Monday, February 28, 2022
Show HN: Flurri – Build meaningful connections with your co-workers https://ift.tt/HVBkb9A
Show HN: Flurri – Build meaningful connections with your co-workers Hi HN, we're Nikhil and Dhurv, founders of Flurri ( https://ift.tt/e4vNBTL ). We’re very excited to launch Flurri (https://ift.tt/dvjZOPz), a platform to help teams build meaningful connections and create an inclusive, engaging culture. From our own experiences and countless others, we know that starting in a new team can be isolating and remote work is lonely. However, the workplace is a great place to make new connections and build bonds, especially as other community institutions (sports clubs, volunteering, etc.) have declined in prominence. We wanted to make it easier and more comfortable to get to know your colleagues, focusing on what makes us all human! We capture a bit about your hobbies and interests, and provide a way for you to search against it, learning more about your co-workers in the process. Communities create profiles built on hobbies, interests, and short ice breakers and we create a searchable internal database of employees based on hobbies, interests, etc. Additionally, users can set up Icycle, our product to match co-workers based on mutual interests on a regular cadence, with meeting invites sent directly. We are completely free to use, so feel free to jump in - creating a profile takes 5 min! We believe work is a great place to find your community, and we want to make it simple, easy, and fun to do that. We appreciate your support and feedback and look forward to hearing your thoughts as we continue to build! https://ift.tt/e4vNBTL February 28, 2022 at 11:41AM
The Flash-Native Future is Coming, and You’ll Like its Price Tag
All-flash data centers are the data centers of the future, giving organizations the ability to achieve better infrastructure performance, speed, and efficiency.
Show HN: Net source generator for object mapping https://ift.tt/IaZu2DH
Show HN: Net source generator for object mapping https://ift.tt/Uqs5zVA February 28, 2022 at 11:54AM
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Show HN: Switch windows of same app with hotkey(alt + `) https://ift.tt/rwEf0X5
Show HN: Switch windows of same app with hotkey(alt + `) https://ift.tt/PzGJkq6 February 27, 2022 at 03:05PM
Show HN: Open Source Format for multidimensional indexing and sampling https://ift.tt/QXJfpZL
Show HN: Open Source Format for multidimensional indexing and sampling https://ift.tt/f9vc4al February 27, 2022 at 11:10AM
Show HN: REPL-Driven Development for JavaScript https://ift.tt/og780hv
Show HN: REPL-Driven Development for JavaScript Lisp-inspired interactive REPL editor tools for Javascript https://ift.tt/dZWmMSy February 27, 2022 at 09:42AM
Show HN: Asyncc Jobs: a job board to accelerate async work culture https://ift.tt/aeWD4T7
Show HN: Asyncc Jobs: a job board to accelerate async work culture 2 years of remote work has proved us that this isn't the utopia we imagined we will get. There is something more. And that is async work style. I believe async work is the future. That's why I built this job board to accelerate the async work style. Please give me some support and write feedback. Thank you. https://asynccjobs.com/ February 27, 2022 at 06:39AM
Show HN: TopHat Finance – free, open, and offline https://ift.tt/eTZatCR
Show HN: TopHat Finance – free, open, and offline https://ift.tt/x9EhHUd February 27, 2022 at 03:11AM
Show HN: Req, an HTTP Scripting Language https://ift.tt/AocOsNg
Show HN: Req, an HTTP Scripting Language https://ift.tt/0SAByeG February 26, 2022 at 07:51PM
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Show HN: Nomoreinvasion.com – Easy insertable message to support Ukraine https://ift.tt/sDnyFxz
Show HN: Nomoreinvasion.com – Easy insertable message to support Ukraine https://ift.tt/Aqldas5 February 26, 2022 at 04:26AM
7 Steps to Take Right Now to Prepare for Cyberattacks by Russia
A lot of the recommended preparation involves measures organizations should have in place already.
7 Steps to Take Right Now to Prepare for Cyberattacks by Russia
A lot of the recommended preparation involves measures organizations should have in place already.
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/7-steps-to-take-right-now-to-prepare-for-cyberattacks-by-russia
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/7-steps-to-take-right-now-to-prepare-for-cyberattacks-by-russia
Show HN: Create a timeline from Markdown-like text https://ift.tt/vmnJc1Q
Show HN: Create a timeline from Markdown-like text https://ift.tt/dbIolcw February 25, 2022 at 11:52PM
Friday, February 25, 2022
Show HN: I wrote a profiler that combines dynamic profiling and static analysis https://ift.tt/hZvf10c
Show HN: I wrote a profiler that combines dynamic profiling and static analysis https://ift.tt/ohKPr1f February 24, 2022 at 09:48PM
Fears Rise of Potential Russian Cyberattacks on US, Allies Over Sanctions
If past is precedent, the cyber impact of the war in Ukraine could be broad and bruising, experts say.
Fears Rise of Potential Russian Cyberattacks on US, Allies Over Sanctions
If past is precedent, the cyber impact of the war in Ukraine could be broad and bruising, experts say.
