costs before making OpenAI calls https://ift.tt/n6arwL4
Show HN: BrokeAF allows you to review costs before making OpenAI calls https://ift.tt/bsPTDoO February 18, 2023 at 03:16AM
5860 NIST Handbook 130 - Overview of the Uniform Packaging and Labeling Regulation
This 2-hour webinar provides an overview of NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Laws and Regulations, "Uniform Packaging and Labeling Regulation" (UPLR) and the Uniform Regulation for the Method of Sale of Commodities. Learning Objectives After this webinar Via NIST Events https://ift.tt/Erc59em
5862 NIST Handbook 130 - Examination Procedure for Price Verification
This 2-hour webinar will provide inspectors with an understanding and knowledge of the NIST Handbook 130 Examination Procedure Outline (EPO) on Price Verification. Learning Objectives At the end of this learning event, participants will be able to Via NIST Events https://ift.tt/Erc59em
Show HN: An open-source API built on top of OpenAI Embeddings and Pinecone https://ift.tt/c8JagK3
Show HN: An open-source API built on top of OpenAI Embeddings and Pinecone Hi, I'm Ben, the co-creator of Embedbase. Embedbase lets you use OpenAI Embeddings and Pinecone seamlessly. For example, you can add Embedbase to your app and pair it with GPT3 to allow people to search using natural language (e.g. How many workouts did I complete last week?), or simply expanding your current search experience beyond full-text search (e.g. looking for "similar" documents in Notion to find other related information) Managing embeddings is uncharted territory, we needed to discover the best practices ourselves. Now we're happy to share our learnings with Embedbase. Shoot if you have any questions https://www.embedbase.xyz/ February 17, 2023 at 07:29PM
5862 NIST Handbook 130 - Examination Procedure for Price Verification
This 2-hour webinar will provide inspectors with an understanding and knowledge of the NIST Handbook 130 Examination Procedure Outline (EPO) on Price Verification. Learning Objectives At the end of this learning event, participants will be able to
from NIST Events https://ift.tt/bEMt4xq
https://ift.tt/bEMt4xq https://ift.tt/bKsoqrM via IFTTT
from NIST Events https://ift.tt/bEMt4xq
https://ift.tt/bEMt4xq https://ift.tt/bKsoqrM via IFTTT
Friday, February 17, 2023
Show HN: Inquery (YC W23) – Real-time events for Postgres https://ift.tt/mZLHwPd
Show HN: Inquery (YC W23) – Real-time events for Postgres Hi HN, we're excited to share our open source tool with the community! Inquery is a utility for Postgres that triggers webhooks when rows are inserted, updated, or deleted. It uses database triggers that send low-latency websocket messages to a Go application. This application then calls any configured webhooks with a JSON payload that includes specified values from the database row. Let us know if you have any feedback or questions! https://ift.tt/8ZgR1ay February 17, 2023 at 01:21AM
Show HN: I made an early 2000s-inspired internet forum https://ift.tt/X6z5T4G
Show HN: I made an early 2000s-inspired internet forum https://ift.tt/Vu7wHEC February 16, 2023 at 11:02PM
5864 LPG (Propane) -Verifying the Net Contents of 20 lb Cylinders (Part 1)
PART 1 "Exchange Locations and Vending Machines" This 5-hour webinar will include a morning and afternoon session, with a 1 hour break in between. Participants will learn about the properties of LPG, where and how it is sold, ways cost and value Via NIST Events https://ift.tt/yJ3DWMn
5864 LPG (Propane) -Verifying the Net Contents of 20 lb Cylinders (Part 1)
PART 1 "Exchange Locations and Vending Machines" This 5-hour webinar will include a morning and afternoon session, with a 1 hour break in between. Participants will learn about the properties of LPG, where and how it is sold, ways cost and value
from NIST Events https://ift.tt/ASN5MqZ
https://ift.tt/ASN5MqZ https://ift.tt/XqPjwJr via IFTTT
from NIST Events https://ift.tt/ASN5MqZ
https://ift.tt/ASN5MqZ https://ift.tt/XqPjwJr via IFTTT
Show HN: SheetKeys – The Hacker's Spreadsheet https://ift.tt/18eoaG6
Show HN: SheetKeys – The Hacker's Spreadsheet Hey folks, over the years my job role has skewed to using a code editor less and using spreadsheets more. Coming from Emacs and Vim, I wanted my Google Sheets usage to be more keyboard driven, so I made this extension. I've used it for several years and it's been a great quality of life improvement, so I'm releasing it today. Enjoy! https://ift.tt/kxWPl9E February 16, 2023 at 10:36PM
