Thursday, September 30, 2021
Show HN: Hacker News with a twist https://ift.tt/3CVTZvd
Show HN: Hacker News with a twist https://ift.tt/3m6FawP September 30, 2021 at 01:42PM
Show HN: Redis Inventory, Open Source Tool to Analyze Redis Memory Usage by Keys https://ift.tt/3zStZ1F
Show HN: Redis Inventory, Open Source Tool to Analyze Redis Memory Usage by Keys https://ift.tt/3konv68 September 30, 2021 at 07:52AM
Show HN: Encrypted emails based on Signal protocol with post-quantum algorithms https://ift.tt/39O3hg3
Show HN: Encrypted emails based on Signal protocol with post-quantum algorithms Hi HN, we have recently completed a research project on how to encrypt emails with post-quantum secure algorithms as well as Forward Secrecy. We'd love to hear your feedback and discuss technical issues. The paper can be found here: https://ift.tt/3dq0tbe September 30, 2021 at 10:22AM
Show HN: React Oxide: open source ReactJS code editor with tabs, files & webDAV. https://ift.tt/3D2RxDh
Show HN: React Oxide: open source ReactJS code editor with tabs, files & webDAV. https://ift.tt/3kRhcZ5 September 30, 2021 at 03:55AM
Shades of SolarWinds Attack Malware Found in New 'Tomiris' Backdoor
Malware contains similarities that suggest a possible link to malware that Russia's DarkHalo group used in its massive supply chain attack, researchers say.
Show HN: Tool for debugging client TLS version and cipher support issues https://ift.tt/3iexSIv
Show HN: Tool for debugging client TLS version and cipher support issues https://tls.support/ September 29, 2021 at 08:54PM
Shades of SolarWinds Attack Malware Found in New 'Tomiris' Backdoor
Malware contains similarities that suggest a possible link to malware that Russia's DarkHalo group used in its massive supply chain attack, researchers say.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/shades-of-solarwinds-attack-malware-found-in-new-tomiris-backdoor
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/shades-of-solarwinds-attack-malware-found-in-new-tomiris-backdoor
Startup Beyond Identity Now Offers Passwordless Multifactor Authentication for Consumers
The announcement comes two weeks after Microsoft gave users the option to fully remove passwords from their accounts.
source https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/startup-beyond-identity-now-offers-passwordless-multifactor-authentication
source https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/startup-beyond-identity-now-offers-passwordless-multifactor-authentication
Startup Beyond Identity Now Offers Passwordless Multifactor Authentication for Consumers
The announcement comes two weeks after Microsoft gave users the option to fully remove passwords from their accounts.
50% of Servers Have Weak Security Long After Patches Are Released
Many servers remain vulnerable to high-severity flaws in Microsoft Exchange Server, VMware vCenter, Oracle WebLogic, and other popular products and services.
50% of Servers Have Weak Security Long After Patches Are Released
Many servers remain vulnerable to high-severity flaws in Microsoft Exchange Server, VMware vCenter, Oracle WebLogic, and other popular products and services.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/50-of-servers-have-weak-security-long-after-patches-are-released
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/50-of-servers-have-weak-security-long-after-patches-are-released
Salt Security Finds Widespread Elastic Stack API Security Vulnerability that Exposes Customer and System Data
New threat research from the Salt Labs Security research team details Elastic Stack injection exploit that can result in DoS attacks and cascading API threats
Show HN https://ift.tt/3AW38mL
Show HN I am aged 11 and founder of sprout9.net a platform for students to find great tutors. Please forgive me if I get this wrong and post it incorrectly. I would like fellow hackers to give me some constructive feedback on my MVP please. Ideas and suggestions as how I can improve my version 1.0 and how I can get the word out so I can help many students as possible. Thanks alot! Azaan September 29, 2021 at 11:47PM
Show HN: Built Codegame for developers to create programming games with Markdown https://ift.tt/3zOGQlv
Show HN: Built Codegame for developers to create programming games with Markdown https://ift.tt/3okcUM0 September 29, 2021 at 11:20PM
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Improving the Nationâs Cybersecurity: Progress and Next Steps in Carrying Out Executive Order 14028Â
Officials responsible for carrying out the variety of assignments to NIST under the May 12, 2021, Executive Order 14028, Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, will provide an update on their progress and next steps in a webinar on October 14th from 1