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/fears-rise-of-potential-russian-cyberattacks-on-us-allies-over-sanctions
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/fears-rise-of-potential-russian-cyberattacks-on-us-allies-over-sanctions
Trickbot Comes Up With a New Set of Tricks
Late last year, the group behind the malware stopped spreading Trickbot, instead pushing out copies of Emotet and Qbot to infected systems, researchers say.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Show HN: I made a 2D/3D digital asset management application https://ift.tt/SDZRa9X
Show HN: I made a 2D/3D digital asset management application https://ift.tt/1rScQDJ February 24, 2022 at 12:18AM
New Data-Wiping Malware Discovered on Systems in Ukraine
Researchers were scrambling to analyze a newly discovered piece of data-wiping malware found in the wild.
Show HN: I Designed and Built an eBike https://ift.tt/ICTXmb5
Show HN: I Designed and Built an eBike This post shows and explains the design of the eBike I built myself. I decided to post it on this specific forum because this is where it all started, by stumbling on another post, as mentioned in my entry. https://ift.tt/pOC78cj February 23, 2022 at 11:46PM
New Data-Wiping Malware Discovered on Systems in Ukraine
Researchers were scrambling to analyze a newly discovered piece of data-wiping malware found in the wild.
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/new-data-wiping-malware-discovered-on-systems-in-ukraine
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/new-data-wiping-malware-discovered-on-systems-in-ukraine
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Failing to Prepare Means You’re Preparing to Fail
Does visibility really matter when it comes to securing your network? It does. In fact, it’s actually a very big deal!
GitHub Opens Security Database to Community Contributions
The Microsoft company will allow community members to add information and code samples to security advisories using the standard pull request to change the document.
More Orgs Suffered Successful Phishing Attacks in 2021 Than in 2020
Threat actors maintained their relentless attacks on enterprise end users for yet another year, new study shows.
More Orgs Suffered Successful Phishing Attacks in 2021 Than in 2020
Threat actors maintained their relentless attacks on enterprise end users for yet another year, new study shows.
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/more-orgs-experienced-a-successful-phishing-attack-in-2021-than-year-before
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/more-orgs-experienced-a-successful-phishing-attack-in-2021-than-year-before
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Show HN: I rolled my own simple support / Helpdesk SaaS aimed at Indie Hackers https://ift.tt/yrkpCX2
Show HN: I rolled my own simple support / Helpdesk SaaS aimed at Indie Hackers https://ift.tt/PpVXtEW February 22, 2022 at 02:08AM
Show HN: Antique Playing Cards Collection https://ift.tt/TZLWkdH
Show HN: Antique Playing Cards Collection https://ancient.cards February 22, 2022 at 12:23AM
Show HN: Build an LDAP Server in Go https://ift.tt/sFgZ1Aj
Show HN: Build an LDAP Server in Go https://ift.tt/m5FKucx February 21, 2022 at 04:53PM
Monday, February 21, 2022
Show HN: A new daily word puzzle https://ift.tt/xM5RlKe
Show HN: A new daily word puzzle https://ift.tt/Ce2NTlH February 21, 2022 at 02:21PM
Show HN: TopSpace – Scroll above the top line in Emacs https://ift.tt/FJQO4E7
Show HN: TopSpace – Scroll above the top line in Emacs This is an Emacs minor mode I made in my spare time this past year. It lets you scroll above the top line to vertically center top text in Emacs. I made it out of my own necessity for the feature and it is very useful when using Emacs in full-screen with tall/large monitors. As monitors have been getting larger for many years now, I'm actually amazed that this kind of feature isn't more available in text editors or other software like internet browsers etc. Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions! https://ift.tt/qUFRHPr February 21, 2022 at 01:56PM
Show HN: I made a Line graph maker https://ift.tt/WEtR7lD
Show HN: I made a Line graph maker https://ift.tt/Aqby57v February 21, 2022 at 02:17PM
Data Center Network Automation has a Data Problem
When you’re planning your data center network automation strategies, think about how you’re going to establish a source of truth about your network.