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Show HN: Camome UI – A lightweight React and CSS framework https://ift.tt/mK7kuES
Show HN: Camome UI – A lightweight React and CSS framework https://camome.net February 16, 2023 at 06:43AM
Show HN: Helium – a headless, open-source LMS https://ift.tt/i3tTEmB
Show HN: Helium – a headless, open-source LMS https://ift.tt/S0EZr7p February 16, 2023 at 05:21AM
Show HN: Stream Arrow into Postgres https://ift.tt/5Zb61QG
Show HN: Stream Arrow into Postgres Small, simple, sans IO and fast. No more dumping to CSVs! https://ift.tt/YCzTk1f February 16, 2023 at 03:01AM
Show HN: Ractor – a Rust-based actor framework with clusters and supervisors https://ift.tt/8dJxnqB
Show HN: Ractor – a Rust-based actor framework with clusters and supervisors SOME HIGHLIGHTS. * We have a full supervision tree so actors can monitor other actors for exits and unhandled panic!s (at least the ones that can be caught) * The actor lifecycle is handled for you in a simple single-threaded, message handler primitive * You have a mutable state with each message handling call, so you have an easy way to create stateful actors and update that state as messages are processed * Actors talk to other actors by message passing, but there are remote-procedure-calls (RPCs) so actors can "ask a question" to another actor and wait on the reply. * A lot of the concurrency primitives are handled by the framework, such as cancellation/termination of actors (both graceful and forceful) * A Factory primitive in order to formulate distributed processing pools with multiple job routing options * Early but stable support for a distributed epmd-like cluster environment, where you can talk to actors over a network link. It's an additional crate (ractor_cluster) that builds on ractor to facilitate the inter-connection between nodes and support remote casts and calls to actors on a remote node. We're openly seeking feedback, so please feel free to utilize the library and let us know if there's anything you find missing or doesn't work as expected! https://ift.tt/ZRhQCNq February 16, 2023 at 03:02AM
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Show HN: I built a site to roast landing pages https://ift.tt/huNa18P
Show HN: I built a site to roast landing pages https://www.roastd.io/ February 15, 2023 at 12:10PM
Show HN: Turn Jupyter Notebook to Web App https://ift.tt/85j9drE
Show HN: Turn Jupyter Notebook to Web App https://RunMercury.com February 15, 2023 at 11:36AM
Show HN: Explore careers that you don't know even exist https://ift.tt/yIOC1Qw
Show HN: Explore careers that you don't know even exist "Excited to launch CareerGPT.ai on Hacker news today! We're on a mission to help people ..yada...yada" No, that's ChatGPT's writing, not mine :) Folks, I was a PhD student once, in a non-home country, and just wished to know what was it like to go and work in the industry, being a programmer, or started a company. Torn apart between choices, I just wished there was a totally unbiased counselor to talk to. I couldn't do that with my supervisor since he always encouraged me to finish the thesis (of course). Heck, had ChatGPT exist back then, I would have had more infos and made decision easier. So why not launching one, on the back of the collective "intelligence" and "creativity" of large language model. About building the product: Yes, I call OpenAI's API, but need to do some 'prompt engineering', updating temperature along the conversation. Just tell me what you think. Thanks. https://careergpt.ai February 15, 2023 at 11:39AM
Show HN: Openapi.security, a fast security checker for REST-based API https://ift.tt/kEj3YR8