from NIST Events https://ift.tt/2XW8oZ1
https://ift.tt/2XW8oZ1 https://ift.tt/eA8V8J via IFTTT
from NIST Events https://ift.tt/2XW8oZ1
https://ift.tt/2XW8oZ1 https://ift.tt/eA8V8J via IFTTT
Improving the Nationâs Cybersecurity: Progress and Next Steps in Carrying Out Executive Order 14028Â
Officials responsible for carrying out the variety of assignments to NIST under the May 12, 2021, Executive Order 14028, Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, will provide an update on their progress and next steps in a webinar on October 14th from 1 Via NIST Events https://ift.tt/2zknsxC
Show HN: Help Software Engineers manage Burnout and be more Productive using AI https://ift.tt/3upJc9E
Show HN: Help Software Engineers manage Burnout and be more Productive using AI Were in the Beta Phase of our App for Mobile and Desktop that seeks to help Software Engineers Manage Burnout and work more efficiently and become more productive using Artificial intelligence. Request a free demo by emailing macphail@denanse.com September 29, 2021 at 10:46AM
Show HN: Save and search the full text of your browser history https://ift.tt/3utnyBm
Show HN: Save and search the full text of your browser history https://ift.tt/3unCUXL September 29, 2021 at 05:46AM
Show HN: Siftrics https://ift.tt/3EYCPyT
Show HN: Siftrics https://siftrics.com September 29, 2021 at 02:56AM
Show HN: Free VPN Alternative for Eng/DevOps Teams https://ift.tt/3B52bsF
Show HN: Free VPN Alternative for Eng/DevOps Teams https://ift.tt/3kVWTKp September 29, 2021 at 02:16AM
Show HN: Labelmaker – Generate PDF from HTML Templates with Scripting https://ift.tt/2ZFrhjT
Show HN: Labelmaker – Generate PDF from HTML Templates with Scripting https://ift.tt/2ZGGYaz September 29, 2021 at 01:51AM
75K Email Inboxes Hit in New Credential Phishing Campaign
Attacker used a legitimate — but likely deprecated — domain to sneak malicious emails past security filters, vendor says.
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/75k-email-inboxes-impacted-in-new-credential-phishing-campaign
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/75k-email-inboxes-impacted-in-new-credential-phishing-campaign
75K Email Inboxes Hit in New Credential Phishing Campaign
Attacker used a legitimate — but likely deprecated — domain to sneak malicious emails past security filters, vendor says.
Outsourced Software Pose Greater Risks to Enterprise Application Security
In the wake of SolarWinds and other third-party attacks, security teams worry that outsourced applications pose risks to the organization's application security, according to Dark Reading's recent "How Enterprises Are Developing Secure Applications" report.
Show HN: Time.taxi – A Daily Dose of Diversion https://ift.tt/3kNCNla
Show HN: Time.taxi – A Daily Dose of Diversion https://time.taxi September 29, 2021 at 12:56AM
Outsourced Software Pose Greater Risks to Enterprise Application Security
In the wake of SolarWinds and other third-party attacks, security teams worry that outsourced applications pose risks to the organization's application security, according to Dark Reading's recent "How Enterprises Are Developing Secure Applications" report.
source https://www.darkreading.com/edge-threat-monitor/outsourced-software-pose-greater-risks-to-enterprise-application-security
source https://www.darkreading.com/edge-threat-monitor/outsourced-software-pose-greater-risks-to-enterprise-application-security
Show HN: The Odds of Dying from Covid-19 Compared to Risks from Extreme Sports https://ift.tt/3AQx2cd
Show HN: The Odds of Dying from Covid-19 Compared to Risks from Extreme Sports https://ift.tt/3CWjeNM September 29, 2021 at 12:06AM
Most Large Enterprises Fail to Protect Their Domain Names
Of the largest 2,000 companies in the world, 81% fail to take simple security measures, such as locking their domain with the registrar, leaving them open to domain shenanigans.
source https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/large-enterprises-fail-to-implement-domain-protection-measures
source https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/large-enterprises-fail-to-implement-domain-protection-measures
NSA, CISA Issue Guidelines for Selecting and Securing VPNs
Joint document includes configuration recommendations for hardening VPNs, and recommendations on how to select the most secure ones.
Most Large Enterprises Fail to Protect Their Domain Names
Of the largest 2,000 companies in the world, 81% fail to take simple security measures, such as locking their domain with the registrar, leaving them open to domain shenanigans.