Show HN: HyperSudoku – Play Sudoku live with your friends online https://ift.tt/eBqrmIO
Show HN: HyperSudoku – Play Sudoku live with your friends online Hi HN, I built a web-based Sudoku game to play with live with my friends or solo with a timer for practice. Get a game going in a few seconds. I'm excited to finally finish this project and putting it out there, after years of procrastination. Hope you like it! https://hypersudoku.app https://hypersudoku.app February 21, 2022 at 05:23AM
Show HN: Rebluff Poker, no limit hold'em for loose aggressive players https://ift.tt/PiSNjXB
Show HN: Rebluff Poker, no limit hold'em for loose aggressive players Hello, I'm uberf1sh, software engineer (I've previously worked for Amazon and Fortnite, though obviously none of the following as to do with my previous employers). My cousin introduced me to online poker in 2008 and I loved it instantly, playing $2 games for fun and glory (the same day my aunt also proceeded to warn me that "it all starts like that", oh boy if you knew Tata). I was initially pretty bad but I had fun. Indeed, in 2008 the game was really amazing because it was so chaotic and full of crazy plays, your blood was pumping before even sitting at the table. Fast forward I was able to make $1000 a day in vegas, spending everything on sneakers, restaurants and other unspeakable stuff (you know the drill, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas). 5-8 years ago, things started to take a bad turn. The game slowly but surely became incredibly boring. Most regular players started to all adopt a strategy called tight passive . Tight means you play only the best starting hands and passive means you don't bet or raise much, you let your opponent dictate the action (i.e. you let them bet and raise on your behalf). The tight part isn't much of an issue because there is counter strategies that works well (e.g. setting mines). However the passive component is absolutely dreadful. Passive poker is an anti-game strategy. When it comes to games and sports in general, an anti-game strategy works as follows: you are not reaching for a win, but instead, you make the game so boring and frustrating, your opponents become crazy. Passive poker is beatable, but while a passive player don't win much, he doesn't loose much as well. The player keeps its score close to zero and wait patiently that his opponents get crazy enough to make a mistake (while looting beginners). In short, it kills the game entirely. Nowdays, online cash games (especially at lower stakes) are ridiculously passive. The biggest bluff you can expect to see on some tables will be for 3BB (big blinds) max if you're lucky. You will never ever see a 3-barrel bluff with air anymore. You can't set mines either because they wont bet big enough to make it worth it and they will stop betting mostly after the flop. You can often see players literally not betting a dime on the flop, turn and river, even with monster hands. It hurts to see a player check on the river when he speaks last, only to discover they have the nuts - he wants to hurt you that's the point. It's time for passive poker to go. It's time for a change of rules. So I've built Rebluff Poker. Rebluff Poker is the first gaming platform dedicated to loose-aggressive no limit hold'em. The game is in every bit the same, except, each and every player has to bet or raise to some extent on average, or gets to pay a significant penalty in the form of antes (up to 5BB per hand for a multi passive recidivist). For a decently aggressive player, it makes no difference. At the moment, the threshold is close to 2.5BB per hand on average. The game is also much more fun for beginners. Playing LAG against beginners lead to a higher variance which means the beginner still wins occasionally. The plan is to raise money (so far I'd say the reception has been incredible) to get a proper gaming license and legal framework (some licenses are dirt cheap nowdays). So I distribute gift cards to players so we can play, but , I have deactivated stablecoin deposits and withdrawals. Once you've lost your gift card chips, there is no automatic way of getting more so still take care of them if you decide to play. Once we get a gaming license, you will be able to withdraw your balance. In the case where we don't get a gaming license, your balance is worth nothing, it's play money . It's then 100% legal to play today (as a bonus the server is out of reach of a DMCA). Dealers, let's shuffle and deal. https://rebluff.poker https://ift.tt/G5C30Lh uberf1sh)at(rebluff.poker https://rebluff.poker February 20, 2022 at 10:44PM
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Show HN: Find destinations fitting your budget https://ift.tt/R0Zhfnj
Show HN: Find destinations fitting your budget It's still a MVP. I'd love to continue working on it, adding better filters, more locations and better data :) https://ift.tt/mSIbywB February 20, 2022 at 10:15AM
Show HN: Structured data medical notes via voice recognition https://ift.tt/Fom0EZi
Show HN: Structured data medical notes via voice recognition https://ift.tt/GdI4Wzx February 20, 2022 at 01:08AM
Show HN: Pure CSS Shaders Art https://ift.tt/p47El2T
Show HN: Pure CSS Shaders Art https://ift.tt/eNzFDsE February 20, 2022 at 12:51AM
Show HN: ICON-3D Avatar Creator from 2D Pixels https://ift.tt/OoxI09m
Show HN: ICON-3D Avatar Creator from 2D Pixels Realistic virtual humans will play a central role in mixed and augmented reality, forming a critical foundation for the Metaverse and supporting remote presence, collaboration, education, and entertainment. To enable this, new tools are needed to easily create large-scale 3D virtual humans that can be readily animated. However, current methods need either posed 3D scans captured by expensive scanning equipment or 2D images with carefully controlled user poses. Both of them can't scale up easily. ICON ("Implicit Clothed humans Obtained from Normals") takes a step towards robust 3D clothed human reconstruction from in-the-wild images. This also enables creating animatable avatars directly from video with personalized and natural pose-dependent cloth deformation. Homepage: https://ift.tt/95W3hrO Github: https://ift.tt/78HVTuL Google Colab: https://ift.tt/EkRoK2b... https://ift.tt/78HVTuL February 20, 2022 at 12:32AM
Show HN: Full text search on 630M US court cases https://ift.tt/oOaiWDl
Show HN: Full text search on 630M US court cases https://ift.tt/qs0bXYy February 19, 2022 at 09:45PM
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Show HN: Curry game that makes you hungry! https://ift.tt/lMTmSaO
Show HN: Curry game that makes you hungry! https://ift.tt/WBx4eXL February 19, 2022 at 12:08AM
Show HN: Jimmy – A Gemini Client for macOS https://ift.tt/u0Q1yRA
Show HN: Jimmy – A Gemini Client for macOS https://ift.tt/IUgXt4q February 19, 2022 at 02:02AM
Key Application Security Metrics Show Few Signs of Improvement
A new study shows that organizations continued to take an inordinately long time to fix vulnerabilities and fixed fewer known issues in their environments last year than in 2020.
