Monday, May 31, 2021
Show HN: Nimiq Identicons – Cutely generated cartoon identicons https://ift.tt/3iaWrXt
Show HN: Nimiq Identicons – Cutely generated cartoon identicons https://ift.tt/3phyAXT May 31, 2021 at 01:48PM
Show HN: Jotdown – Markdown but parsed like a programming language https://ift.tt/3i2s99m
Show HN: Jotdown – Markdown but parsed like a programming language https://jotdown.online/ May 31, 2021 at 05:26PM
3 SASE Misconceptions to Consider
SASE is all the rage, promising things IT leaders have long dreamed about, but a purist approach may create consequences.
source https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/3-sase-misconceptions-to-consider-/a/d-id/1341088?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/3-sase-misconceptions-to-consider-/a/d-id/1341088?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
3 SASE Misconceptions to Consider
SASE is all the rage, promising things IT leaders have long dreamed about, but a purist approach may create consequences.
Show HN: Soft-core RISC-V SoC with gdb support https://ift.tt/3fztwuA
Show HN: Soft-core RISC-V SoC with gdb support https://ift.tt/3dfQEf1 May 31, 2021 at 04:41PM
Show HN: Flow-based programming for cryptocurrency trading https://ift.tt/3fV0IM5
Show HN: Flow-based programming for cryptocurrency trading https://ift.tt/3c62Wqy May 31, 2021 at 02:56PM
Show HN: An open source video conferencing app for tutoring. Zoom alternative https://ift.tt/3p77iTR
Show HN: An open source video conferencing app for tutoring. Zoom alternative https://ift.tt/34voXv1 May 31, 2021 at 12:32PM
Show HN: Notion API Go SDK https://ift.tt/3fYrjHT
Show HN: Notion API Go SDK https://ift.tt/34yrvIE May 31, 2021 at 10:21AM
Show HN: Access Lua's C-API from Lua https://ift.tt/3uy5X9D
Show HN: Access Lua's C-API from Lua https://ift.tt/3yPAJOJ May 31, 2021 at 09:03AM
Show HN: Handwriter – Make Writing Easier https://ift.tt/3fw5S1X
Show HN: Handwriter – Make Writing Easier https://ift.tt/3gbK0Z5 May 30, 2021 at 08:54PM
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Show HN: Strange Binary – a cellular automata game https://ift.tt/34wyHoU
Show HN: Strange Binary – a cellular automata game https://ift.tt/2VzZDyY May 30, 2021 at 07:53PM
Show HN: Hal9 – Roblox for AI https://ift.tt/2SGvBvE
Show HN: Hal9 – Roblox for AI https://hal9.ai/ May 30, 2021 at 07:00PM
Show HN: Kalk, A calculator with math syntax, complex numbers, etc. (Rust, WASM) https://ift.tt/3uwPKl3
Show HN: Kalk, A calculator with math syntax, complex numbers, etc. (Rust, WASM) https://kalk.strct.net May 30, 2021 at 06:07PM
Show HN: Strainer, a Rust CLI for finding duplicate lines across a project https://ift.tt/3c4wEfA
Show HN: Strainer, a Rust CLI for finding duplicate lines across a project https://ift.tt/34S3zPN May 30, 2021 at 05:46PM
Show HN: Responsive NextJS Themes for Dashboards, Landing Pages and Blogs https://ift.tt/3wMyfyz
Show HN: Responsive NextJS Themes for Dashboards, Landing Pages and Blogs https://ift.tt/3uA6A2C May 30, 2021 at 04:25PM
Show HN: Tubenotes.xyz – Annotate and Loop Videos https://ift.tt/3wFe8T9
Show HN: Tubenotes.xyz – Annotate and Loop Videos https://tubenotes.xyz/ May 30, 2021 at 02:25PM
Show HN: paperd.ink – open-source e-paper development board https://ift.tt/3fyTu17
Show HN: paperd.ink – open-source e-paper development board https://paperd.ink May 30, 2021 at 10:22AM
Show HN: Filelink.io text/markddown/CLI/file pastebin https://ift.tt/2SGJIkN
