Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Show HN: I built my own minimal PHP framework
Show HN: I built my own minimal PHP framework This is a simple PHP framework I built myself from scratch with minimal dependencies from composer. It has Autowiring DI and some simple routing provided by the Slim router. The code: November 30, 2022 at 09:51AM
Show HN: Amazon Seller sent me a postcard asking me to leave a 5-star review
Show HN: Amazon Seller sent me a postcard asking me to leave a 5-star review Wanted to jump in and throw this here since this is about the first time I've been reached out to by an Amazon seller by mail, directly asking me to leave a 5-star review in exchange for a $20 gift card. With an already struggling E-commerce market, it's quite strange to see the lengths sellers are going to, to buy 5-star reviews from buyers. I am considering reporting this to Amazon, however wanted to run this by you guys and hear similar stories from you! Here is the card I received: November 30, 2022 at 03:37AM
Show HN: Trading cards made with e-ink displays
Show HN: Trading cards made with e-ink displays I made a thing! In 2014, I was holding a stack of iPhones and thought to myself: "Hey, if I had each phone display a playing card, I could click a button and they'd shuffle themselves" I pared that idea all the way down to this: trading cards made of e-ink displays. Right now, each card costs me about $20 each, but with only a bit more scale, I think I can get that down to $10. In doing this project, I learned how to design electronics and circuit boards. I learned Rust and wrote my first driver, I upped my CAD skills, 3D printed, and did my first resin casting. I generated the images on the cards using stable-diffusion. HN always seems to appreciate new uses for e-ink. Thought I'd share :) November 30, 2022 at 02:24AM
Show HN: SinglePage – Quickly and anonymously publish a page to the web
Show HN: SinglePage – Quickly and anonymously publish a page to the web Creating a basic webpage has become way too complicated and expensive. Often there are those times when you just want to share your thoughts with the world but don't want the overhead and complexities that come with maintaining a website. Sometimes, you have an interesting thought piece, an education article, or just a quick and simple bio page that doesn't need the heavy hand of a WordPress blog or Medium post. That's where Single Page comes in. Publish a single page instantly to the web with no fuss. I was laid off three weeks ago from Twitter and I decided to work through a couple of my projects and this was one of them. I've tried blogs over the years, Medium didn't feel right but yet I wanted to quickly post pages online and couldn't find an easy way to do it. So I created it. Feedback appreciated! November 29, 2022 at 10:14PM
Show HN: I rebuilt MySpace from 2007 (2 year update)
Show HN: I rebuilt MySpace from 2007 (2 year update) November 29, 2022 at 10:39PM
Show HN: A userscript that adds archive URLs below the paywalled HN submissions
Show HN: A userscript that adds archive URLs below the paywalled HN submissions This userscript adds archive URLs to the metadata section of HN submissions without breaking the immersion. Here are 2 screenshots: GreasyFork: Source code: Now let me overexplain. -Why?- I never liked paywalled articles. I understand where they come from, but I don't like where we cross our paths. This is why I don't use major news aggregators anymore. Instead, I spend my "catching-up-with-the-world-time" on Hacker News. However, Hacker News (HN) also has its fair-share of paywalled articles. ( Around 11.6% according to my short-lived, half-assed attempt at measuring it. See my super old data I tell the story below.) -First try- Around a year ago, when I ran the above experiment, my goal wasn't to run that experiment. It was during my self-teaching & career-changing process, I decided to build a React HN clone. To make it stand-out from the bunch, I added a paywall feature. It would detect paywalled articles and would add an archive URL into the metadata. The issue with archiving is unless someone archived the link before on the {archiving-project} then the link is most likely not archived. So me sending people to those projects meant nothing. It kinda meant something for me from an ideological standpoint but I assume you are not me. This rubbed me the wrong way. I decided to build a backend (See ) that would scan the links and automatically to detect paywalls close to real-time and submit paywalled ones to for archival. I used Nodejs, Firebase, and React. I was -still am- really proud because I believed it was doing public good in terms of digital preservation. Only 1 person needed to run this script to benefit everyone. As an extra, I was curious on how many paywalled articles were being shared, by whom, at what time. So I also created some analytics functionality to gather the data. And later created a UI to present it. HN-Paywall-Archiver was great but I stopped running the backend at some point. Because at that point couldn't find a way to continuously run my backend code on some platform for cheap or didn't try hard enough. P.S. Recently I've been thinking of remaking this version with Cloudflare Workers. -Hacker News Paywall Archiver Userscript- After almost a year, I got into userscripts. Super great super awesome concept. People seem to hate javascript unless it is presented as a userscript. So I decided to get