Friday, February 18, 2022
Neustar Security Services Report Highlights Shifts in Threat Landscape Amid Maturing Cybercrime Economy
Carpet bombing attacks increase sharply in 2021, along with complex multivector attacks.
Show HN: Curl modified to impersonate Firefox and mimic its TLS handshake https://ift.tt/Xq6rJno
Show HN: Curl modified to impersonate Firefox and mimic its TLS handshake https://ift.tt/tkAV43f February 17, 2022 at 10:57PM
Confluera Cloud Research Finds Cybersecurity Concern as Biggest Obstacle to Cloud and Multicloud Adoption
Meanwhile, 84% of IT leaders are optimistic about their cybersecurity readiness for 2022.
source https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/confluera-cloud-research-finds-cybersecurity-concern-as-biggest-obstacle-to-cloud-and-multicloud-adoption
source https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/confluera-cloud-research-finds-cybersecurity-concern-as-biggest-obstacle-to-cloud-and-multicloud-adoption
Darktrace Artificial Intelligence Stops Cyberattack at Italian Electronics Distributor
Vulnerability allows attackers to run arbitrary commands, including the ability to delete, modify, and exfiltrate private source code.
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/darktrace-artificial-intelligence-stops-cyberattack-at-italian-electronics-distributor
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/darktrace-artificial-intelligence-stops-cyberattack-at-italian-electronics-distributor
Attackers Hone Their Playbooks, Become More Agile
Less malware, more interactive intrusions, and big game hunting lead to more success, with an 82% increase in ransomware-related data leaks.
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/attackers-hone-their-playbooks-become-more-agile
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/attackers-hone-their-playbooks-become-more-agile
Neustar Security Services Report Highlights Shifts in Threat Landscape Amid Maturing Cybercrime Economy
Carpet bombing attacks increase sharply in 2021, along with complex multivector attacks.
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/neustar-security-services-report-highlights-shifts-in-threat-landscape-amid-maturing-cybercrime-economy
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/neustar-security-services-report-highlights-shifts-in-threat-landscape-amid-maturing-cybercrime-economy
Security Teams Expect Attackers to Go After End Users First
Phishing, malware, and ransomware have spurred organizations to increase their investments in endpoint security, according to Dark Reading’s Endpoint Security Survey.
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Cybercriminals Have Changed Tactics
Truesec's annual Threat Intelligence Report for 2022 shows a sharp increase in the number of cyber attacks against organizations in Scandinavia and worldwide.
Show HN: Subscribe on GitHub Projects https://ift.tt/7jxZy1n
Show HN: Subscribe on GitHub Projects https://ohmycode.cc February 16, 2022 at 11:24PM
Kryptowire Receives Funding from USVP and Crosslink Capital
New funding will be used to accelerate the adoption of intrusion-free mobile security into targeted verticals.
source https://www.darkreading.com/mobile/kryptowire-receives-funding-from-usvp-and-crosslink-capital-
source https://www.darkreading.com/mobile/kryptowire-receives-funding-from-usvp-and-crosslink-capital-
Kryptowire Receives Funding from USVP and Crosslink Capital
New funding will be used to accelerate the adoption of intrusion-free mobile security into targeted verticals.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Akamai To Acquire Linode
Akamai will discuss the acquisition on its Q4 and year end 2021 financial results conference call today, February 15, at 4:30 p.m. ET.
FBI, US Secret Service Issue Mitigations for BlackByte Ransomware
Joint Cybersecurity Advisory from federal law enforcement includes indicators of compromise associated with the ransomware variant.
Machine Learning in 2022: Data Threats and Backdoors?
While research illustrates some sly threats, experts say attackers will likely focus on data exposure and finding ways to fool algorithms.
Machine Learning in 2022: Data Threats and Backdoors?
While research illustrates some sly threats, experts say attackers will likely focus on data exposure and finding ways to fool algorithms.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/machine-learning-in-2022-data-threats-and-backdoors-
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/machine-learning-in-2022-data-threats-and-backdoors-
How Nonprofits Can Continue to Evade Ransomware Attacks
Just as small businesses can't be complacent, nonprofits also need to prepare for cyberattacks.
Show HN: Interactive Loop Optimization https://ift.tt/durT9tM
Show HN: Interactive Loop Optimization https://ift.tt/u7BdeTP February 15, 2022 at 10:57PM
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
San Francisco 49ers Hit With a Ransomware Attack
AP report says NFL team organization acknowledged a "network security incident" that affected its corporate IT network.
8 of the Biggest Cybersecurity M&As & Investment Deals in 2021
There were more financial deals in cybersecurity last year than in any previous year.
San Francisco 49ers Hit With a Ransomware Attack
AP report says NFL team organization acknowledged a "network security incident" that affected its corporate IT network.
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/san-francisco-49ers-hit-with-a-ransomware-attack
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/san-francisco-49ers-hit-with-a-ransomware-attack
8 of the Biggest Cybersecurity M&As & Investment Deals in 2021
There were more financial deals in cybersecurity last year than in any previous year.
source https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/8-of-the-biggest-cybersecurity-m-as-and-investment-deals-in-2021
source https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/8-of-the-biggest-cybersecurity-m-as-and-investment-deals-in-2021
Monday, February 14, 2022
Show HN: JavaScript Knowledge Map https://ift.tt/zKOH18N
Show HN: JavaScript Knowledge Map https://ift.tt/Mhb81Dj February 14, 2022 at 12:10PM
An Eight-Step Plan to Updating Your Network Disaster Recovery Plan
Disaster recovery for the modern global enterprise: How to minimize the impact of cable cuts, criminal activity, and acts of God.