Show HN: Filelink.io text/markddown/CLI/file pastebin https://filelink.io May 30, 2021 at 05:41AM
Show HN: DarkHN – Dark Mode Mirror for Hacker News https://ift.tt/2TtH9D1
Show HN: DarkHN – Dark Mode Mirror for Hacker News https://ift.tt/3i0iGzd May 30, 2021 at 04:27AM
Show HN: Fusebot – Developer bot for Discord and Slack https://ift.tt/2SCEDKi
Show HN: Fusebot – Developer bot for Discord and Slack https://fusebot.io/ May 28, 2021 at 09:18PM
Show HN: Linked, an open source daily journal app https://ift.tt/3uBHKiG
Show HN: Linked, an open source daily journal app https://ift.tt/3c331M1 May 29, 2021 at 07:29PM
Show HN: BBC Basic on the ZX Spectrum Next https://ift.tt/3fTs19B
Show HN: BBC Basic on the ZX Spectrum Next https://ift.tt/3fYn4fu May 29, 2021 at 08:19PM
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Show HN: Virtual Tours – Virtual Field Trips https://ift.tt/3yMdFQJ
Show HN: Virtual Tours – Virtual Field Trips https://gez.la May 29, 2021 at 06:36PM
Show HN: TapeX – Draw, Annotate and Record on your desktop screen https://ift.tt/3pdv1C1
Show HN: TapeX – Draw, Annotate and Record on your desktop screen https://tapex.app May 29, 2021 at 05:24PM
Show HN: Guide for learning digital electronics in CC-SA https://ift.tt/3fTA1ay
Show HN: Guide for learning digital electronics in CC-SA https://ift.tt/3fssq3D May 29, 2021 at 01:28PM
Show HN: Monty, Mongo tinified. MongoDB implemented in Python https://ift.tt/3p2h8X4
Show HN: Monty, Mongo tinified. MongoDB implemented in Python https://ift.tt/3fWAHf5 May 29, 2021 at 03:03PM
Show HN: TeXMe Demo: Self-Rendering Markdown (GFM) + LaTeX (MathJax) Document https://ift.tt/3fSyt0z
Show HN: TeXMe Demo: Self-Rendering Markdown (GFM) + LaTeX (MathJax) Document https://ift.tt/32MNSJG May 29, 2021 at 02:02PM
Show HN: Capture and manage events without writing any code https://ift.tt/3wHe70R
Show HN: Capture and manage events without writing any code https://ift.tt/3fw5YXB May 29, 2021 at 01:14PM
Friday, May 28, 2021
SolarWinds Attackers Impersonate USAID in Advanced Email Campaign
Microsoft shares the details of a wide-scale malicious email campaign attributed to Nobelium, the group linked to the SolarWinds supply chain attack.
A Wrench and a Screwdriver: Critical Infrastructure's Last, Best Lines of Defense?
Critical infrastructure's cybersecurity problems are complex, deep-rooted, and daunting. Addressing them won't be easy...but it isn't impossible.
Siemens Patches Major PLC Flaw that Bypasses Its 'Sandbox' Protection
Researchers from Claroty today detailed the memory vuln they discovered in Siemens SIMATIC S7-1200 and S7-1500 PLCs.
source https://www.darkreading.com/physical-security/siemens-patches-major-plc-flaw-that-bypasses-its-sandbox-protection/d/d-id/1341161?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/physical-security/siemens-patches-major-plc-flaw-that-bypasses-its-sandbox-protection/d/d-id/1341161?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
Siemens Patches Major PLC Flaw that Bypasses Its 'Sandbox' Protection
Researchers from Claroty today detailed the memory vuln they discovered in Siemens SIMATIC S7-1200 and S7-1500 PLCs.
Plug-ins for Code Editors Pose Developer-Security Threat
There are two critical vulnerabilities in plug-ins for the popular Visual Studio Code editor, now patched, but security firm Snyk warns that popular plug-ins could put development environments in jeopardy.