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Show HN: Extract Table from Image https://ift.tt/3EYcroB
Show HN: Extract Table from Image https://ift.tt/39IJlvd September 28, 2021 at 10:15AM
Show HN: Crabz – A fast, cross platform, multi-format, tool inspired by pigz https://ift.tt/3ugu5iB
Show HN: Crabz – A fast, cross platform, multi-format, tool inspired by pigz https://ift.tt/3m6edvc September 28, 2021 at 03:19AM
CISA: Wide Exploitation of New VMware vCenter Server Flaw Likely
Attackers can use the vulnerability to remotely execute arbitrary code.
Microsoft Adds Emergency Threat Mitigation to Its Exchange Server Software
The built-in service automates mitigations to known Exchange Server threats.
Women and People of Color Experience More Cyber Threats
Researchers explore how people across different demographics feel about their privacy and security online, with worrying results.
CISA: Wide Exploitation of New VMware vCenter Server Flaw Likely
Attackers can use the vulnerability to remotely execute arbitrary code.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/cisa-says-wide-exploitation-likely-of-new-vmware-center-server-flaw
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/cisa-says-wide-exploitation-likely-of-new-vmware-center-server-flaw
Microsoft Adds Emergency Threat Mitigation to Its Exchange Server Software
The built-in service automates mitigations to known Exchange Server threats.
source https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/microsoft-adds-emergency-mitigation-tool-for-exchange-server
source https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/microsoft-adds-emergency-mitigation-tool-for-exchange-server
Women and People of Color Experience More Cyber Threats
Researchers explore how people across different demographics feel about their privacy and security online, with worrying results.
source https://www.darkreading.com/risk/women-and-people-of-color-experience-more-cyber-threats
source https://www.darkreading.com/risk/women-and-people-of-color-experience-more-cyber-threats
Microsoft Warns of 'FoggyWeb' Malware Targeting AD FS Servers
The group tracked as Nobelium uses multiple tactics to steal credentials with the goal of gaining admin access to Active Directory Federation Services.
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/microsoft-warns-of-foggyweb-malware-targeting-ad-fs-servers
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/microsoft-warns-of-foggyweb-malware-targeting-ad-fs-servers
How to Shift to a New Approach for Cybersecurity Asset Management
With a SASE architecture, the access requirements of enterprises can be dealt with securely, regardless of employee location.
Microsoft Warns of 'FoggyWeb' Malware Targeting AD FS Servers
The group tracked as Nobelium uses multiple tactics to steal credentials with the goal of gaining admin access to Active Directory Federation Services.
7 Ways to Thwart Malicious Insiders
Malicious insider incidents may be less frequent than inadvertent user missteps, but they can cost organizations big time.
Monday, September 27, 2021
Show HN: Independly – The purposeful alternative to Patreon/BMC/Ko-fi https://ift.tt/3idJr2x
Show HN: Independly – The purposeful alternative to Patreon/BMC/Ko-fi https://ift.tt/39GHNln September 27, 2021 at 05:37PM
Show HN: A much faster alternative to logstash https://ift.tt/39Gz2Yt
Show HN: A much faster alternative to logstash https://ift.tt/3zFpPu4 September 27, 2021 at 05:34PM
How to Get Started With Zero Trust in a SaaS Environment
Given current business conditions and the prevalence of SaaS technologies, now is the time to take steps toward zero trust.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/how-to-get-started-with-zero-trust-in-a-saas-environment
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/how-to-get-started-with-zero-trust-in-a-saas-environment
How to Get Started With Zero Trust in a SaaS Environment
Given current business conditions and the prevalence of SaaS technologies, now is the time to take steps toward zero trust.
Show HN: SQLite Playground https://ift.tt/3m3fi7d
Show HN: SQLite Playground https://sqlime.org/ September 27, 2021 at 03:15PM
Research Highlights Significant Evolution in Email Security
Email security is in transition, from on-premises to the cloud, from inline to API-based, and from stand-alone to integrated into XDR. New research from Omdia highlights where the market is today, and where it is heading.
source https://www.darkreading.com/omdia/research-highlights-significant-evolution-in-email-security
source https://www.darkreading.com/omdia/research-highlights-significant-evolution-in-email-security
Research Highlights Significant Evolution in Email Security
Email security is in transition, from on-premises to the cloud, from inline to API-based, and from stand-alone to integrated into XDR. New research from Omdia highlights where the market is today, and where it is heading.