Show HN: No-code alternative to Retool, Appsmith, Internal, etc. https://ift.tt/rbGLnpI
Show HN: No-code alternative to Retool, Appsmith, Internal, etc. Hi, founders! We’ve actually launched quite some time ago, but (semi)pivoted a few times along the way. Jet Admin is an app builder for creating internal tools, admin panels, dashboards, external portals, and so on without coding. You can connect to any backend, assemble a UI through the visual builder, and set up data binding, transformations, conditionals, etc. through the point-and-click interface. If you need to, you can create custom HTTP, SQL queries, make data transformations with JS, and embed custom UI components. We believe that product, data, operations teams should be able to build the very tools they use. And with HN being mostly the coder community, it’d be particularly interesting to hear your feedback/thoughts! https://ift.tt/TB4vqKh February 14, 2022 at 08:20AM
Show HN: Gamedex, my collection of Three.js game dev experiments https://ift.tt/ZYfoBJd
Show HN: Gamedex, my collection of Three.js game dev experiments https://ift.tt/X0MpUay February 14, 2022 at 06:22AM
Show HN: Physically-based GPU raytracer from scratch https://ift.tt/GdBToDv
Show HN: Physically-based GPU raytracer from scratch https://ift.tt/ksmiQML February 13, 2022 at 08:36PM
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Show HN: Native WebRTC with Python and Asyncio https://ift.tt/Ua48Yrm
Show HN: Native WebRTC with Python and Asyncio https://ift.tt/7VyqTad February 13, 2022 at 03:05AM
Show HN: Deep Learning Framework from scratch (60 step tutorial) https://ift.tt/fJHiEuM
Show HN: Deep Learning Framework from scratch (60 step tutorial) Want to create a Deep Learning framework from scratch? Checkout this resource: https://ift.tt/FU5ykpL In this book, you will create a deep learning framework called "DeZero" from scratch (from zero), which is the original framework of this book. With minimal code, the framework's modern features are realized. In this book, you will make this small - yet powerful enough - framework in a total of 60 steps. It will deepen your knowledge of modern frameworks such as PyTorch and TensorFlow. https://ift.tt/FU5ykpL February 13, 2022 at 05:10AM
Show HN: A Re-Invented Kinesis Advantage? Glove80 BLE Split Contoured Keyboard https://ift.tt/JulsHKe
Show HN: A Re-Invented Kinesis Advantage? Glove80 BLE Split Contoured Keyboard https://ift.tt/v5MyYQz February 12, 2022 at 11:54PM
Show HN: I built a tool convert any image to ASCII Art https://ift.tt/udh7Dbk
Show HN: I built a tool convert any image to ASCII Art https://ift.tt/m2Auhcd February 13, 2022 at 01:41AM
Show HN: Nango, a Django extension providing SPA-like features https://ift.tt/FXN5Mc9
Show HN: Nango, a Django extension providing SPA-like features https://ift.tt/qVsNBZw February 13, 2022 at 01:24AM
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Seven Key Ingredients to Effective Incident Response
With ransomware attacks on the rise, organizations need to upgrade their incident response processes to improve speed and precision.
source https://www.darkreading.com/crowdstrike/seven-key-ingredients-to-effective-incident-response
source https://www.darkreading.com/crowdstrike/seven-key-ingredients-to-effective-incident-response
Aviatrix Enhances Secure Cloud Networking with Network Behavior Analytics
New capabilities added to Aviatrix ThreatIQ improve enterprise security posture to reduce business risk.
Show HN: Kosmi – Hang out with friends and family online https://ift.tt/NxcXt6f
Show HN: Kosmi – Hang out with friends and family online https://ift.tt/hgNE8mz February 12, 2022 at 12:09AM
DDoS Attacks on a Tear in Q4 2021
New data from Kaspersky shows distributed denial-of-service attacks increased by more than 50% in the fourth quarter of last year compared with the third quarter.
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/ddos-attacks-jumped-by-52-in-q4-2021
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/ddos-attacks-jumped-by-52-in-q4-2021
Aviatrix Enhances Secure Cloud Networking with Network Behavior Analytics
New capabilities added to Aviatrix ThreatIQ improve enterprise security posture to reduce business risk.
source https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/aviatrix-enhances-secure-cloud-networking-with-network-behavior-analytics
source https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/aviatrix-enhances-secure-cloud-networking-with-network-behavior-analytics
Show HN: A simple static website generator in Python https://ift.tt/WftBIDK
Show HN: A simple static website generator in Python https://ift.tt/wnfbWjD February 11, 2022 at 10:32PM
Friday, February 11, 2022
Credential-Stuffing Attacks on Remote Windows Systems Took Off in 2021
Password-guessing became last year's weapon of choice, as attackers attempted to brute-force vulnerable Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) servers, SQL databases, and SMB file shares.