Show HN: I scraped every awesome list on GitHub and turned it into a website https://ift.tt/3yNrDSo
Show HN: I scraped every awesome list on GitHub and turned it into a website https://ift.tt/3bZABT5 May 28, 2021 at 05:46PM
Plug-ins for Code Editors Pose Developer-Security Threat
There are two critical vulnerabilities in plug-ins for the popular Visual Studio Code editor, now patched, but security firm Snyk warns that popular plug-ins could put development environments in jeopardy.
source https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/plug-ins-for-code-editors-pose-developer-security-threat/d/d-id/1341160?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/plug-ins-for-code-editors-pose-developer-security-threat/d/d-id/1341160?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
Most Mobile Apps Can Be Compromised in 15 Minutes or Less
In the name of releasing apps quickly and delivering a smooth user experience, mobile app security is often given short shrift.
source https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/most-mobile-apps-can-be-compromised-in-15-minutes-or-less-/a/d-id/1341087?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/most-mobile-apps-can-be-compromised-in-15-minutes-or-less-/a/d-id/1341087?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
Most Mobile Apps Can Be Compromised in 15 Minutes or Less
In the name of releasing apps quickly and delivering a smooth user experience, mobile app security is often given short shrift.
Show HN: A knowledge garden for curious mind https://ift.tt/3fKB9go
Show HN: A knowledge garden for curious mind https://innos.io?s=HN May 28, 2021 at 12:57PM
Show HN: Convert your visitors into valuable customers https://ift.tt/3wFYRBr
Show HN: Convert your visitors into valuable customers https://embedery.com May 28, 2021 at 12:40PM
Building Multilayered Security for Modern Threats
Justin Jett, director of audit and compliance for Plixer, discusses the elements of a successful advanced security posture.
from Threatpost https://ift.tt/34ttVIu
via gqrds
from Threatpost https://ift.tt/34ttVIu
via gqrds
Show HN: We spidered the web to compile Top 100 remote jobs and 35K+ jobs listed https://ift.tt/3bZWB00
Show HN: We spidered the web to compile Top 100 remote jobs and 35K+ jobs listed https://ift.tt/3fS91d5 May 28, 2021 at 03:10AM
Show HN: My 2000's TV – Nostalgic TV simulator https://ift.tt/3fuj7As
Show HN: My 2000's TV – Nostalgic TV simulator https://my00stv.com/ May 28, 2021 at 07:30AM
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Show HN: Convect – Instant Serverless Deployment of ML Models https://ift.tt/3oVAyN7
Show HN: Convect – Instant Serverless Deployment of ML Models https://convect.ml May 27, 2021 at 05:39PM
Show HN: Redact – Automated deletion for your content on social networks https://ift.tt/3foy9HB
Show HN: Redact – Automated deletion for your content on social networks https://redact.dev/?hn May 27, 2021 at 05:10PM
Show HN: I Built Multiplayer Deathmatch Joust https://ift.tt/3bVHogg
Show HN: I Built Multiplayer Deathmatch Joust https://joust.life/ May 27, 2021 at 02:50PM
Show HN: I made a free blogging/bookmarking platform with discussions/discovery https://ift.tt/2QVJtSe
Show HN: I made a free blogging/bookmarking platform with discussions/discovery http://wndr.xyz May 27, 2021 at 02:07PM
Prevention Is the Only Cure: The Dangers of Legacy Systems
Prolonged exposure to poorly managed legacy IT devices proves time and time again the familiar adage: What can go wrong will go wrong.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities---threats/prevention-is-the-only-cure-the-dangers-of-legacy-systems/a/d-id/1341075?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities---threats/prevention-is-the-only-cure-the-dangers-of-legacy-systems/a/d-id/1341075?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
Matching 5G Demands with the Right Technology
The push for 5G-enabled apps reveals the need for data platforms to sync and scale across diverse networks. Are your applications ready to engage?
Prevention Is the Only Cure: The Dangers of Legacy Systems
Prolonged exposure to poorly managed legacy IT devices proves time and time again the familiar adage: What can go wrong will go wrong.