Show HN: Openapi.security, a fast security checker for REST-based API tl;dr we released openapi.security, an online tool that performs a dozen of security tests on any given openapi/swagger-based API, with no signup or email required. You can try it here: https://ift.tt/8Xae925 My team at Escape (YC W23) is mainly focused on securing GraphQL APIs. For this, we developed a new approach called Feedback driven API Exploration. Basically, we infer the right security tests cases to run using the specification and a carefully crafted in house graph traversal algorithm. (It's a bit long to describe here but we published a more in depth explanation of how this algorithm works in our blog!) We recently wondered if this Feedback Driven Exploration approach could be efficiently applied to good old REST APIs as well. From our experience, well designed GraphQL and REST APIs are quite equivalent: both have an organized data structure and explicit relationships between objects. So why wouldn't it work? We often organise internal hackathons. So this time, we focused on this experiment, adapting our algorithm to REST and ending up creating our last side project: OpenAPI.security. It is a very simple tool: anybody can enter an OpenAPI / Swagger spec, and openapi.security will run a bunch of security tests on it and give back a report. It's designed to be fast and smart in the way it analyzes input specs. https://ift.tt/8Xae925 February 14, 2023 at 08:58PM
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Show HN: I made Hacker News but for research papers https://ift.tt/jtHMlWq
Show HN: I made Hacker News but for research papers https://paperlist.io/ February 13, 2023 at 11:11PM
Show HN: Generate User Interface Components with GPT-3 https://ift.tt/tRokIS7
Show HN: Generate User Interface Components with GPT-3 I’m building an experimental tool that can generate a UI component from a high-level text description, i.e. “Design a card for viewing goals in a goal tracking application”. Basically, stable diffusion but for user interface components instead of images. This tool is at best a proof of concept. It currently only generates a single type of component (small cards that have basic info about an object), but the goal is to be able to design entire applications (either in one fell swoop or by piecing together components that the tool generates). The components it generates can be exported as react code. You can also have it modify an existing design. The tool isn't useful yet but it's somewhat fun to play around with. Having it generate a component rather than an entire screen made the problem easier but I'm not sure if there are any users that this would appeal to. I could see it appealing to developers who lack design and CSS skills and want to quickly build a decent looking frontend for their app. Looking forward to hearing what you guys think of this project and the generative AI for UI space in general. If you're interested in collaborating on a startup or open-source project in this space, email designhat dot ai at gmail dot com https://ift.tt/YFMmVXd February 13, 2023 at 07:43PM
Monday, February 13, 2023
Show HN: (Repost) A Chrome extension to help you improve website performance https://ift.tt/x2FkLXn
Show HN: (Repost) A Chrome extension to help you improve website performance https://ift.tt/vALDnEa February 13, 2023 at 12:45PM
Show HN: Meta peddling unsecured business credits to users in India https://ift.tt/FtDWdGg
Show HN: Meta peddling unsecured business credits to users in India I have a friend who owns a business and they got a really weird email from meta. Apparently meta has teamed with "Indifi and FlexiLoans" to give unsecured business loans. 1. They are sharing details of "this user is a small business owner" with third parties and that they are directly emailing about "helping businesses in need". What the hell is wrong with these people. If I wanted a loan,i would approach my bank and not some fincorp who would fleece me with 18% interests. Banks have much less interest rates February 13, 2023 at 12:33PM
Show HN: Toodle.Studio is an art playground with Lisp and turtles https://ift.tt/H4NCm2y
Show HN: Toodle.Studio is an art playground with Lisp and turtles https://toodle.studio February 11, 2023 at 05:54PM
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Show HN: Get an AI generated quiz from any YouTube video https://ift.tt/zNiYQjV
Show HN: Get an AI generated quiz from any YouTube video https://qtubeai.com/ February 12, 2023 at 04:43PM
Show HN: Jendeley – JSON-based document organizing software https://ift.tt/hqakF5m