Apple Releases Security Update for Webkit Flaw
A Webkit use-after-free vulnerability in iOS, iPadOS, Monterey, and Safari may already have been exploited, Apple said in a security advisory issued today.
Apple Releases Security Update for Webkit Flaw
A Webkit use-after-free vulnerability in iOS, iPadOS, Monterey, and Safari may already have been exploited, Apple said in a security advisory issued today.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/apple-releases-security-update-for-webkit-flaw
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/apple-releases-security-update-for-webkit-flaw
Show HN: Hardle – Hard Wordle where the color of the hints is not known https://ift.tt/enEDJzH
Show HN: Hardle – Hard Wordle where the color of the hints is not known https://ift.tt/WsxjGEI February 10, 2022 at 11:25PM
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Mitigate Ransomware Risks With Modern Log Management
Enterprises using a modern log management platform have key tools in place to detect and mitigate some of the risks from a ransomware attack.
source https://www.darkreading.com/crowdstrike/mitigate-ransomware-risks-with-modern-log-management
source https://www.darkreading.com/crowdstrike/mitigate-ransomware-risks-with-modern-log-management
Mitigate Ransomware Risks With Modern Log Management
Enterprises using a modern log management platform have key tools in place to detect and mitigate some of the risks from a ransomware attack.
Auth0 Credential Guard Detects Breached Passwords to Prevent Account Takeover
New feature adds a dedicated security team and support for multiple languages to prevent fraudulent access with stolen credentials.
source https://www.darkreading.com/risk/auth0-credential-guard-detects-breached-passwords-to-prevent-account-takeover
source https://www.darkreading.com/risk/auth0-credential-guard-detects-breached-passwords-to-prevent-account-takeover
Tech Job Market Still Smoking Hot, New Labor Report Stats Say
According to new jobs report, tech workers were among the beneficiaries of a hot US job market that saw strong national growth of 467,000 jobs in January and an unemployment rate of just 4%. Here's a drill down to what those numbers meant for IT workers.
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Microsoft Issues 51 CVEs for Patch Tuesday, None 'Critical'
One publicly known flaw — an elevation-of-privilege bug in Windows Kernel — was included in the patches.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/microsoft-issues-51-cves-for-patch-tuesday-none-critical-
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/microsoft-issues-51-cves-for-patch-tuesday-none-critical-
Google Cuts User Account Compromises in Half With Simple Change
The online tech giant auto-enabled two-step verification for more than 150 million users, throwing up steep hurdles against scammers and attackers.
Show HN: Supply and Demand https://ift.tt/Y1jgMst
Show HN: Supply and Demand https://ift.tt/Kf1DOQ9 February 9, 2022 at 12:09AM
Google Cuts User Account Compromises in Half With Simple Change
The online tech giant auto-enabled two-step verification for more than 150 million users, throwing up steep hurdles against scammers and attackers.
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/google-cuts-account-compromises-in-half-with-simple-change
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/google-cuts-account-compromises-in-half-with-simple-change
Get Started on Continuous Compliance Ahead of PCI DSS v4.0
Here's what vendors can do to prepare in the time remaining before the final release of PCI DSS 4.0 this quarter.
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
FBI Publishes Indicators of Compromise for LockBit 2.0 Ransomware
Flash bulletin alert includes mitigation strategies for defending against the ransomware.
Show HN: Nerdy Valentine https://ift.tt/WObjokt
Show HN: Nerdy Valentine https://ift.tt/pwJCbm1 February 7, 2022 at 11:37PM
FBI Publishes Indicators of Compromise for LockBit 2.0 Ransomware
Flash bulletin alert includes mitigation strategies for defending against the ransomware.
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/fbi-publishes-indicators-of-compromise-for-lockbit-2-0-ransomware
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/fbi-publishes-indicators-of-compromise-for-lockbit-2-0-ransomware
Same, But Wildly Different: Securing Azure AD vs. AD On-Prem
Here are the most significant ways in which Azure AD security differs from that of AD on-premises, and what AD admins charged with securing both need to know.
SecurityScorecard Acquires LIFARS
SecurityScorecard adds digital forensics and incident response to strengthen its products.