my hands dirty to create a simple solution that solves the paywall issue on HN without breaking any hearts. My solution is not perfect as it had to be simple. But here's the rundown. Pros: - Does not beg for attention. - Simple code, simple concept. - Unintentionally, indicates which submissions are paywalled without you interacting with anything. - Not-yet-archived archive links can make you feel like you are contributing to the society after you click on the "archive this URL" button on project page. - Uses HN html defaults, so I hope it plays well with the HN skins/plugins/userscripts you use. Cons: - It doesn't automatically archive the links. - It uses clone of a static list of paywalled websites sourced from a popular Chrome extension. ( ) So changing the paywall list is slow and manual. - No guarantees of archived links actually having the archive readily available for reading. Though there are currently 3 projects added, so it should be enough for most links. So, there you go. I hope you enjoy it. It can break occasionally due to changes in news.ycombinator code, if you let me know on Twitter, I can fix it ASAP. Otherwise you have to wait until I notice that the script is broken, which can take quite a while as I browse HN on mobile. November 30, 2022 at 01:08AM
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Show HN: Python library for embedding large graphs (Written in Rust)
Show HN: Python library for embedding large graphs (Written in Rust) November 29, 2022 at 08:20AM
Show HN: Compare GPT DaVinci-002 and 003 summaries of current top HN stories
Show HN: Compare GPT DaVinci-002 and 003 summaries of current top HN stories Based on quick extensions to the open source telegram summarization bot I posted a few days ago ( ), you can see for yourself how davinci 002 and 003 compare on the current top HN stories for the same prompt and temperature (0.2). Items that don't have summaries are usually due to a failure to access meaningful url content. November 29, 2022 at 03:41AM
Show HN: Jektex – Fast server side rendering of latex for Jekyll
Show HN: Jektex – Fast server side rendering of latex for Jekyll Hello! This is my first attempt of creating, publishing and maintaining my own package. I have a blog with something around 4000 latex expressions. Client side rendering using latex was super slow and some phones did not render it properly. I tried some KaTeX plugins for server side rendering but they were painfully slow (on my laptop it took more than 5 min to build). So I decided to learn some ruby and create latex rendering plugin by my self. So I created jektex. Jektex is a Jekyll plugin for fast server side cached LaTeX rendering, with support for macros and is very configurable. Now I can render y entire blog in 2 seconds on same laptop. I will be very happy for any feedback or advice. Have a nice day November 29, 2022 at 01:07AM
Monday, November 28, 2022
Show HN: WebStickies – Sticky notes for the internet
Show HN: WebStickies – Sticky notes for the internet I made a browser extension that lets you leave notes on websites. Some features: search by content, add tags, sync, export/import November 27, 2022 at 07:55PM
Show HN: Visualizing the group stage of the 2022 FIFA World Cup
Show HN: Visualizing the group stage of the 2022 FIFA World Cup This is a visualization we created for a blog post back in 2018 and decided to resurrect for 2022. You can see at a glance a bunch of information about the progress of each group - the result of each match that has been played, the status of each team, and how many matches have been played. I like to think this would get a good data-ink score from Edward Tufte. November 28, 2022 at 01:37AM
Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost
Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost November 28, 2022 at 01:26AM
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Show HN: I wrote a book about forms usability
Show HN: I wrote a book about forms usability Hello. I'm a developer who wrote a book about forms. The thing is that I suffer from perfectionism. It's not "just to convince you guys that I wrote something cool". My book is pretty mediocre. However in order to write it, I rented a hotel (!) in a different country because I couldn't find a quiet place where I could do this. And spent here ~1.5 month writing it. I'm highly inspired by two guys. Those guys who wrote RefactoringUI (Adam Wathan & Steve Schoger) and Josh W Comeau (who made css-for-developers). Both of them made terrific products. My dream is to get to their level. But here is a thing: I planned to spend a whole year for this book, but due to the war (I'm from Russia) I had to migrate to another country. And a lot of things has happened. After suffering depressing (hello Fluvoxamine & Xanax), I finally made something that I can show. If I get some results (yes, basically, sells), I'll dedicate the next year to get close to those guys mentioned above. One of the ideas is to write a book (or even a course) about tables. They are complicated. Another one is to upgrade to a printed book. Many ideas, but it's hard to realize that the whole year was hectic due to the well-known sad events that happened. One thing I want to mention about "what's cool about this offer". In the "Complete package" there is a discount for FramesX. It's the first time I used a product in Figma and I used it for my illustrations. Next week this guy releases the second version. And I RELALY liked this one. So that might be even better than offer than my book :D November 27, 2022 at 01:59PM