Show HN: Tape It, iOS recording app for musicians https://ift.tt/3udBTSi
Show HN: Tape It, iOS recording app for musicians Hello HN, Over the last 15 months, two friends and I developed the music recording app we felt we wanted based on our own needs as musicians. It's called Tape It [1] and has just recently hit the Apple App Store [2]. We put a lot of effort into a good UX to help musicians really focus on playing their instrument instead of pretending to be a recording engineer. The app records in stereo on newer iPhones (although that's a premium feature; the free version only records in standard mono audio quality). I would be really grateful for advice from this community on how to best approach marketing. We had a great TechCrunch article covering our launch [3], and we posted it on various music websites. Turns out advertising on Google or Apple Search is a dark art, though. We have some good ideas for developing a good social media presence, but they will take time. Please hit us with feedback, opinions and advice that you think a young indie company like us can use at this point :). And of course, please go and try the app! Best, Thomas [1] https://tape.it [2] https://get.tape.it [3] https://tcrn.ch/3nbODHD September 27, 2021 at 02:23PM
Show HN: Low-code metrics store and Open Source alternative to Looker https://ift.tt/3EV1unX
Show HN: Low-code metrics store and Open Source alternative to Looker September 27, 2021 at 12:12PM
Show HN: Find Reddit discussion threads for your TV shows https://ift.tt/3ibL2G1
Show HN: Find Reddit discussion threads for your TV shows https://ift.tt/3m0kZCQ September 27, 2021 at 02:57AM
Show HN: PolicyEngine lets you simulate reforms to the tax and benefit system https://ift.tt/3i9deJL
Show HN: PolicyEngine lets you simulate reforms to the tax and benefit system https://ift.tt/39BUttI September 26, 2021 at 05:50PM
Show HN: Mantis is an embeddable business phone in the browser https://ift.tt/3zGCZqz
Show HN: Mantis is an embeddable business phone in the browser https://mantis.chat September 26, 2021 at 10:43PM
Show HN: Jobs Board for health-tech and life-sciences https://ift.tt/3i8OHof
Show HN: Jobs Board for health-tech and life-sciences https://ift.tt/3lYnzcB September 26, 2021 at 10:09PM
Show HN: Generate shared 2FA codes for your entire team https://ift.tt/3AL9Dca
Show HN: Generate shared 2FA codes for your entire team https://tfa.one September 26, 2021 at 11:17PM
Show HN: MPLG – Matplotlib GUI, design plots visually and export as Python code https://ift.tt/3ibZxtE
Show HN: MPLG – Matplotlib GUI, design plots visually and export as Python code https://ift.tt/2Y5rAUx September 26, 2021 at 10:43PM
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Show HN: Patroltool – Monitor Wikipedia's latest edits https://ift.tt/3oefTph
Show HN: Patroltool – Monitor Wikipedia's latest edits https://ift.tt/2XSA2GR September 26, 2021 at 12:59PM
Show HN: Google spreadsheet addon to send SMS in Batch https://ift.tt/39BXn1C
Show HN: Google spreadsheet addon to send SMS in Batch https://ift.tt/2XSA5Sn September 26, 2021 at 09:11PM
Show HN: Best UI Online Design Resources https://ift.tt/3m3CPVs
Show HN: Best UI Online Design Resources https://uionline.io/ September 26, 2021 at 08:22PM
Show HN: My SaaS Business Template https://ift.tt/3ucCvHL
Show HN: My SaaS Business Template https://ift.tt/3o68OHj September 26, 2021 at 04:14PM
Show HN: The Rails Devs – A group for Rails devs to share resources and job opps https://ift.tt/3i9i89B
Show HN: The Rails Devs – A group for Rails devs to share resources and job opps https://ift.tt/3zKAoMi September 26, 2021 at 05:48PM
Show HN: Computer Engineering for Babies Book https://ift.tt/3AQ4oYQ
Show HN: Computer Engineering for Babies Book https://ift.tt/3gNsfjO September 26, 2021 at 05:02PM
Show HN: 70% Rails performance improvement by RAM-caching asset paths https://ift.tt/3oagpEY
Show HN: 70% Rails performance improvement by RAM-caching asset paths https://ift.tt/3lT1ig4 September 26, 2021 at 10:09AM
Show HN: Convert Google Form Response to PDF Automatically https://ift.tt/3kGp9jS