Monday, February 7, 2022
Show HN: TinyResume – Create a shareable online resume https://ift.tt/qei4FPj
Show HN: TinyResume – Create a shareable online resume https://tinyresume.co/ February 7, 2022 at 12:21PM
Show HN: Texel – CLI tool for viewing spreadsheets https://ift.tt/FVOPEUZ
Show HN: Texel – CLI tool for viewing spreadsheets https://ift.tt/qEVIoYD February 6, 2022 at 11:43PM
Show HN: Play Wordle over SSH https://ift.tt/5gO7IMK
Show HN: Play Wordle over SSH https://ift.tt/W6tyg3A February 6, 2022 at 10:37PM
Show HN: Daily Read – Receive a chapter a day from popular public domain books https://ift.tt/6bhrnSc
Show HN: Daily Read – Receive a chapter a day from popular public domain books https://dailyread.xyz/ February 7, 2022 at 12:09AM
Show HN: Buffering Videos in the Browser as in the Year 2000s https://ift.tt/kAqBDQ8
Show HN: Buffering Videos in the Browser as in the Year 2000s https://ift.tt/ujA9XSx February 6, 2022 at 11:46PM
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Show HN: Squareword - a Wordle-like game with an added dimension https://ift.tt/yfbFkaH
Show HN: Squareword - a Wordle-like game with an added dimension Last weekend, when I was playing Wordle I was inspired to think of ways to expand the concept and fuel my daily word game addiction. So I built squareword, where you use word guesses to uncover a square of letters consisting of five words down and five across. There is a new challenge every day, I thought you guys might enjoy it. My score for today was ten guesses. I built it in Vue.js and the Quasar framework and host it on Cloudflare pages. Just like Wordle, it runs purely on the client side. Over the past week, I’ve been adding features such as user stats and the ability to share your results. It has been really fun to see friends and family start playing the game, even when they beat my own score… Any feedback is appreciated! https://squareword.org/ February 6, 2022 at 03:12PM
Show HN: TriviaRex – A trivia game where you race to find the answer https://ift.tt/rBSOA5V
Show HN: TriviaRex – A trivia game where you race to find the answer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-myRUmq_QE February 6, 2022 at 03:57PM
Show HN: BeerBase – an accessible worldwide open beer database https://ift.tt/C8KlG9j
Show HN: BeerBase – an accessible worldwide open beer database https://beerba.se/ February 6, 2022 at 02:16PM
Show HN: StumbleUpon inspired random website discovery https://ift.tt/MxjsiC6
Show HN: StumbleUpon inspired random website discovery https://fooify.com February 6, 2022 at 05:52AM
Show HN: CNC G and M Code Parser in Python https://ift.tt/imXA7ca
Show HN: CNC G and M Code Parser in Python Python library for parsing G and M Code for CNC Machines. https://ift.tt/c31uzBp February 6, 2022 at 04:15AM
Show HN: Create-rust-app: now supports poem-web back end https://ift.tt/uYoNkBa
Show HN: Create-rust-app: now supports poem-web back end https://ift.tt/dRXj7Qo February 6, 2022 at 03:27AM
Show HN: Django Easy Logging https://ift.tt/mpoWB7O
Show HN: Django Easy Logging https://ift.tt/njQF9G3 February 6, 2022 at 01:07AM
Show HN: Open-source app to show meetings in status bar (macOS) https://ift.tt/wz5ukeb
Show HN: Open-source app to show meetings in status bar (macOS) https://ift.tt/6VtI8XO February 6, 2022 at 12:37AM
Show HN: BlockPaper – Centralized, paper-backed blockchain in my home office https://ift.tt/sXY9h3k
Show HN: BlockPaper – Centralized, paper-backed blockchain in my home office https://ift.tt/aoLfDb5 February 5, 2022 at 11:29PM
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Show HN: I built a site to find the best newsletters https://ift.tt/XNGWM30
Show HN: I built a site to find the best newsletters Hey HN, sharing something I've been working on. I love reading new voices. I subscribe to a lot of brilliant newsletters but found it hard to keep track of all the great stuff I was reading. I'd read something, love it, never be able to find it again. And then, how do you find new ones worth trying? And which posts do you start with? With Inbox World, you can submit and upvote the best of Substack and other similar platforms. The goal is to build a community around the best independent writing out there. It's like HN for newsletters! This is a passion project for me and I'm not technical at all. This is its earliest v1 form, open to everyone; no logins or data collected, no ads, no premium tiers, everything on one page. And I just added an automated email that sends you the most upvoted links weekly — a newsletter for newsletters. Would love to hear what you think in the comments below. Thanks for reading. PS: If you want to chat about this idea or are interested in working together, I’d love to talk. Ping me here or send me an email at kabir.chibber@gmail.com https://inboxworld.io/ February 5, 2022 at 12:22AM
Show HN: Angularis – like Tetris, but based on triangles https://ift.tt/LPRvGF5
Show HN: Angularis – like Tetris, but based on triangles Angularis is a game similar to Tetris, but based on triangles instead of squares. Which is why it also has diagonal movements. I had this idea about a month ago and built the game in my spare time. I think it is a bit more difficult compared to Tetris. You kind of have to get used to "think diagonally". Maybe it can be a nice little challenge for you. I'd be happy to receive some feedback. Thanks! https://ift.tt/50WMiYz February 5, 2022 at 12:04AM
What the Citrix Private Equity Deal Means for Enterprise Customers
The deal will combine Citrix with data management and machine learning giant Tibco, creating a software company that will compete with Microsoft and Amazon.
The 3 Most Common Causes of Data Breaches in 2021
Phishing, smishing, and business email compromise continue to do their dirty work.
Friday, February 4, 2022
BreachQuest Welcomes Sandy Dunn as Chief Information Security Officer
Industry cybersecurity veteran joins executive team of leading cyber experts with key experience In healthcare market.
Menlo Security Finds Cloud Migration and Remote Work Gives Rise to New Era of Malware, Highly Evasive Adaptive Threats (HEAT)
Menlo identified 224% increase in HEAT attacks in the last six months fueling ransomware surge.