Show HN: Scramble text to slow down your reading
Show HN: Scramble text to slow down your reading November 27, 2022 at 05:31AM
Show HN: ePub Reader + VS Code = Flow
Show HN: ePub Reader + VS Code = Flow November 27, 2022 at 11:07AM
Show HN: A Simple CI/CD Demo of GitHub Actions to EKS
Show HN: A Simple CI/CD Demo of GitHub Actions to EKS November 27, 2022 at 08:03AM
Show HN: footnote - a modern take on Goodreads
Show HN: footnote - a modern take on Goodreads footnote - A modern take on Goodreads November 27, 2022 at 05:52AM
Show HN: I created a Chrome extension to help keep good posture while browsing
Show HN: I created a Chrome extension to help keep good posture while browsing Hey HN, this is a small project I created that blurs your browser window whenever you start slouching. I'm sure it can be improved, but I wanted to put it out there in case anyone was interested. Links to the github repo [0] and the extension on the Chrome Webstore [1]. I'd love to get some feedback on it. [0] [1] November 27, 2022 at 04:57AM
Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app
Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app If you can read this, you are one of the plpoee who can raed text in wihch the first and lsat letrets are uncghenad and the mlddie leterts are scrambled. Tihs technique, and others taht make rdnaeig swoler (such as cingnahg the font to Papyrus) hvae been shown to incearse rneitoten of information. Wtih tihs bookmarklet, you can force yuorself to raed sloewr and wtih mroe effort, pteliolnaty iionmvprg retention. November 27, 2022 at 01:27AM
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Show HN: Understanding Braids (digital audio synthesis 101)
Show HN: Understanding Braids (digital audio synthesis 101) November 26, 2022 at 10:26AM
Show HN: Primitive tool to record GIFs from terminal commands
Show HN: Primitive tool to record GIFs from terminal commands I've made a primitive tools to record GIF files. There's many tools like this, but I was inspired by VHS[0]. The thing is, VHS requires ffmpeg and chromium to create GIFs and videos, which is a nice approach, but it's too heavy for my taste. Basically, I forked a simple terminal emulator[1] written in plain C and added commands to write output straight to a GIF file[2]. It's stil a WIP pet-project, but I believe it could be usefull for someone, for example, to create animated illustrations for documentation, blog posts and such. [0] [1] [2] November 26, 2022 at 03:34PM
Show HN: I made an API builder for side projects
Show HN: I made an API builder for side projects November 26, 2022 at 06:43AM
Show HN: Open Source Bot That Summarizes Top Hacker News Stories Using GPT-3
Show HN: Open Source Bot That Summarizes Top Hacker News Stories Using GPT-3 November 26, 2022 at 02:04AM
Show HN: Open-Source Page Block Builder with Remix and Tailwind CSS
Show HN: Open-Source Page Block Builder with Remix and Tailwind CSS November 26, 2022 at 12:34AM
Friday, November 25, 2022
Show HN: A new way to do footnotes
Show HN: A new way to do footnotes November 25, 2022 at 02:59AM
Show HN: Analyze the behavior of OSS for malicious intent
Show HN: Analyze the behavior of OSS for malicious intent November 25, 2022 at 02:05AM
Show HN: Google Sheets GOOGLEFINANCE() reliability enhancement
Show HN: Google Sheets GOOGLEFINANCE() reliability enhancement Anyone who uses GOOGLEFINANCE() for stock/ETF prices and then logs your total portfolio assets daily (by trigger), knows that it is not 100% reliable. What I wanted was something that would use the last good data point if GOOGLEFINANCE was failing. So I added caching to solve this problem. There is also another issue that GOOGLEFINANCE is particularly bad with Canadian stock symbols. It also does not find stock/etf dividend yields. For this I query a few finance websites to pull in the missing info. Now the problem looking up a couple hundred symbols using =CACHEFINANCE() (my custom function) was the dreaded 'Loading' error, which would also cause asset tracking to fail - so... I also added the capability to run as a trigger function, so it has now been 100% success for my logging. The app script will create a trigger for each job required (i.e. pricing is one, yieldpct is another, etc.). It will also automatically exit and re-start the trigger if it can't get through all requests before the 6 minute mark (a Google restriction). This is especially needed with the 'Yieldpct' because all data is found using URL fetch - which is much slower than a working GOOGLEFINANCE. I have made this an open source project if you want to use the Google Apps Script. Please let me know of any suggestions to help improve going forward. This version works for me, but of course the first person using other than me will probably find something wrong. I'm sure my could use some further enhancements. November 25, 2022 at 12:42AM
Show HN: AI generated puzzles from Wikipedia articles
Show HN: AI generated puzzles from Wikipedia articles November 25, 2022 at 12:01AM
Show HN: World Cup 2022 CLI Dashboard – Watch matches in your terminal
Show HN: World Cup 2022 CLI Dashboard – Watch matches in your terminal November 24, 2022 at 11:56PM
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Show HN: Automated Stair Lighting Project
Show HN: Automated Stair Lighting Project November 24, 2022 at 10:11AM
Show HN: Could you be a web designer?