Show HN: Convert Google Form Response to PDF Automatically There might be times that you want to convert the google form response into PDF. As you can imagine, this is time consuming and error prone job. There is a feature in ResponseManager google form addon which makes this easy. Convert Response To PDF * Autogenerate PDF template * Customize (edit) the template or select an existing one * Customize the PDF file title * Customize the output file folder * Option to keep PDF in google drive or remove * Send email with generated PDF file to responder or customized email list. * 7 days to try out full functionality * In App stripe based purchase Download link: https://ift.tt/3EMIIPD Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfHIA5H0FQ0&t=4s&ab_channel=SmartGAS September 26, 2021 at 07:37AM
Show HN: Molecular Dynamics in the Browser https://ift.tt/3zFE95W
Show HN: Molecular Dynamics in the Browser https://ift.tt/2ZwJaBo September 26, 2021 at 02:32AM
Show HN: LIV is a webmail front-end for your personal email server https://ift.tt/3mgvrGH
Show HN: LIV is a webmail front-end for your personal email server https://ift.tt/39Gxeih September 26, 2021 at 02:25AM
Show HN: ML enabled creative tools for artists and designers https://ift.tt/3ochXOz
Show HN: ML enabled creative tools for artists and designers https://www.vizcom.co/ September 25, 2021 at 11:23PM
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Show HN: ExpoThemes – Themes for Windows https://ift.tt/3AG8aDL
Show HN: ExpoThemes – Themes for Windows https://expothemes.com/ September 25, 2021 at 08:58AM
Show HN: NFT Worlds – Metaverse ecosystem of explorable worlds built on Ethereum https://ift.tt/3CHgmo3
Show HN: NFT Worlds – Metaverse ecosystem of explorable worlds built on Ethereum https://ift.tt/3CKYadi September 25, 2021 at 08:09AM
Show HN: TogetherLetters - Social updates for a group without using social media https://ift.tt/3o4BZuv
Show HN: TogetherLetters - Social updates for a group without using social media Hey all, my co-founder (@adamjwalker) and I have been working on TogetherLetters for a few months. We all realize that people aren't (can't be?) authentic on social media. So we decided to launch an automatic regular newsletter for groups to share honest updates. TogetherLetters sends members of a group an email for an update and then combines all the updates from group members into a group newsletter. Importantly, updates are never published on the web so we've seen people be honest, vulnerable, and authentic in updates and thus get help and support from their groups. We have a few paying users but we'd love for more folks to check it out and give us feedback - good and bad - about what we're doing. Groups of 10 or less are free forever (bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly newsletters) and paid groups start at just $5/mo (weekly newsletters and up to 50 members). https://ift.tt/2W825kw Thanks! September 24, 2021 at 07:01PM
Show HN: Hit.movie – Self publishing platform for movie producers https://ift.tt/2W9dctu
Show HN: Hit.movie – Self publishing platform for movie producers https://hit.movie/ September 24, 2021 at 06:54PM
Show HN: Eezitt, a social platform that is all about: “Is it?” https://ift.tt/39zNxgy
Show HN: Eezitt, a social platform that is all about: “Is it?” https://www.eezitt.com/ September 24, 2021 at 07:10PM
Friday, September 24, 2021
10 Threat Trends in DNS Security
Cisco Security examines Cisco Umbrella data for trends in malicious DNS activity during 2020.
US Treasury Dept. Sanctions Suex Cryptocurrency Exchange
Sanctions are a result of Suex's role in facilitating transactions for ransomware attackers., officials say.
Show HN: Building an Airtable Front End Using Low-Code https://ift.tt/3zE3L2Q
Show HN: Building an Airtable Front End Using Low-Code https://ift.tt/3CGLaFf September 24, 2021 at 03:54PM
CTO 2.0: Maiffret Rejoins BeyondTrust
Hacker-turned-entrepreneur Marc Maiffret reflects on his past few years "embedded" with enterprise security teams and how it has shaped his security view.
source https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/cto-2-0-maiffret-rejoins-beyondtrust
source https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/cto-2-0-maiffret-rejoins-beyondtrust
10 Threat Trends in DNS Security
Cisco Security examines Cisco Umbrella data for trends in malicious DNS activity during 2020.
source https://www.darkreading.com/edge-threat-monitor/10-threat-trends-in-dns-security
source https://www.darkreading.com/edge-threat-monitor/10-threat-trends-in-dns-security
US Treasury Dept. Sanctions Suex Cryptocurrency Exchange
Sanctions are a result of Suex's role in facilitating transactions for ransomware attackers., officials say.