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/menlo-security-finds-cloud-migration-and-remote-work-gives-rise-to-new-era-of-malware-highly-evasive-adaptive-threats-heat-
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/menlo-security-finds-cloud-migration-and-remote-work-gives-rise-to-new-era-of-malware-highly-evasive-adaptive-threats-heat-
HackNotice Releases Combined Security and Threat Awareness Service for Free
HackNotice users can now deepen their security awareness with a self-paced training course to prevent themselves from being targets of cyberattacks.
Show HN: I developed a website to find books similar to my kid's favorite https://ift.tt/1B7pk8f
Show HN: I developed a website to find books similar to my kid's favorite I built this ReactJS/Ruby on Rails single page web app out of personal need. My son wanted a book like “Curious George” but I didn’t have a good way to find one. The tool allows you to flip through pages of books for online previews. https://ift.tt/AGl86Xs February 3, 2022 at 10:29PM
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Why Security Pros Are Frustrated With Cloud Security
As companies shift more operations to the cloud, a shortfall in security talent and too much security data wastes more than half of the time spent on security issues, a survey finds.
Show HN: Repo Tracker to follow updates in multiple GitHub repositories https://ift.tt/jJBltKbWu
Show HN: Repo Tracker to follow updates in multiple GitHub repositories I built this GitHub Repo Tracker with Nuxt 3 to track when Nuxt 3 and its modules are ready for production. You can track multiple repositories on a single page and see how many commits, issues and PRs each of them had today, in the last 7 days and in the last 30 days. More stats and slick charts coming soon, plus integration of GitLab and BitBucket. Give it a spin: https://ift.tt/9ycBZR3ri https://ift.tt/9ycBZR3ri February 2, 2022 at 11:43PM
If My Organization Is Mostly in the Cloud, Do I Need a Firewall?
A firewall is still a valuable part of the IT security stack, but businesses need to consider all their attack surfaces.
source https://www.darkreading.com/edge-ask-the-experts/if-my-organization-is-mostly-in-the-cloud-do-i-need-a-firewall-
source https://www.darkreading.com/edge-ask-the-experts/if-my-organization-is-mostly-in-the-cloud-do-i-need-a-firewall-
Foresite Cybersecurity Acquires Cyber Lantern
Support for more than 160 important compliance standards have been integrated into SaaS solution for small and midsize enterprises.
Show HN: I've built a tool for musicians using modular gear https://ift.tt/PDxHjCzog
Show HN: I've built a tool for musicians using modular gear https://patcher.xyz/ February 2, 2022 at 11:41PM
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Disclosure, Panic, Patch: Can We Do Better?
Companies struggle to understand the extent to which they are affected by vulnerabilities in open source software, but security specialists and maintainers are striving to secure the ecosystem.
source https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/disclosure-panic-patch-can-we-do-better-
source https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/disclosure-panic-patch-can-we-do-better-
ShiftLeft CORE 'Velocity Update' Streamlines Triage, Automates Build Security Controls
New features empower developers and AppSec teams to streamline the triage process and automate security controls.
ShiftLeft CORE 'Velocity Update' Streamlines Triage, Automates Build Security Controls
New features empower developers and AppSec teams to streamline the triage process and automate security controls.
source https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/shiftleft-core-velocity-update-streamlines-triage-automates-build-security-controls
source https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/shiftleft-core-velocity-update-streamlines-triage-automates-build-security-controls
Show HN: Free 3D icons, fully customizable online https://ift.tt/Zz41qWR7j
Show HN: Free 3D icons, fully customizable online https://vertex.im/ February 1, 2022 at 11:38PM
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Security Service Edge Boosters Form New Forum to Encourage Adoption
IT leaders who formed the SSE Forum say the technology offers cloud-forward security for modern workplaces.
source https://www.darkreading.com/dr-tech/security-service-edge-boosters-form-new-forum-to-encourage-adoption
source https://www.darkreading.com/dr-tech/security-service-edge-boosters-form-new-forum-to-encourage-adoption
Mandiant: One in 7 Ransomware Extortion Attacks Expose OT Data
Analysis of 'shaming site' data dumps found sensitive documentation from OT organizations including oil & gas.
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/mandiant-one-in-7-ransomware-extortion-attacks-expose-ot-data
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/mandiant-one-in-7-ransomware-extortion-attacks-expose-ot-data
BlackBerry Agrees to Sell Legacy Patents for $600M
It has entered into a patent sale agreement with Catapult IP Innovations.
source https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/blackberry-agrees-to-sell-legacy-patents-for-600m
source https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/blackberry-agrees-to-sell-legacy-patents-for-600m
Aggressive BlackCat Ransomware on the Rise
The cybercriminals behind the malware claim to have compromised more than a dozen companies; they have aggressively outed victims and purportedly paid a significant share of ransoms back to affiliates.
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/aggressive-blackcat-ransomware-on-the-rise
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/aggressive-blackcat-ransomware-on-the-rise
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Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 nist.gov/nice/ccw What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...
Show HN: Dumbproxy – modern and simple HTTP(S) proxy https://ift.tt/3cVqvkq May 25, 2020 at 03:00AM
Show HN: A simple MSN Weather API wrapper https://ift.tt/3jeS0vi June 26, 2021 at 07:48AM
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 nist.gov/nice/ccw What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...