Show HN: Could you be a web designer? I made a short quiz to test web/frontend design skills. Some of the questions require knowledge of trends, but most of them test the ability to notice small details in the design and css of the page. Hope you have fun with it! November 24, 2022 at 03:49AM
Show HN: OpenDolphin – A Community Built Open Source Social Network
Show HN: OpenDolphin – A Community Built Open Source Social Network Hey HN! I'm trying to create a community of people that are willing to contribute to the OpenDolphin project. The goal of the project is to build an Open Source _centralized_ social network that would ideally compete with Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The main difference between the well established social and this one would be that it is going to be built and managed in the public, in the most transparent way possible. Features will be implemented and requested by the community - and generally speaking everything would be community-centric. If the project takes off, this might become one of the most transparent companies / projects out there. If you fancy joining us, come say "Hi" on our Slack instance, and help us shape the next social network! November 24, 2022 at 02:55AM
Show HN: I've made bad Apple, but using HTML tables
Show HN: I've made bad Apple, but using HTML tables November 24, 2022 at 12:04AM
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Show HN: Vinyl: Relational Streams for Java
Show HN: Vinyl: Relational Streams for Java Vinyl extends Java Streams with relational operations. I wanted to try a different approach than what I'd found in the wild, to get at a solution that feels good. Vinyl offers type-safe access without type bloat. It offers an extremely expressive API without scores of opinionated methods to learn. It integrates with the Streams we already have, and plays nice with parallelism. If we can do it in SQL, we should be able to do it in Java. November 23, 2022 at 06:33AM
Show HN: Google Form filling made easy via QRCode
Show HN: Google Form filling made easy via QRCode Get tired of sharing the google form to email addresses one by one? Response Manager add-on makes the process easier by generating QRCode for the form and share that with your audience! November 23, 2022 at 06:09AM
Show HN: A robot that plays the Simon game
Show HN: A robot that plays the Simon game November 23, 2022 at 03:40AM
Show HN: `Curl`
Show HN: `Curl` November 23, 2022 at 12:48AM
Show HN: Visualising real-time Sydney bus congestion with Marey charts
Show HN: Visualising real-time Sydney bus congestion with Marey charts November 22, 2022 at 11:46PM
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Show HN: Comparing Open Source Projects
Show HN: Comparing Open Source Projects We just pushed out which allows you to compare commit and contributor velocity for a group of OSS projects. November 22, 2022 at 04:38AM
Show HN: Wiretap – Transparent WireGuard proxy server without root
Show HN: Wiretap – Transparent WireGuard proxy server without root November 22, 2022 at 02:21AM
Show HN: I built a job board for payments and fin-tech engineering jobs
Show HN: I built a job board for payments and fin-tech engineering jobs November 22, 2022 at 12:15AM
Show HN: Organize Carpools with Co-Workers
Show HN: Organize Carpools with Co-Workers Here's something I've been working on to help employees find carpooling options with co-workers. With inflation & gas prices going up this seems like a really good thing to have going forward. Happy to have any feedback and I'll roll it back into the site. Thank you! This is a repost after 10 weeks up working on feedback from HN with updates and a website redesign [1]. I submitted this before and there was very good feedback about target audience, need to show benefits, etc. Basically, I had a website that looked like it was designed by a programmer. I'd spent 95% of the work on the backend systems and 5% on the website. I've tried to majorly improve the website with screenshots and demos now. [1] November 21, 2022 at 11:30PM
Monday, November 21, 2022
Show HN: Buzz, strongly typed scripting language written in Zig
Show HN: Buzz, strongly typed scripting language written in Zig November 21, 2022 at 12:29PM
Show HN: I built a game to test OKLCH colors/gradients in my canvas library