Fujitsu SaaS Hack Sends Govt. of Japan Scrambling
Tech giant disables ProjectWEB cloud-based collaboration platform after threat actors gained access and nabbed files belonging to several state entities.
from Threatpost https://ift.tt/3bYtFpc
via gqrds
from Threatpost https://ift.tt/3bYtFpc
via gqrds
ExtraHop Explains How Advanced Threats Dominate Threat Landscape
SPONSORED: WATCH NOW -- How do SOC professionals build a strategy when they lack basic information about how such threats operate? Advanced threats by their very nature create plenty of uncertainty, according to Matt Cauthorn, VP of cloud security for ExtraHop.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities---threats/extrahop-explains-how-advanced-threats-dominate-threat-landscape/a/d-id/1341100?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities---threats/extrahop-explains-how-advanced-threats-dominate-threat-landscape/a/d-id/1341100?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
ExtraHop Explains How Advanced Threats Dominate Threat Landscape
SPONSORED: WATCH NOW -- How do SOC professionals build a strategy when they lack basic information about how such threats operate? Advanced threats by their very nature create plenty of uncertainty, according to Matt Cauthorn, VP of cloud security for ExtraHop.
Show HN: Noixer, an Ambient Noise Mixer https://ift.tt/3hXelNl
Show HN: Noixer, an Ambient Noise Mixer https://ift.tt/3yFlOqd May 27, 2021 at 01:39PM
Show HN: Scittle CLJS https://ift.tt/3bYSam1
Show HN: Scittle CLJS https://ift.tt/2TnqOzJ May 27, 2021 at 01:51PM
Show HN: Explore travel restrictions for every Country https://ift.tt/3c04MJA
Show HN: Explore travel restrictions for every Country https://ift.tt/3ukW6nH May 27, 2021 at 10:07AM
Show HN: I built a platform to deploy open-source Docker containers without code https://ift.tt/3bWqdLK
Show HN: I built a platform to deploy open-source Docker containers without code I thought it'd be nice if my friends and elders can run Docker containers as easy as using Facebook. The idea is for them to fill in some details, click Deploy Now, and the app should be live in a few secs. https://ift.tt/3fMorhs Video introduction: https://youtu.be/RYLZsBI3Wus Video example of how a Hello World app is deployed: https://youtu.be/6TEAFajMxus Step by step guide to running a WordPress instance: https://ift.tt/3yJsYJU I've just opened this up for beta testing. What's your thoughts? Is this something you might use? What features would you like to see? May 27, 2021 at 04:38AM
What’s the Best Service Mesh Proxy?
The perfect service mesh implementation wouldn’t use a general-purpose proxy, but would instead use a service mesh specific proxy—one that does no more than the mesh needs and that is written in a performant language with strong security guarantees like Rust.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Devo: SIEM Continues to Evolve with Tech Trends and Emerging Threats
SPONSORED: WATCH NOW -- Some organizations split the difference with a hybrid of premises- and cloud-based SIEM, says Ted Julian, senior VP of product at Devo. As security data volumes continue to increase, SIEM's evolution will only continue.
source https://www.darkreading.com/analytics/devo-siem-continues-to-evolve-with-tech-trends-and-emerging-threats/a/d-id/1341098?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/analytics/devo-siem-continues-to-evolve-with-tech-trends-and-emerging-threats/a/d-id/1341098?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
Devo: SIEM Continues to Evolve with Tech Trends and Emerging Threats
SPONSORED: WATCH NOW -- Some organizations split the difference with a hybrid of premises- and cloud-based SIEM, says Ted Julian, senior VP of product at Devo. As security data volumes continue to increase, SIEM's evolution will only continue.
Show HN: I forged the Lithuanian Vaccine Certificate and got it fixed https://ift.tt/3fobQSx
Show HN: I forged the Lithuanian Vaccine Certificate and got it fixed https://ift.tt/3fR9sTv May 26, 2021 at 06:40PM
Messaging Apps: The Latest Hotbed in the Fraud Ecosystem
Telegram and other secure messaging apps have become a haven for professional criminals to wreak havoc and turn a profit.
source https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/messaging-apps-the-latest-hotbed-in-the-fraud-ecosystem/a/d-id/1341054?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/messaging-apps-the-latest-hotbed-in-the-fraud-ecosystem/a/d-id/1341054?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
Messaging Apps: The Latest Hotbed in the Fraud Ecosystem
Telegram and other secure messaging apps have become a haven for professional criminals to wreak havoc and turn a profit.