Show HN: Jendeley – JSON-based document organizing software I created jendeley to help organize documents for programmers. - jendeley is JSON-based. You can see and edit your database quickly. - jendeley works locally. Your important database is owned only by you. No cloud. - jendeley is browser-based. You can run it anywhere node.js runs. Repository: https://ift.tt/mECrywF https://ift.tt/z2QR8dg February 11, 2023 at 01:10AM
Show HN: Vettel – a tiny key value store that's faster than Redis (sort of) https://ift.tt/CDnRW3J
Show HN: Vettel – a tiny key value store that's faster than Redis (sort of) https://ift.tt/7DsP2qN February 12, 2023 at 09:59AM
Show HN: Link Book – Quickly save links from around the web to GitHub https://ift.tt/th8VrFB
Show HN: Link Book – Quickly save links from around the web to GitHub Save and sync your web bookmarks using Link Book and GitHub while retaining full control of your data https://ift.tt/kPxSX8F February 12, 2023 at 11:59AM
Show HN: PyCirclize – Circular Visualization in Python https://ift.tt/ZYDVsPk
Show HN: PyCirclize – Circular Visualization in Python pyCirclize is a circular visualization python package implemented based on matplotlib. This package was developed for the purpose of easily and beautifully plotting circular figure such as Circos Plot and Chord Diagram in Python. I'd love to hear your feedback. Document: https://ift.tt/DfP7Xiv https://ift.tt/rJxWAMK February 12, 2023 at 06:16AM
Show HN: G-Script – Visual Scripting for the Web https://ift.tt/NkWVF2T
Show HN: G-Script – Visual Scripting for the Web Hi all, I'm a PM by day who taught themselves to code over COVID. One of the things I enjoyed during that process was learning how to make basic games in Unreal Engine using Blueprints. I found visual scripting was such an intuitive way to express what I call "mid-tier complexity" logic and I felt there really wasn't a great equivalent for the web - so I built one over the last few months and this is my MVP. Tools like Zapier etc are great and easy to use, but they're heavily limited when it comes to expressing any kind of complex logic or trying to follow coding principles like DRY. On the other end of the spectrum, serverless setups like Cloudflare workers or Firebase functions give you all the power of code, but there's atleast 20-30 minutes of additional overhead involved in just getting the things live. G-Script is designed to land exactly in the middle of these two options. It's "Lower level" than tools like Zapier and supports most of the code-level primitives you NEED in order to express logic. Examples being: - Conditional Logic - Loops - Static Typing - Objects & Arrays - Version Control - Reusable logic/functions On the flip side, it's much less friction that writing an actual serverless function, both up-front and ongoing. Examples: - You don't need to know "Code", just how to express your logic visually. - No need to manage even basic deployments or use a CLI, it's all done via a UI. - Every Workflow is a seperate little microservice with it's own URL that you can call via HTTP. - The super simple version control system makes it easy to role back to earlier versions of a workflow if you break something, or make changes to your logic without impacting what executes and the Workflow URL until you're ready to deploy your final iteration. https://g-script.io/ February 12, 2023 at 03:11AM
Show HN: Polymath: Convert any music-library into a sample-library with ML https://ift.tt/gwRNxpU
Show HN: Polymath: Convert any music-library into a sample-library with ML Polymath is a open-source tool that converts any music-library into a sample-library with machine learning. It separates songs into stems, quantizes to same BPM, detects key and much more. A game-changing workflow for music producers & DJ https://ift.tt/itsoNx1 February 12, 2023 at 12:13AM
Saturday, February 11, 2023
Show HN: Sharrr – Pretty secure file transfer https://ift.tt/ytJqhws
Show HN: Sharrr – Pretty secure file transfer End-to-encrypted file transfer. https://www.sharrr.com/ February 11, 2023 at 11:06AM
Show HN: Stablematic – run Stable Diffusion in the browser with cloud GPUs https://ift.tt/uFEltC8