Show HN: I built a game to test OKLCH colors/gradients in my canvas library November 20, 2022 at 11:22PM
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Show HN: A Hacker News reader with the UX of YouTube Shorts
Show HN: A Hacker News reader with the UX of YouTube Shorts November 20, 2022 at 11:08AM
Show HN: ILLA is an Open-source alternative to Retool
Show HN: ILLA is an Open-source alternative to Retool November 20, 2022 at 07:30AM
Show HN: Rust Ownership: Value and Reference
Show HN: Rust Ownership: Value and Reference November 20, 2022 at 05:22AM
Show HN: Flow – open-source ePub reader with VS Code style
Show HN: Flow – open-source ePub reader with VS Code style After more than half a year of work, I decided to open source it. Looking for a remote job by the way. November 20, 2022 at 04:38AM
Show HN: Verofile
Show HN: Verofile November 19, 2022 at 11:34PM
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Show HN: Simple library for generating .wav file data in TypeScript
Show HN: Simple library for generating .wav file data in TypeScript November 19, 2022 at 03:57AM
Show HN: Open-Source Alternative to Retool
Show HN: Open-Source Alternative to Retool November 19, 2022 at 05:40AM
Show HN: Cujo's Curated SIDs
Show HN: Cujo's Curated SIDs I've listened to SID music on and off since the 80s, and mostly from early games and demos. Lately, I have explored more recent music. There are online lists of peoples favorite SID music, and online players, see [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]. Because I have different tastes, I had the motivation to make my own list and UX. So from january 2020 to september 2022, I listened through the HVSC having over 50k songs, resulting in a list of 600-700 favorites. I put together a UX so I can easily access them. This project is mostly for my own enjoyment, but I guess that many others here would also enjoy it. Please let me know if you have suggestions for songs I should reconsider adding, or some feedback on the UX. [1] Show HN: Online SID-Player with spectrum viewer ( ) [2] High Voltage SID Collection – Commodore 64 music for the masses ( ) [3] Dial-a-Sid ( ) [4] The Sid Collection ( ) [5] WebGL SID-emulator in C++ compiled to JavaScript with Emscripten ( ) [6] DeepSID: online SID (Commodore 64 music) player ( ) November 17, 2022 at 12:59PM
Show HN: I made a free transcription service powered by Whisper AI
Show HN: I made a free transcription service powered by Whisper AI November 19, 2022 at 12:33AM
Friday, November 18, 2022
Show HN: A Mindmap of Physics
Show HN: A Mindmap of Physics November 18, 2022 at 03:00AM
Show HN: I’m launching a new side project every day
Show HN: I’m launching a new side project every day Hey HN, for the past few months I’ve been launching a project almost every day. It’s a sort of experiment to see if we can build something agency-increasing every day, and we’ve learned a lot since we’ve started. You may have seen some of our more random projects of ours on HN, like: scrollwheel.js, ghostlystock,, iPod Social and we’ll have plenty more on the way soon. One fun result of starting Same Day Skunkworks is that it made the company I work at, AE Studio, start completing amazing hackathon projects (with our 150+ employees) a few times already this year. Then we decide if we want to polish them enough to turn into real skunkworks companies that spin out of AE (we sold the first skunkworks company a year ago for a number of millions of dollars) or just fun little same day skunkworks projects. They all start out as small, fun little projects and sometimes become something more. I actually have a huge backlog to get through now and it’s kinda exciting to have more awesome fun projects to bring to life. We’re gonna continue experimenting with this model to build both fun side projects and actual profitable companies too, but mostly prioritize fun agency-increasing things in the short term and just see where that takes us. We’re trying to make everything as useful as possible, so any suggestions for future projects (or advice on the random crazy Same Day Skunkworks structure we’re trying to build) would be very welcome. Thanks! November 18, 2022 at 01:00AM
Show HN: Cartwright – Automating detection of geographic and temporal features