Show HN: Typos, a source code spell checker https://ift.tt/2RQbn2p
Show HN: Typos, a source code spell checker https://ift.tt/3flnaP7 May 26, 2021 at 04:33PM
New Iranian Threat Actor Using Ransomware, Wipers in Destructive Attacks
The Agrius group's focus appears to be Israel and the Middle East.
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/new-iranian-threat-actor-using-ransomware-wipers-in-destructive-attacks/d/d-id/1341135?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/new-iranian-threat-actor-using-ransomware-wipers-in-destructive-attacks/d/d-id/1341135?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
New Iranian Threat Actor Using Ransomware, Wipers in Destructive Attacks
The Agrius group's focus appears to be Israel and the Middle East.
Orange: Your Leaky Security is Coming from Inside the House!
SPONSORED: Your home WiFi router may be screaming fast, but it's also a major point of vulnerability in this work-from-home era, says Charl van der Walt, head of security research at Orange Cyberdefense. And while Zero Trust offers some relief, he offers up some how-to advice to ensure it's properly deployed.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities---threats/orange-your-leaky-security-is-coming-from-inside-the-house!/a/d-id/1341097?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities---threats/orange-your-leaky-security-is-coming-from-inside-the-house!/a/d-id/1341097?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
Orange: Your Leaky Security is Coming from Inside the House!
SPONSORED: Your home WiFi router may be screaming fast, but it's also a major point of vulnerability in this work-from-home era, says Charl van der Walt, head of security research at Orange Cyberdefense. And while Zero Trust offers some relief, he offers up some how-to advice to ensure it's properly deployed.
‘Privateer’ Threat Actors Emerge from Cybercrime Swamp
‘Privateers’ aren’t necessarily state-sponsored, but they have some form of government protection while promoting their own financially-motivated criminal agenda, according to Cisco Talos.
from Threatpost https://ift.tt/3frY69z
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from Threatpost https://ift.tt/3frY69z
via gqrds
A Peek Inside the Underground Ransomware Economy
Threat hunters weigh in on how the business of ransomware, the complex relationships between cybercriminals, and how they work together and hawk their wares on the Dark Web.
from Threatpost https://ift.tt/3wzqLPr
via gqrds
from Threatpost https://ift.tt/3wzqLPr
via gqrds
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Uptycs Offers Resilience Formula to Boost Business Continuity
SPONSORED CONTENT: Breaches and data loss are inevitable, but customers can bounce back more readily with some planning and foresight, says Ganesh Pai, CEO and founder of Uptycs. He suggests a trajectory for customers looking to improve their own resilience, starting with proactiveness, followed by reactivity, then predictive capabilities and better protection.
The Makings of a Better Cybersecurity Hire
Experience counts, but as one CISO has learned, don't overlook a creative, motivated candidate just because their background doesn't match the job description.
Combatting Insider Threats with Keyboard Security
Dale Ludwig, business development manager at Cherry Americas, discusses advances in hardware-based security that can enhance modern cyber-defenses.
from Threatpost https://ift.tt/3yAx0V3
via gqrds
from Threatpost https://ift.tt/3yAx0V3
via gqrds
Show HN: An Interactive Visual History of Git Development https://ift.tt/2SoLczR
Show HN: An Interactive Visual History of Git Development https://ift.tt/3oMv3Am May 25, 2021 at 05:32PM
Show HN: Build internal apps and dashboards using Google Sheets https://ift.tt/2SkSZyF
Show HN: Build internal apps and dashboards using Google Sheets https://chartmat.com May 25, 2021 at 05:10PM
The Adversary Within: Preventing Disaster From Insider Threats
Insiders are in a position of trust, and their elevated permissions provide opportunities to cause serious harm to critical business applications and processes.