source https://www.darkreading.com/risk/us-treasury-dept-sanctions-suex-cryptocurrency-exchange
source https://www.darkreading.com/risk/us-treasury-dept-sanctions-suex-cryptocurrency-exchange
Data Sharing, Added Security Steps Drive Consumers to Shop Elsewhere
A new survey finds most shoppers will stop a transaction if asked for too much personal information or to complete many security steps.
source https://www.darkreading.com/risk/data-sharing-added-security-steps-drive-consumers-to-shop-elsewhere
source https://www.darkreading.com/risk/data-sharing-added-security-steps-drive-consumers-to-shop-elsewhere
5 Ways to Become a Better Cyber-Threat Exterminator
Tactical threat intelligence feeds directly into security operations and helps tighten existing security controls and improve incident response times.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/5-ways-to-become-a-better-cyber-threat-exterminator
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/5-ways-to-become-a-better-cyber-threat-exterminator
Show HN: Bomberland – An AI competition to build the best Bomberman bot https://ift.tt/39AhXzu
Show HN: Bomberland – An AI competition to build the best Bomberman bot https://ift.tt/3Czhqu6 September 24, 2021 at 02:01PM
Show HN: Rules-based labelling tool for NLP https://ift.tt/3AFuoFV
Show HN: Rules-based labelling tool for NLP https://ift.tt/3tGBgQR September 22, 2021 at 01:12PM
Show HN: I'm using a nocode comm tool https://ift.tt/3o2i9jf
Show HN: I'm using a nocode comm tool orignally shared this on startup school... i thought id' share it here. i'm using a `nocode communication tool` (a web-based interface... a single browser tab!) for all of these things: 1. landing page — the landing page is the product and i wanted for folks to feel "transported" right into the app without having to walk through a shitty b2b marketing-style content. this is akin to my experience back in the `BBS` days of the mid-90's where you were immediately into the app, community, and tool. no terms of service, no privacy policy. just pure, immediate value. 2. building community — we talk about life and startups and the metaverse and bitcoin and writing and all of the things that i love to think about and talk about! since this is my workspace (they are called "yeniverses") i want to love it more than anyone else. and as an artist, i want to love it even more. so, the community that's there every single day is there because they like these topics and want to talk and discuss them with me. this is nice because no one is really there that doesn't want to be there... instead, these are highly-qualified community members (and customers). it naturally weeds out folks who aren't interested in those things. 3. a feedback system on the product — using a simple `public` room (which you can see at the very [bottom](https://ift.tt/3u9mqCs) i can get direct feedback on the product itself which is the most important part in the very early-stage... i just want to know what works and what doesn't and then i can make those changes and fixes immediately. this is also super-useful because my entire team also can engage with the community and see, for themselves, the needs / wants / wishes / desires of the community at-large. this fixes a lot of the problems where team members are too distant or removed from their customers, which is a common problem as teams scale and grow. keeping this in the same interface as #4 is a total win. 4. internal communication with my team / contractors (slack replacement) — this is probably one of the best parts is that i can use as many `private rooms` as i need to communicate with my fully-distributed team in both real-time and async. i use it for my development team that's helping to build the product as well as unique private rooms for contract teams and special projects. i can create them quickly, invite via email (any email works so you don't have to lock-in any specific domain) and then just get to work. delete them when you're done. (cont'd in the first comment...) September 24, 2021 at 05:54AM
Show HN: Demo of Tailwind CSS, Gulpjs, Alpine.js (Version 2) https://ift.tt/3lXUJcn
Show HN: Demo of Tailwind CSS, Gulpjs, Alpine.js (Version 2) https://ift.tt/3im0Ia3 September 24, 2021 at 03:36AM
Show HN: A Tableau+SQL course for data professionals https://ift.tt/2XY08bf
Show HN: A Tableau+SQL course for data professionals https://ift.tt/39CIr36 September 24, 2021 at 01:37AM
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Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 nist.gov/nice/ccw What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...
Show HN: Dumbproxy – modern and simple HTTP(S) proxy https://ift.tt/3cVqvkq May 25, 2020 at 03:00AM
Show HN: A simple MSN Weather API wrapper https://ift.tt/3jeS0vi June 26, 2021 at 07:48AM
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 nist.gov/nice/ccw What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...