Show HN: Cartwright – Automating detection of geographic and temporal features Cartwright is a data profiler that identifies and categorizes spatial and temporal features. Cartwright uses deep learning, natural language processing, and a variety of heuristics to determine whether a column in a dataset contains spatial or temporal information and, if so, what is specifically contained. Cartwright was built to automate complex data pipelines for heterogenous climate and geopolitical data that are generally oriented around geospatial and temporal features (think maps and time series). The challenge that Cartwright solves is automatically detecting those features so they can be parsed and normalized. This problem turns out to be quite tricky, but Cartwright makes it simple. November 17, 2022 at 05:52PM
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Show HN: Write drum patterns, get randomized songs, then just share the URL
Show HN: Write drum patterns, get randomized songs, then just share the URL I know mentioning Michael Seibel is almost cheating, but this week he demonstrated the "leaky pipes" concept to me. Not that I know the guy, but in one of his videos he says something on the lines of "If you are unsure if you app is ready to be launched, just launch it. It's like a house with leaky pipes, just open the main, grab your tools, and start fixing wherever water is leaking". So we did it, we launched drummy earlier this week on /r/InternetIsBeautiful and we got very close to 10k users in just one day! Survived the hug of death, learned a ton, and made changes all around. Still a ton of bugs to fix, features to be written, but at least now we can proudly present the "dummy drums challenges". Can you find the missing beats? November 17, 2022 at 12:23PM
Show HN: We built a browser extension to show you secondhand alternatives
Show HN: We built a browser extension to show you secondhand alternatives November 17, 2022 at 02:01AM
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Show HN: Retool Workflows – Zapier for developers
Show HN: Retool Workflows – Zapier for developers November 16, 2022 at 08:31AM
Show HN: Manage your attention better with Mutter
Show HN: Manage your attention better with Mutter Dear HN Friends, PsyTech ( ) is a young & ambitious applied research startup focusing on information discovery, machine recommendations, and generative design. We apply psychological theory to human-computer interaction design to create new and improved user experiences. Mutter ( ) is the first product in our roadmap. We are building the simplest way to discover and share what you seek online. Help us in this journey by trying out our alpha and sharing your suggestions at Taking feature suggestions on behalf of our team :) Twishmay Founder, PsyTech November 16, 2022 at 01:37AM
3 Critical IT Elements Every CIO and IT Director Must Address for Success
With nearly every company now a digital business, IT systems no longer have to simply run. They suddenly are the livelihood of the company.
Show HN: Woodpecker, an unusual Zachtronics-inspired cryptography challenge
Show HN: Woodpecker, an unusual Zachtronics-inspired cryptography challenge November 15, 2022 at 10:42PM
Monday, November 14, 2022
Show HN: Open-Source Alternative to Retool
Show HN: Open-Source Alternative to Retool November 14, 2022 at 02:20PM
Show HN: I created a site to make AI generated photos of your pet
Show HN: I created a site to make AI generated photos of your pet Hey HN, I have Goats and a camel as my pets and I recently saw some very cool AI-generated pictures so I decided to build a startup with my 19 y/o brother where you can generate these AI photos for your pet. I thought this could be a cool idea for crazy pet owners who want to create new memories with their pet or to get new photos of a deceased pet. Let me know if you have any feedback or questions! November 14, 2022 at 01:41PM
Show HN: 500 Letters – A fiendishly addictive word game
Show HN: 500 Letters – A fiendishly addictive word game November 14, 2022 at 09:26AM
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Show HN: DiffusionDB – Stable Diffusion Tracker
Show HN: DiffusionDB – Stable Diffusion Tracker November 13, 2022 at 02:48PM
Show HN: I built my own PM tool after trying Trello, Asana, ClickUp, etc.