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities---threats/the-adversary-within-preventing-disaster-from-insider-threats/a/d-id/1341034?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities---threats/the-adversary-within-preventing-disaster-from-insider-threats/a/d-id/1341034?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
The Adversary Within: Preventing Disaster From Insider Threats
Insiders are in a position of trust, and their elevated permissions provide opportunities to cause serious harm to critical business applications and processes.
Show HN: A good business name generator https://ift.tt/3oW1xbC
Show HN: A good business name generator https://ift.tt/2T8qrZw May 25, 2021 at 03:43PM
Businesses Boost Security Budgets. Where Will the Money Go?
Most organizations plan to spend more on security, leaders say in a report that explores their toughest challenges, post-breach costs, and spending priorities.
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/businesses-boost-security-budgets-where-will-the-money-go/d/d-id/1341119?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/businesses-boost-security-budgets-where-will-the-money-go/d/d-id/1341119?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
Turn the Tables: Supply Chain Defense Needs Some Offense, Fortinet Says
SPONSORED CONTENT: Watch now -- While the SolarWinds hack put fresh attention on supply chain vulnerabilities, Derek Manky of Fortinet's Fortiguard Labs suggests dismantling cybercriminals' own supply chains.
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/turn-the-tables-supply-chain-defense-needs-some-offense-fortinet-says/a/d-id/1341094?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
source https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/turn-the-tables-supply-chain-defense-needs-some-offense-fortinet-says/a/d-id/1341094?_mc=rss_x_drr_edt_aud_dr_x_x-rss-simple
Businesses Boost Security Budgets. Where Will the Money Go?
Most organizations plan to spend more on security, leaders say in a report that explores their toughest challenges, post-breach costs, and spending priorities.
Turn the Tables: Supply Chain Defense Needs Some Offense, Fortinet Says
SPONSORED CONTENT: Watch now -- While the SolarWinds hack put fresh attention on supply chain vulnerabilities, Derek Manky of Fortinet's Fortiguard Labs suggests dismantling cybercriminals' own supply chains.
Show HN: Cocert: split your private keys securely amongst untrusted network https://ift.tt/3yyVPRg
Show HN: Cocert: split your private keys securely amongst untrusted network https://ift.tt/33BJxcp May 25, 2021 at 02:34PM
Show HN: RobotSpelling, a tool for elementry kids to learn a their own speed https://ift.tt/34gJIdO
Show HN: RobotSpelling, a tool for elementry kids to learn a their own speed https://ift.tt/3hRUyij May 25, 2021 at 02:26PM
Show HN: Send email via Amazon ses and Sendgrid from your Google Sheets https://ift.tt/3fgMRk4
Show HN: Send email via Amazon ses and Sendgrid from your Google Sheets https://ift.tt/3fkdwN2 May 25, 2021 at 12:14PM
Monday, May 24, 2021
Show HN: Colorado Excluded – Find companies that are avoiding hiring in Colorado https://ift.tt/34g2y4J
Show HN: Colorado Excluded – Find companies that are avoiding hiring in Colorado Over the weekend I threw together a quick website that takes user submissions for job listings for companies that are avoiding hiring in Colorado: https://ift.tt/3oJ7GYk Colorado recently passed a law that, amongst other things, requires that companies who are hiring remotely in Colorado to list a salary range for their positions. While I obviously can't make any guarantee that this is the reason, many companies have started listing job openings that are excluding any Colorado based applicants. You can find more information in the FAQ on the about page: https://ift.tt/3fFIldY May 24, 2021 at 06:25PM
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Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 nist.gov/nice/ccw What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...
Show HN: Dumbproxy – modern and simple HTTP(S) proxy https://ift.tt/3cVqvkq May 25, 2020 at 03:00AM
Show HN: A simple MSN Weather API wrapper https://ift.tt/3jeS0vi June 26, 2021 at 07:48AM
Join us in Observing Cybersecurity Career Week October 16-21, 2023 nist.gov/nice/ccw What is it? Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is a ca...