Show HN: Stablematic – run Stable Diffusion in the browser with cloud GPUs Hey HN. Have been a little obsessed with generative AI art and found a lot of the setup initially quite difficult to do more interesting things without suffering coldstart problems or interruptions. Have made Stablematic to help run Stable Diffusion models in the browser using cloud GPUs. Please let me know what you think. I'll be in the thread to answer any questions you may have. https://ift.tt/MqvV3Nc February 11, 2023 at 02:30AM
Show HN: Get notified in Slack for each GitHub star https://ift.tt/8zEHm7G
Show HN: Get notified in Slack for each GitHub star I wrote a Zap on Zapier to get notified when someone stars your repo. I use it on our open-source repo and it's helpful. Fern: https://ift.tt/av54xYn https://ift.tt/l0MiZvd February 11, 2023 at 01:25AM
Show HN: S.cr – send encrypted, disposable notes https://ift.tt/PNWCO4n
Show HN: S.cr – send encrypted, disposable notes https://s.cr February 10, 2023 at 10:43PM
Friday, February 10, 2023
Show HN: A Chrome extension to improve your website performance https://ift.tt/upge7rF
Show HN: A Chrome extension to improve your website performance https://ift.tt/7t3eIwr February 10, 2023 at 12:09PM
Show HN: Enc – A modern and friendly CLI alternative to GnuPG https://ift.tt/apEhglu
Show HN: Enc – A modern and friendly CLI alternative to GnuPG Enc is a CLI tool for encryption, a modern and friendly alternative to GnuPG. It is easy to use, secure by default and can encrypt and decrypt files using password or encryption keys, manage and download keys, and sign data. Our goal was to make encryption available to all engineers without the need to learn a lot of new words, concepts, and commands. It is the most beginner-friendly CLI tool for encryption, and keeping it that way is our top priority. https://ift.tt/cNwn2Dt February 10, 2023 at 09:43AM
Show HN: MrScraper – A visual web-scraping tool https://ift.tt/GHKoWUm
Show HN: MrScraper – A visual web-scraping tool Two months ago, I started building this side-project in the morning, before my full-time job. A visual and easy-to-use web scraping app. Please, roast it a bit so I can work on improving it. Thanks. https://mrscraper.com February 10, 2023 at 09:19AM
Show HN: Verified-GPT on your files and videos https://ift.tt/p0tldVH
Show HN: Verified-GPT on your files and videos https://ift.tt/9imBMVp February 9, 2023 at 09:50PM
Show HN: Noya (YC W21) – A wireframing tool that generates designs and code https://ift.tt/PAjXN9h
Show HN: Noya (YC W21) – A wireframing tool that generates designs and code Hi HN! We’ve been building a new browser-based design tool that’s ready for you to play with! My cofounder David and I were previously on the Design Tools team at Airbnb, where we built lots of innovative tools to improve the design process internally. Now we’re trying to bring this caliber of tools to everyone. The first problem we’re trying to solve is the age-old problem of working in low fidelity vs. high fidelity when designing UI. Low fidelity wireframes are great for quick iteration while hashing out the main idea, while high fidelity mockups and prototypes are often better for conveying the idea to teammates or pitching the idea to customers. With Noya, you get to work in low fidelity, while still getting a high fidelity output you can share. Noya does this by converting your low fidelity blocks into high fidelity design system & React components. I think of the current version as an MVP still, since there’s a lot more that I want to add, but I’ve personally been finding it useful even with its limited feature set. I’d be very interested in any early feedback if you have a chance to play with it! PS: We’ve open sourced most of Noya at https://ift.tt/ljRPiUa . Let us know if you’re interested in collaborating. https://www.noya.io February 10, 2023 at 12:22AM
Show HN: We craft minimum viable SaaS products https://ift.tt/VhNdDMG
Show HN: We craft minimum viable SaaS products Helping founders bring their product to life, attract early users, and validate their idea. https://ift.tt/Pr5KxSZ February 9, 2023 at 01:47PM
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Show HN: Use Apple's Vision APIs and OpenAI to Automate Nutrition Label Reading https://ift.tt/XJWayZL
Show HN: Use Apple's Vision APIs and OpenAI to Automate Nutrition Label Reading https://ift.tt/n0j2eGd February 9, 2023 at 01:37AM
Show HN: Free newsletter signup service (because I'm sick of Mailchimp) https://ift.tt/IpsnPM8