Show HN: I built my own PM tool after trying Trello, Asana, ClickUp, etc. Hey HN, Over the past two years, I've been building Upbase, an all-in-one PM tool. I've tried so many project management tools over the years (Trello, Asana, ClickUp, Teamwork, Wrike, Monday, etc.) but they've all fallen short. Most of them are overly complicated and painful to use. Some others, like Trello, are too limited for my needs. Most importantly, most of these tools tend to be focused on team collaboration and completely ignore personal productivity. They are useful for organizing my work, but not great at helping me stay focused to get things done. That's why I decided to build Upbase. I try to make it clean and simple, without all the bells and whistles. Apart from team collaboration, I added many personal productivity features, including Weekly/Daily planner, Time blocking, Pomodoro Timer, Daily Journal, etc. so I don't need another to-do list app. Now I can use Upbase to collaborate with my team AND manage your personal stuff at the same time, without all the bloat. If these resonate with you, then give Upbase a try. It has a Free Forever plan though. Let me know if you have any feedback or questions! November 13, 2022 at 02:00PM
Show HN: Kira – a fast and scalable sandbox code execution engine
Show HN: Kira – a fast and scalable sandbox code execution engine Greeting HN, I would like to present my project I've been worked on the several months. It is a fast and scalable general purpose remote code execution engine. The goal of this project was to get to know golang a bit better and. Currently, kira is in its early stage, and currently it does not support multiple files. However, I am constantly trying to work on this project and improve it. Feel free, to give me feedback in any way! Thank you :) The main ideas for this project: * Fast and secure remote code execution engine that is scalable, * Logging of the code executions, * Test runner that executes custom unit tests (for building something like leetcode), * Future: custom docker environments to have long-term projects November 13, 2022 at 01:23PM
Show HN: Eleven – Free, open-source, Codespaces alternative with automatic HTTPS
Show HN: Eleven – Free, open-source, Codespaces alternative with automatic HTTPS Hey HN, Eleven is the second project that I've built to learn Go. It lets you create code sandboxes, in your cloud provider account, easily. What's a "code sandbox"? Just a VM, running in your cloud provider account, with some runtimes pre-installed, your repositories cloned, a way to connect to it with your preferred editor (or via SSH) and a way to serve your apps easily via HTTP (with automatic HTTPS). You could use it as a remote development environment, to test some code or even to deploy your app. It's up to you. For example, to deploy a Node.JS app: $ eleven aws init hello-world --runtimes node@18.7.0 --repositories eleven-sh/hello-world > Success! The sandbox "hello-world" was initialized. $ ssh eleven/hello-world forever node index.js > Forever: command started. Run "forever stop" in current path to stop. $ eleven aws serve hello-world 8000 --as > Success! The port "8000" is now reachable at: $ curl > Hello World Still learning Go by the way, so I'm open to any suggestions to improve. November 13, 2022 at 11:01AM
Show HN: Fed Up Inflation Game
Show HN: Fed Up Inflation Game Elixir/Phoenix LiveView Concept shamelessly stolen from Cookie Clicker. November 13, 2022 at 05:14AM
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Show HN: Eev and TikZ, or: how to learn TikZ using a REPL
Show HN: Eev and TikZ, or: how to learn TikZ using a REPL Hi all, I made a video that at first sight is about a way to use REPLs to explore TikZ - and TikZ is a huge (La)TeX package for drawing graphics... At second sight that video is about a series of tricks for using REPLs in Emacs, and TikZ is just an excuse to present them. As far as I know those tricks are very unusual; they implement a kind of "meta-REPL" that controls other REPLs, and they do that in a way that is much simpler, and much easier to hack, than Org's code blocks and than the cells in Jupyter notebooks. The page has lots of screenshots and links, and it has instructions for downloading the video and its subtitles, and for reading the subtitles in plain text. I tried to make everything as accessible as possible for the people who just want to watch the the first two parts of the video - "Introduction" and "Trying it" - in super-high speed. I'm especially interested in pointers to related work. Cheers, have fun, etc! =) November 12, 2022 at 01:27AM
Show HN: Wa-tunnel – HTTP Tunneling through Whatsapp
Show HN: Wa-tunnel – HTTP Tunneling through Whatsapp Side project tunneling a TCP port through WhatsApp, can be useful on airplanes or any WiFi/carrier that has unlimited social network data limits. Appreciate feedback :) November 12, 2022 at 03:17AM
Show HN: Everybody should create a practice repo
Show HN: Everybody should create a practice repo Hi everybody, I personally found the best way to motivate yourself to program everyday is by creating a practice repo and by uploading anything you code up that day into this repo. This is a great way to stay consistent seeing the bright green light up every time you push your code. It's very addicting and satisfying, and has definitely made me a better programmer over the past few months. November 12, 2022 at 03:26AM
Show HN: Paragrai – add paragraphs to badly formatted web novel translations
Show HN: Paragrai – add paragraphs to badly formatted web novel translations A pet project I worked on for a couple of days. It uses gpt2 to add paragraphs to text. I made it to solve the very niche problem of badly formatted web novel translations that kept occurring on a website I frequent. November 12, 2022 at 04:09AM
Show HN: Visualization of Ghost Buses in Chicago
Show HN: Visualization of Ghost Buses in Chicago November 12, 2022 at 03:45AM
Show HN: We made metadata-secure video conferencing that's easy to use
Show HN: We made metadata-secure video conferencing that's easy to use November 12, 2022 at 01:03AM
Friday, November 11, 2022
Show HN: Twitter Like News App
Show HN: Twitter Like News App Hi everyone, My name is Stuart and I've been solo developing a news app (and now newsletter) for the past half a year or so. tl;dr (current status): an app with a Twitter like feed of news events. The posts are 1-2 sentences, only actual events (no opinion, analysis, roundup, evergreen, etc), categorized into feeds, and tagged (lets you dig wikis or find events for a given entity). There is also a newsletter I just launched that is a bit cleaner in terms of UI, but with less features. longer: My goal is to make it easier to stay informed and access information (not such a hot take that news and media suffers from a UX issue). What that will look like in the long term, I can't possibly know. Although I have many theories, all I can do is iterate and keep an open mind. My first attempt at cracking this is to shorten the unit of information from an article to an event, thus saving the reader valuable time and mental energy. If you want to read more about how I do this check out I'd love to hear your feedback on the idea and/or app (forgive the janky UI). Thanks, Stuart p.s. if this sounds like something you'd like to work on, don't hesitate to reach out. I have an engineering background but would love someone else to hack with newsletter link if interested: November 10, 2022 at 11:04PM
Show HN: Elonman (Animated Webcomic)
Show HN: Elonman (Animated Webcomic) November 10, 2022 at 10:30PM
Thursday, November 10, 2022
Show HN: Practice for Your YC Interviews with Betafi
Show HN: Practice for Your YC Interviews with Betafi Hi folks, Betafi is a product feedback platform build around moderated user interviews and usability testing sessions. To help folks applying for the W23 batch with interviews coming up this week, we just launched a project templates feature and catered onboarding for fellow founders to practice and conduct mock YC interviews with each other. You can use Betafi's interview script feature, "instant tags," and timestamped notes to take turns annotating rough spots and practicing rapid-fire responses to questions with your cofounder(s), to try and make the most out of those 10 minutes during your real YC interview. A big part of the joy of building Betafi is getting to support other early-stage founders who wind up using our product in interesting and creative ways. This project came out of several teams applying to the W23 batch, who organically started using Betafi to help prepare for their interviews, so we thought we might as well build "first class" support for it! Do let us know what you think, keen to hear your feedback, especially given this is a slightly different use-case from what we initially designed the product for! November 10, 2022 at 11:00AM
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Show HN: XFrame – Create your own multisearch page
Show HN: XFrame – Create your own multisearch page November 9, 2022 at 01:20PM
Four Elements for Disruption-Free Security Powered by Hardware
The industry has made major advancements over the last five years in mitigating security risk by harnessing the power of hardware.
Show HN: – Earn money by answering StackOverflow questions
Show HN: – Earn money by answering StackOverflow questions Hi! I am looking for honest feedback on my next product. is a Chrome extension that adds a button on StackOverflow standard page to pay for an answer. You answer and get paid when the answer is accepted. I am selling it to Enterprises as an affordable, subscription-based, pay-as-you-go service. Let me know your thoughts. November 9, 2022 at 10:54AM
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Show HN: GPT3, stable-diffusion with templates in Obsidian
Show HN: GPT3, stable-diffusion with templates in Obsidian November 8, 2022 at 12:40PM
Understanding the Power Benefits of Data Processing Units
The use of hardware acceleration in a DPU to offload processing-intensive tasks can greatly reduce power use, resulting in more efficient data center.
Show HN: Slashbase – open-source collaborative IDE for databases in browser
Show HN: Slashbase – open-source collaborative IDE for databases in browser November 8, 2022 at 08:45AM
Monday, November 7, 2022
The Cloud Gets Foggy
The explosion of sensor and IoT data at the edge is forcing organizations to rethink the location of their data processing infrastructure, “bringing down” the cloud to the ground in the form of fog computing.
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Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...
Show HN: Dumbproxy – modern and simple HTTP(S) proxy May 25, 2020 at 03:00AM
Show HN: A simple MSN Weather API wrapper June 26, 2021 at 07:48AM
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...