Show HN: Free newsletter signup service (because I'm sick of Mailchimp) https://ift.tt/eLUqYRo February 9, 2023 at 12:27AM
Show HN: StackOverflow.gg – AI-generated answers to every coding question https://ift.tt/4mZuDyh
Show HN: StackOverflow.gg – AI-generated answers to every coding question https://ift.tt/WGrLfPu February 8, 2023 at 10:58PM
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Show HN: My article on idea validation on HN (Hackernoon) https://ift.tt/GiSe07a
Show HN: My article on idea validation on HN (Hackernoon) It's been doing relatively well for a first story ever! Any feedback from this HN? https://ift.tt/Ytz5wLB February 8, 2023 at 10:50AM
Show HN: Kuboble.com – minimalistic sliding pieces puzzle game https://ift.tt/JSyGtV4
Show HN: Kuboble.com – minimalistic sliding pieces puzzle game Hi, I wanted to share a simple game I wrote. It's a sliding pieces puzzle like many others. I have focused a lot on making the experience smooth and minimalistic and the levels being challenging in a way a sudoku or chess puzzles could be. I had no prior knowledge of game development and while it feels like someone competent could build this game in a week I spent over two years and hundreds of hours to bring this game to life. My journey went through: - thinking it will be a PC game - being overwhelmed by the amount of different game frameworks - hiring an indie dev to bootstrap the game in Unity for me - realize the small levels are actually cool and it might fit on a phone - generating levels and playing through thousands of them myself to curate a smaller list - realizing the Unity wasn't a good choice - rewriting the game in html + js drawing on canvas + React - hiring a bunch of fiverr artists and testers to polish it up I think I am finally satisfied with the result enough to be willing to share it with the world. If you're a fan of minimalist sliding pieces puzzles I'd be happy if you give it a try! the game has: - no ads - no tracking of any kind - fully offline after first load https://kuboble.com February 8, 2023 at 11:44AM
Show HN: We built an open-source LaunchDarkly alternative for B2Bs https://ift.tt/M4mwHNl
Show HN: We built an open-source LaunchDarkly alternative for B2Bs Hey HN, Nir, Gal and Tomer here. Last week, we open-sourced Enrolla ( https://ift.tt/qAyaR2H ) - feature management for SaaS companies. It makes it easy for developers to control how their product behaves for customers in different pricing tiers. So things like which features are enabled for whom, rate limits and seat limits, but also your customer secrets (with end-to-end encryption), and other configurations. After 15 years of working together at various companies, where we rebuilt the same SaaS foundation layer again and again - we wanted to create something reliable and feature-rich that will be available for everyone. We now have a backoffice UI, a backend and SDKs for managing customer features and a way to manage pricing tiers on top of it. We plan to add more features around metering and integration with Stripe, so that ideally Enrolla can be used to bootstrap any new SaaS software in minutes. We’ve launched this repo under the MIT license so any developer can use it. The goal is not to charge individual developers. We make money by charging a license fee for enterprise features like Salesforce/Hubspot and SSO integrations. Give it a try ( https://ift.tt/qAyaR2H ), and let us know what you think! Main website: https://www.enrolla.io https://www.enrolla.io February 7, 2023 at 03:04PM
Show HN: Anansi – a Ruby Set using mem and disk (SQLite) for large sized tasks https://ift.tt/x2o0a1l
Show HN: Anansi – a Ruby Set using mem and disk (SQLite) for large sized tasks https://ift.tt/ydZAa4r February 7, 2023 at 06:29PM
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
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Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 nist.gov/nice/ccw What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...
Show HN: Dumbproxy – modern and simple HTTP(S) proxy https://ift.tt/3cVqvkq May 25, 2020 at 03:00AM
Show HN: A simple MSN Weather API wrapper https://ift.tt/3jeS0vi June 26, 2021 at 07:48AM
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 nist.gov/nice/ccw What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...